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The Barrister's Love in Town

Chapter 93
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Chapter 93 A Test

The possibility occurred in Amanda’s mind and gave her goosebumps. She couldn’t help a


If my guesses are right, then Grace is a wolf in sheep’s clothing. Why did Grace do that?

Did she do it for Elias” attention? Is she trying to turn his head?

Lost in her thoughts, she wasn’t aware that the soup boiled over.

Simon heard the noise over the call, so he spoke up to remind her. “Amanda, are you

watching the pot? I can hear it boiling over.

His reminder snapped her out of her trance. “Ah! I’ve got to go. I almost ruined my food.


After hanging up the call, she turned off the stove and added some cold water to the pot

before pouring the noodles into a plate. However, her food was ruined and no longer


She had long lost the mood to make another meal for herself after the call. Besides, it was

almost time to meet up with her client.

Therefore, she returned upstairs to change her clothes and put on some light makeup.

After pac her things, she left home for the meeting place.

Amanda was meeting up with the client in Brownie Cafe.

She arrived early at the cafe. She chose somewhere conspicuous to sit so the client could

see her amon the guests.

And the seat itself allowed her to take her surroundings in. She found Grace sitting in the

corner at one glance.

What is she doing here?

A man in a strange outfit sat opposite Grace. He looked like a faceless person in the outfit

as it aimed to conceal his facial features. The black sunglasses, black mask, and black cap

made Amanda ponder.

Today’s a rainy day. Does he have to wear such outfits? He looks like a fugitive in them.

“Miss Bailey?” The arrival of her client interrupted her thoughts.

“Nice to meet you. I’m Amanda. Please take a seat.” She had no choice but to withdraw

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her gaze and focus on her work.

She spent the next hour talking to her client, not paying attention to what Grace was

doing in the corner.

After she finally saw her client off, she found that Grace was no longer sitting in the


Amanda purposely scanned her surroundings, looking for Grace. Is she gone? But I sit

facing the entrance the whole time. I should’ve seen her if she left earlier.

She walked over to the counter to pay her bills with a frown on her face.


Chapter 93 A Test

To her surprise, she saw Grace walking out of the washroom and was about to come

across her.

Grace was surprised to see Amanda in the cafe, but she refused to let it show on her face.

“Fancy meeting you here. Grace thought Amanda just arrived at the cafe. She didn’t think

Amanda had seen her meeting up with somebody.

Amanda’s reply was unrelated. “I thought you cared about Elias. He got in an accident.

Aren’t you supposed to look after him in the hospital?”

That’s uncharacteristic of her. She should’ve been around him all the time.

Amanda remembered Grace’s conversation with another person in the hospital that day. I

wonder if she’s responsible for the accident,

“TIl look after him without a doubt. I’m on my way now,” After that, Grace began to walk

toward the door.

Watching the woman walk over to the exit, Amanda slowly began, “How did you manage

to stay calm after learning that Elias got in an accident? Perhaps you have something to

do with the accident?”

Grace immediately stopped in her tracks at the words, a faint smile remaining on her face.

What does that mean? Has she discovered anything? How much does she know?

Grace didn’t dare to expose herself. After all, she couldn’t tell how much Amanda knew,

“Those are some strong words, Amanda. You’re accusing me of a crime. Are you implying

that 1 caused the accident? However, I heard from the butler that Elias was on his way to

see you before he got in the


Taking the preemptive approach, eh? She’s clever.

The feeling that Grace was responsible for the accident grew stronger within Amanda.

Grace doesn’t look as innocent as other people perceive her to be.

“Everyone agrees that your brother’s ghost comes back to haunt Elias. He specially chose

to strike on Elias’ birthday.” Amanda emphasized, gauging Grace’s reaction to the mention

of Yelan’s ghost.

Grace dismissed the claim with a chuckle. “You’re a lawyer. Amanda. You should know that

karma doesn’t exist. My brother is loyal to Elias and will remain so even after he passes

away. There’s no such thing as karma.”

Amanda began as if she was interrogating a suspect, “Why didn’t you celebrate Elias’

birthday with him? Knowing you, you must look forward to celebrating his birthday with


“Are you trying to make fun of me? I don’t want to look for him, only to watch him cook for


The mention of Elias’ birthday irritated Grace. At first, she didn’t plan to take such extreme


However, Elias disappointed her. Not only did he cook for Amanda, he even tried to go and

get her to celebrate his birthday with him.

Grace had been by his side during his birthday every year in the past. She supported him

with her mere existence without making his birthday a scene as she always knew that he

wasn’t a fan of his birthday.





Chapter 93 A Test

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To her surprise, Elias eventually got over the experience that bothered him for years. But

it was for Amanda’s sake instead of her.

+11 Bonus

Grace was green with envy and planned the accident as a result to teach Elias a lesson.

She wanted to remind him about Yelan’s death and his last words.

Amanda narrowed her eyes. “So, you did go to his place, or else you wouldn’t know he

cooked for me.”

“I-I learned it from the call. The butler told me!”

Grace was frustrated as she belatedly realized that she willingly jumped into the trap

Amanda set up for her. It has to stop now. I don’t want her to find out the truth.

“Forgive me, but I can’t stay for chit-chat. I’ve got things to do.”

After that, Grace turned around and left the cafe. As she spun around, blood drained from

her face. I’ve said too much. I hope I didn’t raise suspicion.

Amanda trailed behind Grace in leaving the cafe. She watched as the latter left in haste.

The sight confirmed her guess. She’s somewhat related to the accident.

Pursing her lips into a thin line, Amanda headed to the parking lot. She started the car,

about to head out to the crash site again.

The bad weather during the accident deprived her of the opportunity to look up details at

the crash site.

Elias eventually gave in to Yacob’s reminder and visited the hospital even if he wasn’t

pleased about it Once the doctor guaranteed that Elias was fine, Yacob finally sent him

back to the manor.

Elias was quietly sulking in his mind on their way back to the manor. His gloomy

expression indicated that he wasn’t happy-

Yacob kept his eyes on the road without trying to initiate a conversation. Suddenly, a car

parked on the roadside caught his eye. Even more, it parked near the crash site.

Yacob took his time to study the situation before he brought it up to Elias. That is Miss

Bailey’s car. I wonder why she’s here.”

A glint of anticipation flashed across Elias’ dark eyes at the mention of Amanda. He

lowered the window and looked out the car. As expected, he saw Amanda’s car.

“Stop the car here.”

Yacob parked the car on the roadside as told.
