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The Barrister's Love in Town

Chapter 29
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Chapter 29 An Awkward Dinner

Later, Amanda returned warily to Lotus Waterfront and found Colette making dinner while

Aiden’s chirps came from inside the bedroom.

He seemed to be on the phone with Simon again.

Why does this little brat call Simon whenever he gets the chance?

At that, she tip-toed to the doorway and quietly pushed the door open, only to find the

little one giggling over the phone.

She leaned closer, wanting to hear what the two were talking about.

“Will you really be coming back the day after tomorrow, Mr. Simon? You’re not lying to me,

are you? Why didn’t Mommy tell me anything about it?”

“Really. Maybe she wants to give you a surprise.”

“Wow! What a surprise! Will you treat me to yummy food when you come back, Mr.

Simon? Mommy won’t let me eat any of them. Hmph!”

“Sure thing. Your mommy and I will take you out for yummy food. You can eat whatever

you like; I’ll back you up.”

“Yay! Thank you, Mr. Simon!”

After hearing their conversation, Amanda had to admit that Simon had a way of coaxing a

child despite never having been a dad himself. How does he have so much experience? Is

he gifted at it?

With that, she entered the bedroom and deliberately cleared her throat.

Instantly, Aiden jumped out of bed like a startled bunny and said to Simon, “Mommy’s

home! She doesn’t like it when I interrupt your work. I’ll see you in two days, Mr. Simon.


At that, the boy speedily hung up and chucked the phone to the armchair aside.

“Mommy, I’ve only talked to Mr. Simon for a few minutes. I definitely didn’t interrupt his

work. I called during his break,” Aiden explained solemnly with eyes filled with innocence.

“Really? How do you know that he’s on a break?” Amanda feigned sternness.

“I calculated it. The time difference between here and Esmos is such that it’s Mr. Simon’s

break time now,” said the little one as he calculated with his tiny hands. It seemed that he

had indeed taken a lot of time to get to the result.

Tsk… This little devil is quite smart.

At that, she ruffled his hair and sighed. “Do you like Simon that much?”

“Of course!” Aiden looked up at his mother with twinkling eyes, thinking she was finally

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struck with an epiphany. “I’ve done the calculations, Mommy. Mr. Simon suits you very

well. He’s the epitome of a perfect man!”

Amanda was rendered speechless. Perfect man? Where did this child learn all of that


“Alright, enough playing. Just look at the time. Go wash up and go to bed now!” She

turned the boy’s tiny body around and led him to the bathroom.

However, Aiden was still going at it. “Mommy, you really have to think about it! A fine man

like Mr. Simon is very popular with the ladies. You’ll be doomed if someone else gets to

him first!” he said over his shoulder.

“And how will I be doomed? There are plenty of men in this world.”

“But none of them are Mr. Simon! They’re different. Different, I tell you!”

Amanda had no comeback to that. Suddenly, it hit her that her little boy had grown up and

was beginning to develop his own ideas. He could no longer be deceived so easily.

Very quickly, it came the day Simon returned to the country. After work, Amanda went to

the airport to pick him up before heading to Winters Manor for dinner.

She needed to quickly stop Howard from arranging further blind dates for her.

Amanda waited at the airport exit for a long time until she finally saw Simon approaching

her with a luggage cart. He had a handsome face with a gentle smile. He wore a beige

windbreaker. standing tall and elegant like a noble gentleman. As Aiden put it, he was the

epitome of a perfect


“Have you been waiting for long. Amanda?” he asked gently, to which Amanda shook her

head. “I just got here too.”

“Why didn’t you bring Aiden along? I thought you two were supposed to welcome me



She felt a little embarrassed and didn’t know how to put it to him.

Simon, too, noticed her discomfort and couldn’t help asking, “What’s wrong? Has

something happened?”

“Can you do me a favor tonight? It’s really urgent and I can’t find anyone suitable, so…”

“What is it?” Simon turned solemn at once, thinking Amanda had encountered great


At that, she smiled awkwardly and rubbed her wristwatch while stuttering. “Well, can

you… maybe… pretend to be my boyfriend for the night? To get through this situation I’m


Pretend to be your boyfriend? Surprise overcame Simon before a chuckle escaped him.

“Sure thing. It’s not a problem.”

“Don’t you want to know why I need you to be my boyfriend?” She looked up in


“You must have your reasons. I’d like to hear it out if you’re willing to share, but it’s fine if



Amanda was touched. Simon really was gentle and considerate. He would certainly be a

perfect husband who doted on his wife and children.

But the next second, insecurity washed over her again. I guess I don’t deserve him.

Whatever. Enough overthinking, Bailey.

“Thank you so much, Boss! I shall work hard to repay you.” Amanda would take up more

cases for Simon while she was still in the country and make some achievements to repay


“Sure.” Simon chuckled. “You’re the kind of employee I need.”

At that, the two exchanged a smile.

With that, Amanda drove them to the Winters Manor, where Howard was pacing around

anxiously like an ant on a hot griddle.

Inside the Winters Manor, Howard paced back and forth anxiously, still having trouble

coming to terms with the fact that Amanda already had a boyfriend.

Has Amanda really gotten a boyfriend? He wished she didn’t and that she wouldn’t come

over. That way, Elias would still have a chance.

But what would he do if Amanda came over with her boyfriend? That would mean the

chances of Elias and Amanda ever remarrying would be completely gone.

Just then, the butler approached Howard. “Old Mr. Winters, Miss Bailey has arrived. She

has brought a man over, and the way I see it…”

“What did you see? Tell me!” Howard felt nervous and uncomfortable. It was like a

massive boulder was weighing down on him.

“They look like a pretty good match and very much in love too…” the butler revealed,

disheartening Howard as the latter slumped onto the couch like a deflated balloon.

“Grandpa. I’m here!” Amanda and Simon arrived in the living room to find a devastated

Howard, who looked toward them in response, only to resign completely after seeing

Simon for himself.

“Oh, Amanda…. Is this… your boyfriend?” Howard asked as he slowly got up. The longer

he sized the young man up, the more heartbroken he was, for Simon didn’t appear any

lesser than Elias in terms of appearance.

It was completely reasonable that Amanda would fall for a man like him.

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“Hello, sir. I’m Simon Nicholson of Justice & Associates. I work alongside Amanda.” Simon

introduced himself politely, briefly, and modestly, and Amanda couldn’t help but add,

“He’s one of the founders of our law firm too, Grandpa. I guess you can say he’s my boss.”

Howard chuckled wryly in response and felt a heart attack coming on, for the two

genuinely looked perfect together.

“Come, let’s go to the dining room. I’ve got dinner ready for you guys.”

“Thank you, Grandpa!” Amanda even took the initiative to wrap her arms around Simon’s

while he smiled gently at her.

Naturally, Howard’s blood pressure skyrocketed when he saw their interaction.

After everyone had taken their seats at the dining table, the servants brought out the


Just then, the butler approached Howard again. “Old Mr. Winters, Mr. Elias and Miss

Murphy have arrived.”

As if showing up now can salvage anything! Howard sighed glumly. That b*stard rascal

ultimately pushed Amanda to another man!

“Sure. Whatever.” The elder wasn’t even in the mood to talk anymore. He just wanted to

finish this dinner quickly so that everyone would go home. Just looking at Simon made him


Meanwhile, Amanda frowned. Elias has come too? What is he doing here?

Just then, footsteps were heard approaching, and Elias and Grace showed up in the dining

room to instantly find Simon, who sat next to Amanda.

For a moment, an inexplicable aura filled the space.

“So, this is your boyfriend?” Elias asked as he sized Simon up with squinted eyes that

exuded intimidation.

“Yeah. This is Simon Nicholson.”

“Hello. Simon dipped his head calmly at Elias, who eventually sat across from Amanda.

Grace, too, followed Elias, and the servants added another set of cutleries.

“I wonder what your job is, Mr. Nicholson?” Elias asked with his gaze boring into Simon.

Simon’s gaze bore into Elias as well, and the intense stare-off was like a silent


“Justice & Associates.” Simon smiled. “I’m a lawyer too.”

“Oh…” Elias sneered, seemingly disdainful, and it pissed Amanda off. “He’s my boss, one

of the founders of Justice & Associates,” she retorted.

Justice & Associates was one of the top law firms in the country, and Simon had won many

awards from the Monterrey Lawyer Association, far surpassing Elias, a libertine scion.

“So what?” Elias asked with a slightly quirked brow, unimpressed.