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The Barrister's Love in Town

Chapter 28
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Chapter 28 1 Already Have a Boyfriend! He’ll Be Returning in Two Days!

Anger consumed Elias after the call ended and he immediately got up to leave.

“Elias, where are you going? Didn’t we agree to have dinner together?” Grace couldn’t

help asking.

“My grandfather’s forcing Amanda into another blind date. I’m going to check it out. You

go ahead and cat. I’ll come back as soon as I’m done.”

With that, he left without looking back.

What? He did not just leave me here! We have already agreed on having dinner together!

Amanda Bailey, it’s you again! Grace sank her nails deep into her palms. You’d better not

be doing this on purpose!

At that, she grabbed her bag and chased after Elias. “Elias, wait! I’m coming with


At the same time, inside the car. Howard sat in the back seat with his eyes closed as he

rested. The bodyguard in front turned to him after making the call. “Mr. Elias sounded

pretty agitated over the phone.”

“Good!” Howard guffawed. “Let’s put on a good show tonight and let them realize their

feelings. for each other.”

The elderly man refused to believe Amanda had moved on. No way would the girl stop

loving Elias just like that!

Soon, the car slowly came to a halt in front of a corporate building. One of the offices

inside was the law firm Amanda worked for.

Howard had long monitored everything and knew Amanda would be coming out soon.

Sure enough, the young woman came out of the lobby and headed toward the parking lot

as soon. as Howard’s car pulled up.

On the other hand, Amanda found Howard coming out of the vehicle right as she came out

of the building.

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No way! She widened her eyes in shock. What is Grandpa doing here? Is he coming toward


“Amanda!” Howard called out with a chuckle, and Amanda replied with an awkward smile.

“What are you doing here, Grandpa?”

I’m worried for you, of course. I heard your date with Brooklyn in the morning was a no-

go,” Howard commented with feigned innocence. Even the bodyguard was wholly

impressed. You have to hand it to Old Mr. Winters for coming up with such believable


The night breeze blew gently, tousling Amanda’s soft long curls, yet it couldn’t conceal the

embarrassment on her cheeks.

“Grandpa… you can’t force love…”

“I know, and that’s okay. I have plenty of fine young men on my list. You’ve gotten off

work now, haven’t you? I’ll take you to another one. I promise you this one will be a


Again? Amanda felt distressed. Goodness! Somebody save me! Why do I have to go on

another blind date?

“Grandpa, please spare me…” She was genuinely on the verge of begging.

Just then, another luxury car pulled up nearby, and one glance was all it took for Howard

to know it was Elias’ car.

Sure enough, Elias slammed the car door shut and strode over angrily, with Grace

following right


“Just what are you trying, forcing Amanda into another blind date, Grandpa?” Elias raged.

“Will it please you more if she marries right here and now?!”

Of course, Howard was pleased to see his grandson infuriated. However, when he saw

Grace standing behind Elias, he snorted disdainfully. “What’s it to you? I didn’t force you

into a blind date, did 1? I just don’t want to see Amanda live out her life alone. What’s

more, you’re such an irresponsible man-

“Grandpa, please don’t talk about Elias like that, Grace interjected in a whisper. “He has

his reasons. Love isn’t something that can be forced.”

“Shut up! You have no right to speak here!” Howard roared angrily, and Grace shut up at

once. After all, the elder never liked her.

“Please watch your attitude, Grandpa!”

“If you have a problem with my attitude, take this clown away with you! I didn’t beg you to

come here!” Howard was vexed at this point, and seeing his grandson and Grace together

made him feel uncomfortable all over.

“Grandpa…” Tears pooled aggrievedly in Grace’s eyes, and she looked piteous.

Amanda, on the other hand, thought her head was going to explode. How did the

Winterses end up arguing again?

“Grandpa, stop it! That’s enough!” Amanda finally spoke up. “I already have a boyfriend,

and he’ll be coming back in two days. I’ll bring him over for dinner the night he returns if

you don’t believe me!”

At that, the entire world fell into silence, and Elias and Howard both stared silently at her

for what felt like a century.

Amanda, on the other hand, felt as though a weight had been lifted off her shoulders.

It looks like I really need Simon’s help, or the blind dates will never end! Then again, why

have these two frozen over?

“Grandpa? Why aren’t you saying anything?”

At that, Howard shifted his cane and asked, “Didn’t you say he’s busy with work overseas?

How come he’s coming back in two days? You’re not lying to me, are you? You’re never

one to lie!”

A hint of guilt arose within Amanda at once, but this was her last resort. She would not be

able to stand it if Howard were to force her into a series of blind dates.

“I swear I’m not lying to you, Grandpa. His flight will land the night after tomorrow. I’ll

bring him to you then. How about that?”

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However, Howard didn’t believe her at all. “Very well, then. Bring your so-called boyfriend

over to my place the day after tomorrow. I’d like to see who you have gotten as a

boyfriend! I will know if he’s just an actor. Don’t think you can fool me.”

With that, the elder turned to his vehicle.

Just then, Elias let out a disdainful sneer before mocking. “You really spare yourself no

mercy. Whom do you plan on bringing to be your actor?”

“What’s it to you? Am I not allowed to have a boyfriend?!” Amanda snorted, then headed

toward the parking lot, leaving Elias behind to fall into a deep thought as he watched her

retreating figure.

Is she telling the truth? No… That’s impossible! There’s no way she will have found a man

in just a few days!

“Elias, maybe Amanda has really gotten herself a boyfriend. After all, she is a bombshell

and a lawyer at that. She has many chances to interact with the rich and powerful. Who

knows, someone might have wooed her.” Of course, Grace wanted nothing more than for

Amanda to get herself a boyfriend and stay far away from Elias, whose dashing face was

currently enveloped in grimness, growing increasingly upset at Grace’s words.

Amanda was indeed a bombshell. In fact, she could survive in the entertainment industry

with just her looks alone, and she would have a better chance of becoming popular than



“Elias…” His exasperation startled Grace. Does it upset him so much to hear Amanda

being wooed by other men?

“Are you still hungry? Let’s go back to the restaurant,” Elias muttered as he headed back

to his car.

Grace, on the other hand, fell silent for a few seconds before catching up to Elias.

However, her sense of crisis was growing stronger by the day, as she was certain Elias still

had feelings for Amanda.