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The Alpha's Curse The Enemy Within

Chapter 105
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Sheila's point of view

I jammed the door to Killian's chamber shut. He still hasn't returned, and no one seems to know his

whereabouts all morning. Not even his beta, his friend. I sighed. Everything might have been much

easier if Morgan had returned from the witches' coven. But neither he, Lorenzo, and Valerie were in the

castle at the moment and it was already daylight and only a few hours to twilight.

I sauntered from Killian's room, exiting the hallways. I was heading back to my chamber, opting for a

quick shower when Ria hurried up to me.

I stopped at her instant sharp call, swerving around to meet her. She was holding a brown bonded

paper in her hands.

"What is that?" I raised a brow as we continued walking back to my chamber.

"It's a message. The patrolling guards told me it came this morning for you," she voiced as we reached

my chamber. Her voice was normal, frankly, much better than some of the pack members and warriors

I had met today. They all wore worried and fearful looks. I couldn't blame them though. Tonight was the

crescent moon rising which decided everyone's fate. They all had already begun to experience the pain

from the crescent moon coming, and I knew it would be worse on Killian and that worried me terribly.

I took the bonded brown paper from her, my eyes inspected it thoroughly. There wasn't anything written

on it, but I recognized the mark that was at the bottom of the paper. It was almost unnoticeable. But

still, I knew exactly who the message came from.

I tossed it carelessly on the dressing table, backing away from it.

"What? Aren't you going to open it?" Ria's soft body fell on the bed.

"There's no reason to, I know who it's from and I don't want to hear anything from him, especially


The skin on Ria's forehead crippled as she pulled up from the bed, and rested on her elbows. "Who is

the letter from?"

My blue eyes found hers, and I hesitated for a broken second before replying. "My father,'' I muttered

slowly, turning to the giant mirror pinned to the wall. I pulled my hair up in a messy bun and began


"It might be important, why don't you take a look?" She sounded,

I shook my head against the idea. There was nothing of importance that man could ever say to me. It

had taken so much from me not to confront that man and forced him to tell me the entire truth about

what happened years ago. But my brothers kicked against it. They wanted me to remain silent. They

didn't want Lucius to know that I had regained my lost memories and my identity yet.

"I will be right back," I turned towards the washing room, and Ria stood up from the bed.

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"I have to go now, but I will be back before evening. I have some patrolling to do before the Blue Moon

warriors arrive," Ria told me.

I nodded to her words, watching her leave my chamber. Tonight was going to be hellish for Killian and

the wolves, especially during the ritual the witches were going to perform. It didn't feel good leaving the

pack unprotected when the ritual was in place and the wolves were busy. Killian had to request some

warriors from an allied pack in North Central, and they'll be here, hopefully before the sunsets.

I rushed in for a shower and was done in a short time. I got dressed in one of my blue velvet dresses

and combed through the natural curls of my hair. And I was done. But I remained seated in front of the

mirror hung near the dressing table.

Abruptly, memories of what happened between Killian and Kaiser played over and over in my mind. I

rubbed my hands together, groaning internally. I wished I could have told him the truth last night. I just

wished I had.

"It's not your fault, girl," Adie chimed. Even though I felt so much pain, she was right. I couldn't tell

Killian, not before the crescent moon night. He had already begun to experience the effect of the

crescent moon curse, and telling him would only trigger his blood rage which he has no control over at

the moment. Having that happen before the crescent moon night would be disastrous.

I shook out from my thoughts, standing up on my ankle boots. I still had so much to do before tonight. I

was about to leave when my eyes fell on the brown bonded paper sent to me by my father.

My gaze lingered on it for a while, before snatching the paper from the table. I began to unbind it. The

first thing that caught my immediate attention was the crimson fluid that smeared my hands. Then my

eyes fell on the words that were inked boldly on the brown paper.

The instant my eyes swept through it, my knees went weak and my legs gave up on me. These words

were written by my father. I could recognize his writing. My eyes fell on my trembling and bloody hands.

This blood was Devon's. My father, that bloody bastard had him. How on earth did Lucius manage to

find Devon when Killian had ensured Devon left safely for a pack in the East?

I staggered back, almost collapsing on the bed. My eyes were focused on the small wooden box that

was sent along with the brown paper. I rushed to it quickly and opened it. A gasp pushed from my

lungs. The box was smeared with blood as well, and a finger of Devon's.

I read the words that were written on the box. He was here, right inside Killian's territory, and wanted

me to come, otherwise, Devon would lose his life. How did Lucius manage to sneak past our warriors

at all borders of the pack without being seen?

The pain I felt vanished at once and it was quickly replaced by rage. I had to find Killian. I hurried to the

door, stopping abruptly. I didn't know where the hell he was.

I grabbed my furry blue cloak, the paper, and the box and left my chamber. I wasn't going to let any

harm come to Devon.

In a haste, I exited the castle and motioned to the woods. I took the path to the mountains where

Lucius was. Aside from the fact that he had Devon, I was dying to meet him. From the letter, he must

have somehow found out that I had regained my lost memories. He knew I was well aware of who I

was, and exactly what he had done to me. Frankly, I was desperate to know the truth and find out how

everything happened fourteen years ago. How did I end up with Lucius? Why did he go through so

much trouble just to keep me next to him? What did Lucius Callaso want with me?

I was so eager to find out.

I reached the mountainside in Killian's pack. My nose sniffed the air, and I couldn't get a whiff of

anyone's scent.

"Something doesn't feel right," Adie said in a cautious tone.

I agreed with her, something doesn't feel right. I moved closer to the mountains, prepared for anything

that might happen.

"Where are you?" I called out, hearing my voice echo through the mountains. But there was no one.

I drew closer, suddenly, I felt a wave of energy rush past me. I stopped walking immediately, but I didn't

swerve around. The energy within the air grew intense. Adie and I listened using our super hearing, but

we couldn't hear any sounds that indicated someone was lurking around us, nor could I get a whiff of

any scent.

"Something was up," Adie pointed out.

"No, something is wrong," I muttered to her, thinking. Just on a thought, my eyes widened, realizing

what was happening. But it was too late, I felt the magic directed at me. It was coming from my left.

I snapped my head in that direction, pulling my hand up in the air, without muttering a chant, I

redirected whatever was lunged at me back.

There was no one there, but I heard the loud crash of someone against the earth.

Fuck. Just what I suspected. Witches. And they had cloaked themselves, concealing everything about

them, making them invisible. I should have known Lucius wouldn't fight fair.

I felt the rush of wind around, they were quite a number. Something I could handle. These past few

days, I have been training hard with Lorenzo. I could control my magic and had learned to some extent

how to use it.

"Good luck, Sheila," Adie pulled back from the surface. At this point, I couldn't use any of my wolf's

abilities, only my magic could sniff these fucking bitches out.

I grabbed the dagger from my boots, giving my magic full control of my body which made my eyes glow

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brighter than their usual blue.

Instantly, I lunged my dagger at the blank air where I felt a magical aura, blood floated in the air, and a

woman dressed in a red cloak fell dead on the dried earth, bleeding from the slit on her neck.

I was attacked by the invisible forces, and thrown off my balance but I got hold of my stance before I

could crash harshly against the earth.

I dropped my dagger and created a long extension of a sword with my magic from the rough wind.

I blocked another attack made for my life. I channeled nature's magic from the air into my sword, and

swung it around in the air, releasing its energy in a brutal form. It sent many of the witches flying around

the mountains, bleeding profusely. Obviously, they didn't know who they came here for.

The more I used my magic I could feel everything that had even the tiniest trace of magical essence in

them, making it easier to locate the other witches who were still cloaked.

I went after the closest two, using my magic I focused on her beating heart, ripping it out of her chest

with a single word and she collapsed dead, next to the bloody organ on the ground.

I placed a hand on the closest witch about to inflict the most excruciating pain she'd ever experienced

on her when a magical force ripped me off her, and I crashed against the rough corners of the

mountain walls. Its harsh impact hit one of my ribcages, causing blood to spill from my lips.

I groaned internally, muttering low curses to myself. Suddenly, I couldn't feel my body, as I was forced

up in the air, my throat was crushing close.

I tried wriggling free in the air, but I couldn't. But thankfully, Adie pushed up to the surface, taking

control. She released a loud growl that rippled through the trees, echoing around the mountains.

I fell roughly against the earth, but I was in control of my body once more. The magic around radiating

off the witches drew closer, and I knew I had better end this madness now, or I might lose my life.

I dug my nails into the earth, channeling as much magic as I could, something really dangerous, and

maybe stupid Lorenzo had shown me during one of our training sessions, and I had practiced it with

the flowers in the garden, but I haven't used it on any human before.

I closed my eyes, and just as I felt danger my way, my lips flew open and released a resounding

scream. It was different from the scream of the night I had my awakening. This didn't have any sound

at all, as I channeled the earth's magic.

Before my eyes, blood filled the air, and splattered on the earth. I watched as witches dressed in red

cloaks fell dead on the ground. Their eyes were burned out, and their faces were covered with blood.

I was up, about to take a step when I felt a sharp pain in my neck. My hand fell on my neck. It was a

small arrow dart, and I felt something dark and foreign rush within me, spreading its venom within my


I collapsed on the ground, feeling weak and strange at the same time. My eyes fluttered close, and the

last face I saw was that of the bloody witch before I lost consciousness.