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The Alpha's Slave Mate

Chapter 58
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Book 2 Chapter 6
Daphne’s Point of View
It had been a few days since the encounter I had with Caleb in the kitchen. I know that pushing him away hurt him emotionally,
but I am just not ready to be physical again with him. It is not that I do not desire him, his very touch sends. delicious tendrils of
joy throughout my
body. I am just fearful of getting pregnant again. As much as I have been trying to act like it has not bothered me, the truth is
glaringly obvious that I am still healing. Scarlett has suggested seeking a counselor, but I do not know if I am ready to open up to
anyone about how I am
truly feeling.
It all comes down to the fact that I feel
like I am not only failing Caleb, but that I
am failing my pack as well. I never really
believed that I was Luna material. I was raised as a slave, and it even took me awhile to accept that I was Caleb’s fated mate.
Compared to wolves like Scarlett, Hannah, or just about any other she wolf I find myself inferior.
Even coming to this pack there was so much about my own heritage that I did not know about. Hannah had to explain the mating
ceremony to me. Theo had to teach me about our history. Knowing now how much I was deprived of as a pup
makes me angry at my parents still, even though they have both passed.
I believe that is one of the reasons why I
have taken on my newest role of helping

train the wolves in our pack that have
peculiar talents. When it comes to this, I
do not feel like I am trailing behind,

because no one truly knows how or why
our pack has been affected like this. When
it comes to this subject, I am not inferior,
if anything these past few weeks have almost made me more knowledgeable
about us than even Theo can was able to
Sighing I sit back in the office chair at the training center. I have completely taken over one of the older offices as my personal
study. I have charts on the wall detailing each wolves’ talents, and what
we have discovered about them for sure.
On another wall I have a list of possible theories as to why members of our pack have been affected. I have organized
Theo’s notes, and a few that Caleb took. I have my personal notebook that has a section for each wolf and what we
accomplish during training
Tonight, I had prepared a few more samples to send off to the University lab. One of the theories of our evolution is the land
itself. This batch makes the last of the possible soil tests that can be run. So
far, we have ruled out anything chemically, or biohazardous in the soil.
This last batch of soil samples will be
tested for higher than normal minerals
and nutrients.

Caleb has meetings with a few
neighboring packs coming up. I am hoping to get to speak with a few of the attending Luna’s to try to decipher if they have any
wolves with peculiar talents among them. Caleb and Theo are

determined that we are the only pack, but
I do not see how that is possible. I am not
even from this pack originally, and yet I
have a peculiar talent.
Deciding that there is nothing else I can
do for the night I stand and stretch my sore muscle, as a whimper comes from
my wolf. I have not let her out to run
since I lost the pup, and I know that she
feels caged. Glancing at the clock I can see that it is well past dinner time. Sorry girl I
internally whisper, not going to be able to
run tonight. I hurry and close up the training center before jogging home.
Sneaking in the house, I head towards the kitchen. I decide to grab a quick bagel before heading up to bed. It only takes a few
minutes to have the bagel toasted and smothered in cream cheese. I eat it while I tidy up the things I took out of the
cupboards and nibble the last bit of it as I head up the stairs to bed.
Stealthily slipping into the room I can see that Caleb is already slumbering. My
heart aches a little as I watch the
moonlight softly caress his skin. Subconsciously I recognize that I have been avoiding him. He does not deserve that kind of
treatment from me. Perhaps Scarlett is right and I should speak to someone professionally. As I slip on my night clothes, I make
a vow to call the
pack doctor tomorrow and seek their

opinions. I slip into bed beside Caleb and softly kiss his forehead. I love him more than words can express, and I know that he
has kept his space for my benefit. I can feel the hurt through our bond though, and I do not want to be the cause of his
pain. I try to clear my head and drift off to sleep, but I know that my mind is restless.