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The Barrister's Love in Town

Chapter 74
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Chapter 74 The Pain in Elias’ Heart

+15 Bonus

Amanda had initially not wanted to ask, but Yacob’s words sparked her curiosity. “May I

ask how Grace’s brother died? How gruesome was it, exactly? Of course, if it’s

inconvenient for you to talk about it, forget what I asked.”

She was not intentionally prying into someone’s privacy; she was simply curious. Yacob

seemed reluctant to bring it up, so she decided not to push further and prepared to turn

around and get some more sleep. After all, she could not leave anyway.

Suddenly, his voice sounded behind her..

“When Mr. Jensly Winters’ enemy wanted to kidnap Mr. Winters, and we were living in

constant danger. Mr. Jensly came up with a plan for Yelan to disguise himself as Mr.

Winters, to become his substitute until the officers captured that deranged enemy. But…”

Amanda stopped in her tracks, slowly turning her body and continuing his words, “But

before the officers. could catch the culprit, Yelan was kidnapped and treated as Mr. Jensly’s

son. He suffered unimaginable torture, didn’t he?”

He nodded, and her expression became somewhat sorrowful.

“It was more than just torture; it was a level of cruelty beyond imagination. By the time we

arrived, he had been broken beyond recognition. His fingers were cut off, both feet

severed. His eyeballs were gouged out, and his ears were sliced off. He was barely clinging

to life, waiting for Mr. Winters to come, hoping to entrust his sister to him for care…

Amanda could not help but cover her mouth, her eyes filled with horror. Just hearing these

descriptions was so painful that she could not help but feel like crying. How did Yelan

endure until they arrived? It’s so tragic…..

Yacob forced a bitter smile. That’s why Mr. Winters feels indebted to Yelan. During that

time, Mr. Winters often had nightmares. That’s why he tries to make it up to Grace for

everything because it was truly horrifying…

She seemed to have a faint understanding of the pain in Elias’ heart.

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He continued, “Because of Yelan, Mr. Winters has a strained relationship with his parents.

He believes that his father’s decision led to Yelan’s demise, and he doesn’t even consider

Yelan’s life as a human life.”

Amanda fell silent.

Indeed, it seemed that way. To be so ruthless, there had to be deep-rooted hatred.

Now that she had thought about it, she had not met his parents and had only seen his

grandfather since she and Elias married.

“By the way, I don’t think I’ve seen my parents-in-law since entering the Winters Family.

Only his grandfather has been with him all along. Where are his parents?”

This topic made Yacob fall silent for a long time, and he said, “You should save this

question for Mr. Winters in the future. We’re not at liberty to disclose that.”


Chapter 74 The Pain in Elias’ Heart

Is there some earth-shattering secret hidden within again?

It was almost dark when Elias finally returned.

+15 Bonus

Amanda had been confined to the bedroom all day, not stepping outside for a moment.

The servants would bring her meals when it was time to eat. The moment the bedroom

door flung open, she thought she was phantom listening.

Until she saw his figure, she sat up in surprise from the bed. “You’re finally back. Can I

leave now?”

She stood up without a word and attempted to leave. As she passed by the man, he

grabbed her arm firmly. “Don’t you have any questions for me?” he asked.

“Questions?” She looked puzzled but soon understood his meaning.

“Oh… I’ve already figured it out. There’s no need to ask. Grace couldn’t bear the blow of

being abandoned by you, so she attempted suicide by cutting her wrist. By the way, how

is she? Is she okay?”

Her sincere concern for Grace’s well-being made the man furrow his brow. “You care about

her life and death?”

Amanda burst into laughter as she was unable to contain herself. “Even if I dislike her, I

wouldn’t wish for her to lose her life. It’s a matter of life and death, not to be taken


The man fell silent for two seconds. “She’s fine. She’s under observation in the hospital.

She’ll probably have to stay there for a few days.”

“Alright, then. Take good care of her,” she said, ready to leave. However, the man still held

onto her.

Amanda gazed down at her wrist tightly grasped by him. “Is there something else? You’ve

kept me here the whole day. What more do you want?”

“Do you not want to see me? Does every second you spend with me suffocate you?”

He had kept her with him the entire day but had not even seen her once. Every time she

saw him, she wanted to leave without hesitation or reluctance.

“Yes! I don’t want to see you at all. I don’t want to spend even a second with you. Are you

satisfied now?” She forcefully shook off his hand and turned around, leaving the bedroom

without looking back.

This time, Elias did not try to restrain her. Instead, he let her go. Watching as the door

slammed shut, he felt like his world had also plunged into darkness.

He walked over to the soft, fluffy bed and collapsed onto it heavily. As he closed his eyes,

the horrific image of Yelan’s final moments kept haunting his mind, refusing to fade away.

It was a constant reminder that taking care of Grace was his responsibility, one he could

not escape.

At Galaxy Bay

After returning home, Amanda quickly rushed upstairs to check on her baby. She

discovered that Aiden, that little rascal, was secretly making a call to Simon again. Why

can’t this little rascal let go of him?

Feeling helpless, she went downstairs to prepare milk for him. When she saw the

bodyguard sitting on the couch in the living room, she instantly felt a sense of security. He

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was provided by Elias for her use.


Chapter 74 The Pain in Elias’ Heart

She had only borrowed the bodyguard from him for a week. After that, she would have to

find her bodyguard to protect Aiden.

“Um, you can go upstairs and choose a guest room to sleep in tonight,” she awkwardly

said to the bodyguard in the living room.

+15 Bonus

The bodyguard replied. “It’s not necessary, Miss Bailey. I can sleep on the couch in the

living room at night. It’s convenient for me to keep an eye on the surroundings and protect

you all.”

“Alright, then. Thank you for your hard work. I’ll find a suitable bodyguard as soon as

possible, and you can be free to leave.”

The bodyguard did not say anything and just nodded. Of course, he wanted to return to

Elias’ side as soon as possible. After all, he was employed by the Winters Family.

Back in her room, Amanda discovered that Aiden was still on the phone. She walked over

with the milk bottle, forcefully put it in his mouth, and snatched the phone from his ear.

“You should accompany Miss Gowen properly at the hospital. Kids don’t understand things

and shouldn’t bother you. I apologize on his behalf.”

Just as she was about to hang up, she heard Simon’s voice from the other end of the line.

“Wait, don’t hang up!”

“Do you have anything else to say?”

“Amanda, Lunabelle spilled wine on you without knowing, and I’ve already explained it to

her. She understands everything now.”

She responded, “So what? Are you going to defend her against Elias? Don’t worry. I won’t


“No, that’s not what I meant. I just want to say that there are misunderstandings among

the three of us that need to be cleared up.”