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The Barrister's Love in Town

Chapter 94
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Chapter 94 The Listening Device

+10 pearls

Before Yacob could get out of the car to open the door for Elias, the latter already pushed

the door open and walked toward the forest.

What is Amanda doing here? It’s getting dark.

Elias walked into the forest with questions in his mind. He began to look around for


“Mr. Winters!” Yacob tried to follow Elias. He didn’t dare to let Elias out of his sight even

for a


However, Elias coldly ordered, “Stay where you are. Don’t follow me.”

Yacob did not answer and did as was told. He didn’t try to move after Elias made his words


In the forest, Amanda had arrived at the crash site. The police had cleaned up the site, so

she couldn’t find anything useful around other than the marks the car left when it flipped


She knew something was wrong when she saw the crash site at first sight. Why did Elias

drive into the forest? How did the car flip over? It more or less has to do with the steering

wheel, which caused the driver to lose control over the direction. Was there something

wrong with the car? Knowing Elias, his luxury cars must go through regular car

maintenance. Such a fault is unlikely to happen unless somebody is behind

She remembered the call Grace had in the hospital. The other details also suggested that

the accident was planned.

I wish Elias was here. At least I can ask him what happened during the accident.

A man’s deep voice came from behind without a warning. “What are you doing?”

The unexpected voice startled her. Amanda turned around in the direction of the voice

with. widened eyes. She sighed in relief and patted her chest to soothe her heartbeat

when she found Elias standing there.

“You nearly scared me to death! Don’t come up behind me without making a sound!”

Elias took a few steps forward and stopped before her. “I wasn’t trying to hide the sound

of my footsteps when I walked here. It’s just that you’re preoccupied with your thoughts.”

His honesty left her speechless as she indeed wasn’t paying attention to her surroundings

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“What are you doing here?” Elias repeated.

Amanda tilted her chin at the area. “I came here to check on the site. By the way, I have a

question for you. What exactly happened that day? Why did you drive the car into the



Chapter 94 The Listening…

+10 pearls

Her question put a slight frown on his face. What made her start investigating the

accident? Does she know something?

“What did you find?”

“Oh. There’s nothing so far, but it gives me a strange feeling. After all, I know you’re a

skillful driver. Knowing you, you wouldn’t have driven off the road into the forest during a

rainy day.

Since Amanda hadn’t found solid evidence, she kept her answer vague.

“I lost control over the steering wheel that day, Elias mused out loud. When the accident

happened, he tried to grab the steering wheel, only to find he didn’t have control over it.

Therefore, his car ran straight into the forest. He couldn’t remember what happened


“I see. There’s one more thing. You studied computer science at university, right? I

remember that you invented a mini listening device in the past. Do you still have it? Did

you launch it into the


Amanda remembered finding out about the products Elias researched four years ago, and

it made him a genius in her mind. A listening device, which was as thin as paper, he was

developing four years ago came to her mind. She dared to call it the pinnacle of listening

devices. However, she no longer paid attention to its development, so she was wondering

if he had launched it into the market or not.

Elias was taken aback by her question. I didn’t expect her to remember it after all these


“No, I didn’t. It takes a high cost and a long time to complete, so Grandpa advised against

putting it on the market.”

“I see. Fine, then.” Amanda was disappointed to hear that. After all, she was somehow

fond of the product.

The disappointment on her face didn’t go unnoticed by him. He prompted, “Are you

interested in it? Even though it’s not in the market, I have a few samples with me.”

“Are you serious? Can I have one?”

“Who are you going to use the device on?” Elias squinted his eyes unhappily. Not only was

his curiosity bugging him, he felt jealousy rooted in his mind.

Who is the person that is worth Amanda’s attention?

An excuse occurred to her. “A lawyer always needs to gather evidence. I need to collect

the evidence for a case. Can I borrow the device from you?”

Even though her excuse didn’t convince Elias entirely, he decided to lend her the bug.

“Sure. You need my help to install it, though. Where are you going to install it? At home or

on a


Chapter 94 The Listening…

+10 pearls


“On a phone, obviously.”

Amanda planned to install the device on Grace’s phone, so she could learn whether the

woman was responsible for the accident or not..

“I left them at home. You have to come home with me to take it,” Elias explained in a low


“Lead the way.” Amanda gave him a curt answer. The reason for her urge to find out the

truth. remained unknown to herself.

Amanda returned to the manor with Elias.

The pair went into the study room. Elias took out the micro listening device before

reaching out his palm to her. “Give me the phone.”

“Sure!” She immediately gave him her phone.

The next moment, he brought her phone and the device to his computer before he

inserted a bunch of commands into the computer. He slowly began. “Now the device is

bound to your phone. You can stick it to the other phone. When the owner gets a call on

their phone, you’ll receive a notification on yours as well. From that time on, you can listen

to their conversation.”

Elias’ explanation was mesmerizing. She had to admit that he was a charismatic person.

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

Moreover, he was wealthy and talented. She could see why women threw themselves at


“I understand. Thank you.”

She took the listening device and studied it as if it was a treasure. He’s a genius to create

such an unassuming device. People would never catch it.

Elias studied her side profile and he couldn’t help but shoot her a question. “Who are you

intending to use it on? Is it a man or a woman?”

“A man” His curiosity would only get in her way. Therefore, Amanda gave him the opposite


It put a scowl between his brows. “A man?”

The words drove him mad. Is she tapping a man’s phone? Who is it? Is it Simon?

Amanda lowered her voice and whispered, “A female client of mine’s husband cheated on

her. She asked me to gather evidence of her husband’s affair. The bug will come in handy.”

Her words smoothened the creases between Elias’ brows and somehow eased his mind.


Chapter 94 The Listening…

+10 pearls

“Remember to tell me once you put the device on your target’s phone. I’ll turn on the

permission to tap their phone when they’re on a call.”

“No problem. I’ve got to go. And you’d best take care of yourself.”

After that, Amanda turned to leave.

At that moment, a thought occurred to her. She turned around to watch the man sitting

behind the desk. “Aren’t you supposed to stay in the hospital for recovery? Why did you

come back here?”

“It’s boring to stay in the hospital. It’s the same staying at home.”

“Sure, but don’t run around like that with an injury, alright? Your wound might reopen and

get an infection. With that final reminder, she finally left for the door.

Elias wanted to ask her to stay, but her receding figure sent a pang of pain through his


She’s a heartless and ungrateful woman.


The Lawyer’s Romance in …