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The Barrister's Love in Town

Chatper 521
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Chapter 521 Misunderstanding

Elias arrived at the club alone, seeking solace in alcohol to drown his sorrows. He couldn’t

comprehend why Amanda was always siding with that scoundrel.

What did that scoundrel do to influence Amanda like this? The Amanda that I know, the

one who used to only have eyes for me, is she gone?

He had never felt such a strong sense of crisis before as he felt threatened. Although he

despised Symeon’s actions, he had to admit that Symeon indeed had an irresistible

charm. when it came to women.

Symeon was every woman’s dream, whether in terms of his appearance or his


Elias poured himself another glass of alcohol and downed it in one gulp.

Glancing at his wristwatch, he noticed that it was almost midnight. Amanda hadn’t called

him once.

Haha… She’s truly heartless. If I don’t return home all night, will she not care at all?

After finishing an entire bottle of alcohol, he grew bored.

Elias stood up, swaying, and leaned against the wall as he left the private room. He

intended to go

home. Even if Amanda didn’t call him or come looking for him, he would still home.

He wanted to set an excellent example for Aiden and be a responsible father.


Just as he exited the club, he spotted a familiar figure but couldn’t recall where he had

seen. her before.

When the figure turned around and approached him, Elias finally got a clear look. It was

the woman he had rescued from Symeon earlier tonight. Carter, was it?

His vision was slightly blurred, and he was even seeing doubles. He shook his head.

vigorously to regain some clarity.

Suddenly, a gentle and clear female voice reached his ears. “Mr. Winters, it’s me, the one

you saved tonight. My name is Casey Carter. Thank you for rescuing me.”

Elias squinted his eyes and looked at the woman in front of him. “Didn’t I ask Yacob to

send you home? Why are you here?”

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“I… My friend asked me to bring her some clothes. Her clothes got stained from drinking.”




Just as Casey finished speaking. Elias suddenly grabbed her wrist. “You’ve arrived at the

perfect time. Go back with me and explain to her what really happened. She doesn’t


me at all.”


Casey was startled by the man’s sudden action, and then she examined his face up close,

feeling a bit shocked.

She couldn’t help but widen her eyes, and her eyelashes trembled.

The man’s face was truly captivating, and the pheromones emanating from him made her


“She doesn’t believe me at all. Doesn’t she know my character? How can she suspect me

of being interested in other women…”

Elias suddenly let out a self-deprecating laugh, as if mocking himself.

Casey began to understand the situation. So, he already has a girlfriend, and they even

had a fight. He came here to drown his sorrows in alcohol.

She really wanted to know what kind of woman could be so heartless as to make Elias so

sad. How could she bear to do it?

“Mr. Winters, I can go back with you to explain things, but I’m afraid your girlfriend will be

even angrier if she sees me.”

As a woman herself, Casey naturally understood a woman’s thoughts. Given the current

situation, if she really followed him back to explain things, it was likely that his girlfriend.

would fly into a rage.

Elias was too intoxicated to hear clearly what she was saying; he only knew that he

needed to take her back and clarify things with Amanda.

But after walking a few steps, he collapsed to the ground due to a headache, his brows.

furrowing in pain. Looking at the woman in front of him, he seemed to see Amanda’s face.

“Are you okay, Mr. Winters? What happened to you? Please don’t scare me!”

Casey was a little frightened when she saw the man suddenly collapsing on the ground.

There was no way she could lift the heavily intoxicated man by herself.

Elias reached out and caressed her cheek with his large palm, gently saying, “Don’t worry,

I’m fine. Stop being angry at me, please…”

After saying that, he was struck by another intense headache. The man groaned in pain





then completely lost consciousness.

“Mr. Winters! Wake up! Mr. Winters!”

No matter what Casey said, the man didn’t respond.

This time, she was truly frightened. It was the first time she had encountered such a

situation. Regardless, he was her savior, and she couldn’t simply leave him alone.

Amanda had a restless night. She had been awaiting the sound of Elias returning, but she

hadn’t heard anything throughout the night.

Great, just great. That despicable man actually had the audacity to stay out all night.

She decided to ignore the man for the next two weeks.

She stayed up the entire night. When she picked up her phone and took a glance at it,

there were no missed calls, and it was already six o’clock in the morning.

Why should I care about that despicable man? I need to get some rest, or I won’t have any

energy for the rest of the day.

Just as Amanda closed her eyes, she heard someone knock on the door.

“Mrs. Winters, Mrs. Winters, please open the door, something happened.”

Something happened?

Amanda instantly opened her eyes, threw off the blanket, and put on her slippers before.

rushing to the door.

The butler was standing outside the door in a panicked state. He said, “Bad news, Mrs.

Winters. The hospital called and said Mr. Winters fainted again due to a headache and was

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sent to the hospital. He is still unconscious and is expected to wake up around noon.”

“What? The hospital? Prepare the car for me. I’ll head to the hospital right away.”

“Mrs. Winters, please calm down. The hospital said Mr. Winters would wake up around

noon. I’ve asked the kitchen to prepare some soup. Once it’s ready, you should take it with

and let him drink it. From what I heard, Mr. Winters had too much to drink last night. and

almost suffered from gastrointestinal bleeding.”


Amanda froze at the mention of Elias drinking.

Could it be that he went drinking because he was in a bad mood after our argument?




Amanda felt guilty all of a sudden. If it weren’t for their argument, Elias wouldn’t have

consumed so much alcohol that he almost suffered from gastrointestinal bleeding and

ended up with a headache in the hospital.

It was all her fault. She was so blinded by rage that she failed to consider the

consequences. How could she forget that Elias had recently experienced a car accident,

and his body hadn’t fully recovered yet? And he still dared to drink alcohol.

Moreover, the doctor had repeatedly emphasized that Elias must maintain a positive mood

and avoid stress.

During their argument, she didn’t think about any of that.

Amanda returned to her room, consumed by self-blame. She had no knowledge of how

Elias had spent the night at the hospital, but she imagined it must have been excruciating

for him.

After freshening up in the bathroom and changing her clothes, Amanda patiently waited in

the kitchen. By the time the soup was ready, it was already approaching noon.

Once the soup was packed, she took it with her and made her way to the hospital.

When she arrived at the inpatient department, it took her a few minutes to locate the

ward where Elias was being cared for.

However, as soon as she pushed open the door, Amanda found herself frozen in place, her

gentle expression vanishing instantly.

This was because she caught sight of a kind-hearted woman tenderly tucking Elias into
