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The Barrister's Love in Town

Chapter 75
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Chapter 75 Parent-child Sports Event

+15 Bonus

Amanda’s gaze fell to the floor as she stole a glance at her son, who sat peacefully

drinking milk from his bottle. With a wistful smile, she addressed Simon over the phone.

“Simon, it’s not right to deceive Miss Gowen. If there’s genuine affection between you two,

let fate take its course.”

Before Simon could utter a word in response, she abruptly ended the call, denying him the

opportunity to explain himself further.


She then turned her attention back to Aiden, cradling his bottle, and inquired, “What’s the


“Why can’t you be kinder to Uncle Simon?” He defended his favorite stepdad candidate,

and his voice tinged with indignation. He genuinely believed that Simon was a good


“Since when am I not kind? Finish your milk quickly, and then we’ll take a bath and go to

sleep. It’s been too long since you’ve been to kindergarten.”

She then urged her son to finish his milk promptly.

As Aiden continued to sip his milk, he suddenly let out a frustrated huff and tossed the

bottle aside. “I was just telling Uncle Simon about the parent-child sports event at

kindergarten tomorrow. I wanted him to come with us, Mommy.”

Parent-child sports event….

Amanda feigned a light-hearted tone as she wanted to spare her son any disappointment.

“Don’t worry. Mommy will be right there with you. It’s a fun event where parents and

children team up. And let me tell you. Mommy’s got some serious athletic skills!”

However, he responded with a knowing look, challenging her words. “Mommy, you always

say lying is bad. It makes your nose grow longer, remember?”

She was left speechless and let out a bittersweet chuckle. “Mommy doesn’t lie. Just wait

and see tomorrow. I will surprise you, I promise.”

In truth, her athletic abilities were far from impressive. Physical education had always

been a struggle for her during school days. However, how challenging could the sports

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activities at the kindergarten be? She clung to a glimmer of confidence, hoping to prove


Aiden paid no heed to her words, swiftly finishing his milk and urging her toward the

bathroom. “All done. Let’s go take a bath!” Without waiting for her, he darted into the

bathroom, his excitement palpable.

Left alone in the hallway, Amanda could not help but smile at her son’s spirited demeanor.

He just doesn’t believe me, does he?

Inside the bathroom, he played with the bubbles in the bathtub, his mind preoccupied with

thoughts of the upcoming parent-child sports event. Worry etched onto his little face,

reflecting the weight of his anticipation.

Observing his demeanor, she leaned against the doorway, her smile taking on a playful

edge. “What’s on your mind? Always trying to act like a grown-up.”


Chapter 75 Parent-child Sports Event

+15 Bonus

“Mommy, will all the other kids’ mommies and daddies come to the parent-child sports

event tomorrow?” His question pierced through the air, and his voice tinged with a mix of

hope and uncertainty.

The question struck a chord within Amanda, erasing the playfulness from her face.

Nodding gently, she replied, “Most likely..”

His gloom deepened as he stared down at the toy in his hands, lost in his thoughts.

Witnessing his despondency, she felt her heart sinking in tandem. A sudden realization

washed over her. Am I being too selfish?Does he honestly need his father’s presence?

Growing up with only a mother, will he lack the influence of masculinity he yearned for?

Moreover, he longed for paternal love. The envy in his eyes when he saw other children

calling out for their dads tore at her heartstrings.

Should she reveal the truth to Elias, acknowledge their child, and let him know about

Aiden’s existence?

Her mind was in a dilemma, Uncertainty loomed over her, leaving her at a loss for what

she could d

There would be many more occasions like parent-child sports day in the future. Could she

continu fake her way through each one of them?

“Baby, do you wish you had a daddy?” She gently touched Aiden’s head.

He nodded. “Yes. Why does everyone else have a daddy except me?”

His words pierced through her heart once again, stirring a painful ache within her. Yes.

Why does every oth child have a father while mine doesn’t?

The belief that she could raise Aiden on her own, without the presence of a man, was

beginning to crumble before her eyes.

The next morning, Amanda arrived at the kindergarten with Aiden, prepared to participate

in the parent- child sports event. As expected, all the children were accompanied by their

parents, with only a few grandparents in attendance. She was the only single parent there.

She was taken aback, grappling with a mix of emotions that rendered her speechless. Was

she the sole divorcee in this vast kindergarten, or was it merely an unfortunate


“Mommy…” Aiden suddenly seemed insecure, tightly holding onto his mother’s hand.

It was then Amanda understood how he felt in these situations. It must have been

awkward every time, yet there was nothing he could do.

“Aiden, cheer up!”

“Mommy, I want to go home. Let’s not participate in the sports event. It’s not fun anyway.

He was already starting to show avoidant behavior.

Her heart skipped a beat, her concern deepening. Why is he starting to withdraw from

such occasions? Will this pattern impact his developing psyche?”

Just when she found herself at a loss for words, a familiar male voice, laced with genuine

remorse, emerged behind them. “Aiden, Amanda, I apologize for being late.”


Chapter 75 Parent-child Sports Event

15 Bonus

That voice! It’s Simon!

Both she and Aiden turned to face the unexpected source of the voice-Simon. She had not

anticipated his presence.

Aiden’s face transformed, a radiant smile replacing his earlier insecurity. Releasing his

mother’s hand, he darted toward Simon, his excitement evident.

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This ungrateful little guy. She worried for nothing.

Simon swept Aiden into his arms, closing the distance between them and Amanda. “There

was traffic on the way, so I got delayed. Hasn’t it started yet?”

“Not yet. I think it’ll be another half an hour.” Although she did not want to trouble him,

she had to admit that he arrived just in time to save the situation.

Aiden seemed to regain his confidence instantly. He jumped down from Simon’s arms and

started showing off to the other children.

Amanda could not help but sigh. It seemed that children understood more than adults

imagined and also had a sense of pride.

The little rascal seemed proud, holding onto both her and Simon’s hands, looking like the

happiest kid in the world.

A whirlwind of emotions stirred within her, defying description and leaving her at a loss for


Following a morning filled with the parent-child sports event, Amanda found herself utterly

drained. She had underestimated the physical activities at the kindergarten.

At noon, Simon whisked them to a charming restaurant, where they settled at a cozy table

by the window. Aiden’s face radiated uncontainable joy, his excitement palpable

throughout the entire morning.

Meanwhile, a Rolls-Royce slowly stopped at a traffic light intersection on the bustling


Grace insisted on being discharged from the hospital today, so Elias had no choice but to

drive her home. As their car happened to stop at the intersection outside the restaurant,

she caught a glimpse of the harmonious and blissful scene through the window display.

Intentionally, she pointed it out to him and said, “Elias, is that Amanda? She looks

familiar… Who is the man and the child with her? I can’t see it clearly.”

Upon hearing her, he immediately turned and looked over, confirming it was indeed

Amanda. As for the man and the child next to her, there was no need to guess-it was

undoubtedly Simon and his son.

In the next second, the man muttered, “F*ck!”

He angrily slammed his hand on the steering wheel. Witnessing this scene, he felt his

anger welling up, but he was unable to stop it.
