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The Alpha's Curse The Enemy Within

Chapter 104
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Killian's point of view

It was a gruesome pain. Like I had been stabbed straight in the heart by my very own mate.

It'd hurt. It hurt so badly that I couldn't believe this.

The pain that was engraved in the deepest corners of my heart transformed as quickly into a severe


I could feel the corners of my eyes darken with extreme emotions that entirely shut off my reasoning.

The only thing I wanted was to have his blood on my hands. To feel the sickening euphoria of that

bloody bastard's heart in my claws.

I moved incredulously fast with my nonhuman speed. In a murderous second, I was right next to where

Kaiser and Sheila were, I gripped her tightly pulling her away from Kaiser's arms.

My eyes tore through the instant shock that was plastered on Sheila's blue eyes. Her eyes gave it all

right away. I could see everything that was going through her mind imprinted on her round, shocked

gaze, and the blatant truth was she had lied to me. She had a fucking lover, and it was my worst

enemy. I didn't know which one killed me the most. The fact that Sheila had a lover all along, or the fact

that her lover happened to be my worst enemy who has always wanted me dead.

My hold on Sheila's arms firmed, as I pulled her closer to me. "Even if you had a lover, why did it have

to be him of all people?" I counted each word painfully, embracing the pain that vibrated against my

joints. "Have you forgotten everything I told you he did to my family? To our pack?"

The pain was the only thing I could feel at the moment. It had been such a long time since I felt this

intense pain. The last time I felt such deathly pain was the day I witnessed both my mother's and Karl's

death right before my eyes. This pain was as equal to that, or maybe much worse.

Sheila held me with her other hand. "Killian, it's not even close to what you think?" She let out. I could

feel her body tremble against my hold, but not from fear for me. It was fear of something else.

"Then what is it, Sheila?" Fury began to push itself to the surface. "What could explain you being in the

arms of someone else? A godforsaken Black?" I growled at her.

I didn't turn around to look, but I could hear the low growls of Kaiser's wolf like he was battling hard with

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his wolf to remain in control. Sheila sent a pleading look at him, before returning her stare to me.

She didn't flinch a bit at my flowering, "Killian, Kaiser is—"

I hated the fucking manner in which his name rolled from her lips. "Don't take his fucking name out of

your lips!"

"And who the fuck do you think you are yelling at?" Kaiser's loud growl sounded next to us, evidently

pissed and wanting blood as well. I had never seen him this enraged, not even when we were at each

other's throats.

Sheila's head snapped to him again, "Kaiser, no!" She yelled. One could feel the fear and concern that

rushed through her words. They were more lethal than any poison to the soul.

I shifted my gaze from Sheila to him, his hazel irises were completely black. My pain was now replaced

by more rage. I released my hold on Sheila's arm and turned to Kaiser.

His hair was gleaming under the bright moon and his black gaze mirrored the expression of the moon.

Immediately, my hands sharpened into claws, and so did Kaiser.

"Kaiser!" She screamed as I was about to lunge at him and stepped in between us. "Please don't!"

"He has no fucking right—" she kept on pleading. The scene before me kept infuriating me. Now she

was worried about her fucking lover getting hurt.

I growled, barreling my claws at him. Swiftly, I felt a puncturing pain within me. We fought against each

other, while Sheila's pleas kept invading my ears, distracting me. Kaiser and I were already badly

wounded, fighting against each other, but none of us was ready to stop. I swear I could die with the

rage felt if I didn't end this bastard's life tonight.

"Stop it!" Sheila's scream pierced right through us, echoing into the night and frightening the night's air.

In an instant, Kaiser and I were sent flying in two opposite directions. I crashed hard against a tree, its

sharp branch wood piercing into my stomach.

I groaned, breathing heavily as I ripped the branch from the tree and pulled it out of me. I charged at

Kaiser again but Sheila blocked me.

"Enough of this fucking madness you two, please," Sheila was in the middle of the clearing field, her

eyes darting from Kaiser to me.

The darkness around us and the entire meadow was dead silent. He was glaring at me so hard before

his lips parted and broke the deafening cold silence. "It's over, you can't stay with this godforsaken

asshole anymore, let's go, Sheila," Kaiser's voice sounded, and his last words made me freeze.

My pale gaze immediately shifted from Kaiser to Sheila, seeking her out, pinning her to my stare. I

wanted to see exactly what she would do.

Sheila's gaze left mine and fell back on Kaiser. "Kai, please, I beg you, leave now,"

"Like fuck I will. I am not leaving you here with him. He's—" Kaiser was immensely enraged. His rage

and her worry made me go mad.

"Please, Kai," she implored more, he was about to counter her again but she took a few steps closer to

him. "Just do this for me, please,"

Kaiser stopped at her words. He was shaking with vexation, clearly not loving her decision.

Abruptly, I scoffed. I was not going to stand here and be a witness to this absurdity.

I stormed away from the meadow, returning to the unwelcoming coldness of the woods. My breathing

was hard and rough. The image of Sheila running into his arms haunted my consciousness.

"Killian,'' I heard Sheila's call from behind. But I kept on moving, not even sparing a glance behind.

"Killian," she yelled all the more as she finally caught up with me, blocking my path.

My eyes landed on her. Even with the canopy trees that had impeded the moon's light from penetrating

the woods. I could see her electric blue eyes. Those perfect blue eyes had always regarded me with so

much love. What the fuck went wrong?

"Kai is not my lover. It's far from what you think—" she began but my abrupt laughter silenced her


"Then why did you seek him out, why on earth were you in his arms?" I shouted, but her blue eyes only

bored me harder. "Aren't you going to fucking answer me?"

"I will, Killian. I will tell you everything you want to know, but first calm down,"

"Are you fucking serious right now, Sheila," I held her wrist, jerking her closer to me while my other

hand sunk into her hair that cascaded down her neck. I could feel her body trembling hard against


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I brought my face inches away from hers so that her only option was to stare deep into my eyes. I

wanted her to see the hurt that stood there. I wanted her to see the broken mess she had made me


My heart clenched tightly at the new emotion that appeared in her gaze. Sheila's soft hand cupped my

face, and her gaze on me never moved away.

I couldn't stop myself from leaning into her touch, "I hate his fucking scent on you," I whispered against

her ears. "Only my scent should be on your body," I said. I heard her gasp gently, her sweet breath

fanned me. "Only mine, and no one else," my voice was in a raspy whisper as I closed my eyes and

leaned against her forehead.

"If it was someone else, it probably wouldn't hurt this much, because I know I deserve much worse

after everything I have done to you. I am no hypocrite, but it's a fucking Black. My worst enemies," I

said to her, feeling her slow steady heartbeat against mine.

"See, how do you expect me to tell you everything when you hate them so much, but there's nothing

between Kaiser and me, at least it's not how you think."

"Hate is an understatement, they fucking killed my brother and have been hounding my pack since


"And so, have you—"

"Fucking hell! Stop defending them!" I shouted, digging her into my chest so that her lips brushed mine.

"Tell me the truth now, if he isn't your lover, why are you so fucking eager to jump to their defense?

Why?" I felt my anger fusing with my soul. I couldn't control it. This was one of the effects of the curse

and our damnation if the curse isn't broken by tomorrow night.

"Killian, calm your rage or it'll consume you and our efforts to break the curse will all be in vain," she

said, "You want to know the truth? Then I will tell you, but right after the curse is broken tomorrow night,

otherwise, your rage could ruin everything,"

"Or you are just afraid, I might hurt your fucking lover," Flame coursed through my veins and pumped

my heart aggressively. I took a step away from her. "Just stay away, or I might end up hurting you," I

said in a hoarse voice, watching the pain in her eyes. I wanted to hurt her the way she had hurt me

tonight. And with the look of pain in her eyes, I knew it would haunt me for the rest of my life.