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The Alpha's Slave Mate

Chapter 57
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Book 2 Chapter 5
Caleb’s Point of View
I had hoped that life would settle down. and that there would be some return to normalcy after everything we went through this
last year, but life seems to be throwing curve balls our way in rapid pace. Sighing I finally give up on trying to understand the
food store ledgers in front of me and lean back in my office chair to reflect on everything that has happened. In the last year I
finally found my mate, which stopped me from going feral but that came with complications. Daphne had been used as a slave.
She had been abused, and because she was not allowed to have a normal life growing up she was severely behind in her
knowledge of Lycans. Not the best position for her
considering she was mated to an Alpha.
Thankfully, my mate is quick witted and determined and with Theo’s help she has
learned a vast amount and taken her
place at my side as the Luna. On top of
that Daphne was reunited with her sister. Our mating ceremony was a nightmare. that almost resulted in a mass war. Then
it was discovered in the aftermath that Theo and Scarlett were second chance.
mates. Then there was the business of Scarlett’s previous pack joining with ours, and the passing of Daphne’s former pack to the
Beta. Now there has been the stress of Daphne miscarrying the pup. 1
I know that I am strong, and I know that my pack needs me to continue to be strong, but hell I could use a vacation. My head is
pounding as I realize that my life has turned into a series of putting out
small fires, but I never seem to truly get much work done. Plus, I feel like I am losing part of my mate.
I was the one that suggested that Daphne help with the training of our special
wolves. She had shown interested in the
training when it was revealed that she also had a peculiar talent, so I had used that as an opportunity to distract her

from the depression and worry of losing the pup. Since she has started training, I feel like I hardly see her.
Most mornings she is up before the sun rises, taking a morning run. After that she is constantly at the training grounds. The first

few days she would come back to the house for meals, but now she is skipping lunch and not eating dinner until she comes in
late at night.
I know that in her own way she is trying to heal from losing the pup, and that this new job is a great distraction for her. I hate to
admit it but I feel as if she is
purposely avoiding me. I have wondered
if she holds some kind of resentment
towards me for her losing the baby. Sighing I try to clear my head. I need to have a serious talk with my mate and get
to the root of the issue. Glancing at the
clock I can see that it is well past ten at
night. Standing and stretching my sore
muscles I head down to the kitchen to
grab a quick snack before going in search
of my mate.
I am stopped dead at the sight before me in the kitchen. Daphne is still in work out
clothes, sitting on the bar absently munching an apple, as she looks over
some papers. I can not help my
wandering eyes as I look at the perfect. backside of my mate. The curve of her neck, across her shoulders, the dip in her back,
right to where her pleasant peach bottom is perched on the counter. She
turned when a low growl erupted from my lips.
“Guess what I may have discovered

today?” Daphne quickly asks me,
breaking the seductive track of my thoughts. I take a deep breath in a vain attempt to calm my frazzled nerves
before asking her what her discovery was. Hell, I am just happy at this point to be seeing her in person.
“I was working with Ellie, and I
discovered that her talents are more pronounced when she has heightened emotions. So now I am wondering if this
would be the case for the other wolves. I was digging through Theo’s notes, but I

have not discovered if he has tried this
theory out already or not.” While Daphne happily tells me about her
accomplishments with the training, I smile hearing how animated she is. Guilt blossoms in my chest as I recall my
earlier thoughts. My mate is happy, and she likes being productive. I need to be supportive of her and encourage her to do things
that bring her happiness.
While I am chiding myself internally, I lazily make a quick sandwich as Daphne
continues to tell me about her theories. I
munch on the sandwich as she starts
telling me that Ellie had a breakthrough
with plant revival, but in truth I am
captivated by my mate’s lips. When
Daphne pauses to catch her breath, I quickly swoop in and brush my lips against hers.
I had meant for it to be a quick peck on the lips, but the moment my lips made contact with her skin I was lost. I brush my tongue
against her bottom lip, asking for admittance. To my pleasure Daphne opens for me, and I explore her mouth, our tongues

dancing with each other. I move so that I am positioned standing between her legs, never breaking the kiss. Feeling her sensual
lips, a primal groan of pleasure erupts from me. When
Daphne wraps her arms around my neck,
I grasp her ass and pull her tight against my throbbing member. 2
Evidently this was the wrong move, because as soon as Daphne felt my
erection she froze. The difference in her
was instantaneous and I quickly broke the kiss looking into her eyes questioning. Daphne looks like a deer caught in the
headlights of a semi-truck.
“I am sorry Caleb, but I am not ready. Daphne uses her small hands to push me back as she quickly hops off the counter and
grabs her papers before dashing out of the kitchen. The way she took off were as if the hounds of hell were nipping at
her heals.
I take a few shaky breaths in a vain
attempt to calm my nerves. I do not want to rush her, and I most certainly do not want to hurt her. It was obvious from our
interaction that she still desires me and that will be enough to placate my ego for
now. Looking down I can see that my arousal was still evident. Sorry man, I thought to myself, looks like its still just
you and me in the shower tonight..