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The Barrister's Love in Town

Chatper 526
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Chapter 526 The First Encounter

The little girl wandered on the street, unsure where to find her daddy.

She sat on a bench by the roadside, waiting for her daddy for what felt like an eternity, but

he didn’t show up.

Suddenly, her stomach rumbled with hunger. Dulcie swallowed hard and spotted a

beautiful woman passing by. Upon gathering her courage, she approached her.

“Excuse me, Miss…”

The woman stopped and bent down to meet the gaze of the adorable little girl before her.

“What’s the matter?”

“I’m hungry. Can you help me find my daddy?”

Little did Dulcie know that the beautiful woman in front of her was her biological mother,


Casey looked around but didn’t see anyone who resembled the little girl’s parents. Could

she be lost?

Parents nowadays were really careless. How could they allow such a young child to

wander alone on the street?

Casey slowly squatted down and spoke gently, “Do you know where your home is or

perhaps your dad’s phone number? I can help you make a call.”

“I don’t know…”

“What should we do then? How about I take you to get something to eat first and then

take you to the police station? The police officers can help you find your parents. How

does that sound?” This was the best solution Casey could think of.

Dulcie’s eyes widened as she nodded. “Okay, I’m really hungry. I want to eat.”

“Alright, let’s go.” Casey stood up and reached out her hand to the little girl. Dulcie placed

her small hand in Casey’s palm.

The moment she held this little hand, Casey’s body involuntarily stiffened as if she had

been electrified.

It was strange…

It felt almost like fate, as if it was destined for her to meet this little girl.


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Casey shook her head with a smile, thinking that her maternal instincts were overflowing.

She did not even have a boyfriend, so where was all this motherly love coming from?

Without dwelling on it further, she led Dulcie by the hand, walking ahead, ready to find a

restaurant with child-friendly food.


The originally scheduled two-hour meeting had dragged on inside the company for three

hours due to constant arguments.

Simon was ready to return to the office as soon as he left the meeting room. He glanced at

his wristwatch and noticed it was already noon. That little one must be hungry; it was time

to take her out for lunch.

As Simon passed by the secretary’s office, he looked at the secretary, who was getting up,

and asked, “Has Dulcie come out?”

“No, I’ve been here the whole time and haven’t seen her come out,” the secretary replied.

Simon nodded and proceeded toward the office. The little girl seemed relatively well-

behaved today. At least she listened.

The man pushed open the office door, ready to show his fatherly tenderness. However, het

was surprised to find it empty.

Had she hidden somewhere?

Simon scoured the office but couldn’t find the small figure anywhere. He even checked the

lounge area in the back, but no one was there either.

Could this be what the secretary meant by not coming out? Did she jump out of the


Jump out of the window!

The man’s face instantly showed shock. He quickly walked to the window and found it

tightly closed. He was immediately relieved.

What was he thinking?

He must be going crazy.

Ever since this little one came into his life, he had felt a bit more anxious, something he

had never experienced before.

With anger, Simon left the office and headed toward the secretary area.


Upon seeing the president’s unpleasant expression, the secretary stood up in fear and

asked, “Mr. Lawrence, w-what’s wrong?”

“Where is she? I can’t even see a trace of her. Are you sure she never went out? Are you

sure you’ve been here the whole time?” Simon questioned.

“How is that possible? I have been here the whole time. I didn’t leave…” The secretary felt

wronged. She had been here the whole time, except for a brief bathroom break that took

less. than five minutes. Could it be that things went awry during that short period?

Simon sternly demanded, “Tell me the truth!”

“I really…”

Before the secretary could finish her sentence, the man roared, “How can the child

disappear without a trace? Did she vanish into thin air?”

“I… Mr. Symeon, I only went to the restroom for a few minutes. I don’t know if she left.

during that time,” the secretary explained.

Simon’s anger flared up instantly. He picked up his phone and dialed the bodyguard’s

number, ordering, “Check the surveillance. Dulcie is missing.”

After Casey finished lunch with Dulcie, she took her to the police station.

Initially, she planned to leave, but the moment she turned around and saw tears

streaming down the porcelain doll-like face, it was so pitiful that she couldn’t bear it..

When faced with the police’s questions, the poor little girl stuttered and didn’t know how

to answer, feeling helpless and desperate.

Casey empathized with her deeply. She recalled her own childhood when she had gone

missing, too. She was scared of the kind strangers who tried to help her, so she couldn’t

help. but cry endlessly. She wished she had someone to hold her back then, but she could

only hide in the corner and cry alone.

Eventually, unable to resist her compassion, she decided to stay, waiting until Dulcie’s dad

could be found.

The police tried to coax her with many snacks, asking for her home address, parents’

names, and phone numbers, but they couldn’t get any information from her.

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The police eventually gave up and decided to seek help online, asking the public to assist

in locating the child’s father.





“Don’t cry anymore, okay?” Casey consoled.

“Miss, I’m scared.” Dulcie whimpered, her lower lip quivering, her big, watery eyes

brimming with innocence, making her utterly adorable.

Casey gently wiped away her tears and said, “Don’t be afraid. Everything will be fine once

we find your dad. What about your mom?”

person and I

Dulcie lowered her head and confessed, “Daddy said that Mommy is a bad shouldn’t want

Mommy anymore. He said he would help me find a new mom and that we can meet her


With just a few simple sentences, Casey imagined a dramatic story of infidelity, divorce,

and a father taking away custody of the child, not allowing the child to see their mother. It

was so heart-wrenching.

Casey looked at Dulcie with deep sympathy and hugged her, saying, “Dulcie, you’ve been

through so much.”

These thoughts also led Casey to reminisce about her own biological family, where her

father had countless mistresses outside, and her stepmother took over, driving her mother

to commit suicide by jumping off a building.

These years, she had lived a miserable life under the oppression of her stepmother.

Now, she only hoped to find a job quickly, move out, and escape the family controlled by

her stepmother.

However, she was also unwilling to give in. Why should she simply surrender the family

her mother single-handedly built to the stepmother who replaced her?

The mere idea of Dulcie having a stepmother who would take her mother’s place and

endure a wretched existence like hers brought tears streaming uncontrollably down

Casey’s face.

“Miss, are you lost too? Why are you crying?” Dulcie asked with concern.

She remained silent, overwhelmed by the immense pity she felt for Dulcie, who had no

clue of the life that awaited her in the future.