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The Almighty Lord Caspian by Cath Nitfisch

Chapter 60
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Chapter 60 Early Grave

Lilith grew up as a Girl Scout. She always helped people in need and developed a sense of

justice that would inspire future generations to come. Caspian never expected, and could

never accept, that his own foster mother, whom he cherished the most, was beaten to

death by some lowlife hooligans.

He would avenge his mother, no matter what it took.

Revenge was a dish best served cold.

He would seek his vengeance to only be repaid by the blood of his enemies.

Both Derek and the Flying Dragons would have to pay with their lives.

He asked, “Where is her final resting place? I need to pay a visit.”

“Southlake Cemetery,” answered Willow.

Kate was finally relieved as she let out a long sigh. She was worried that Willow might


the detail that she had driven Lilith out of the house which led to her demise.

Caspian spoke up. “Sylvia, I need you to investigate this matter. Check the surveillance

footage around Riverside Park and find out what exactly happened. I’ll be waiting for you

in Southlake Cemetery.”

He felt that Willow’s version of events was not exactly complete. He wanted to unveil the

absolute truth behind the incident, as well as see the last moments of Lilith before she




sir!” Sylvia immediately started on her task.

Both Willow and Kate were surprised to find Sylvia being so respectful in her gestures

toward Caspian.

“Willow, come with me to the cemetery.”

“Of course, let’s go.” Willow knew of the deep bond between Caspian and Lilith; it was

only natural that he would seek to pay homage to his late mother.

Willow then drove Caspian to Southlake Cemetery.

She brought him to Lilith’s tombstone.

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“Here lies Lilith Ziegler.“,

The words directly pierced Caspian’s heart.

He still could not accept that Lilith had in fact passed away.


Suddenly, several SUVS drove into the cemetery.

The cars collectively came to a halt and men with weapons began exiting the car, with

their. gaze fixed onto Caspian.

They were all men of the Flying Dragons working for Quentin Lane, one of the founders of



Prior to this, Benedict had notified Derek that he had failed to capture Willow and was

beaten up by Caspian.

Derek was both annoyed and furious, he had been restless over acquiring his target ever

since meeting Willow.

And today would be the birthday party for the York family’s matriarch, Nadia.

He wanted Willow to be at his side as his girlfriend when he attended the party, so as to

garner attention and praise for acquiring the most beautiful woman in Southlake City.

He understood that he had antagonized Willow when he caused Lilith’s death, and so he

would have to double down and forcibly seize Willow as his woman without her choice in

the matter.

He was prepared to do anything to achieve his goal.

Any woman that Derek had his eyes on would eventually become his possession.

He promptly contacted Quentin for the help of the Flying Dragons to capture Willow.

Quentin, however, decided to keep up his image as the leader of the Flying Dragons.

He simply delegated the task to his trusted subordinate, Wade Powell, to finish the job.

The Flying Dragons had eyes and ears all over Southlake City, so news about Willow’s

whereabouts was easily tracked and caught on by Wade.

Wade swiftly gathered some men and made haste for Southlake Cemetery to meet their


“This is bad! The Flying Dragons are here! We gotta go!” Willow was scared out of her

mind as she realized the gang members were armed.

“Perfect.” Caspian saw this as the perfect opportunity to vent his frustrations. It was

fortunate, even, that his enemies came to him by themselves.

Willow tried to explain the situation. “Do you realize what’s going on? You can’t fight so

many of them by yourself!”

He calmly replied, “I do. And you will come to the same realization in due time.”

He saw the enemies in front of him as nothing but soon–to–be corpses.

She began to pull on his arm. “Don’t be so reckless, okay? I know you want to avenge




powerful connections in the shadows as well! We need to get out of here! We can only

think of revenge if we’re still alive to do so!”

No matter how much Willow tried, however, Caspian was not budging from his place.

He coldly exclaimed, “They’re delivering themselves to an early death, I have no reason to

run away. I will avenge my mother right here, right now!”

In the blink of an eye, Wade and his men had already surrounded the couple.

“Heh, let’s see if you can still run away.” Wade began to gloat as he confirmed his men

were in position.

“Run away, you say? Why would I need to do that?” explained Caspian with a serious


Wade continued, “Well, it’s too late to even try escaping. You know, if you behave

properly, kneel and beg for forgiveness, and then send your wife to the York family right

away, you might just be spared!”

“You’re insane! My husband is a distinguished veteran who just returned from the victory

at South Aridlands! The military will not condone your actions if you harm a man of

service!” Willow tried to threaten the men.

Wade was not fazed at all. “Military, my ass! The Flying Dragons decide the rules in

Southlake City! He’s nothing but a loser within our city!”

He was completely underestimating Caspian.

Wade continued, “Ms. Stewart, if you wish to see a peaceful outcome today, you should

just follow us to the York Residence. Mr. York is waiting for you.”

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“I’d rather die than be Derek’s woman!” declared Willow.

“What a mistake, Ms. Stewart. I was told not to hurt you by Mr. York, and besides, I

wouldn’t be able to bring myself to hurt someone as beautiful as you.

“You should know better than to create another victim like the one right below your feet. If

you wish to spare your husband, you’d better do as I say!

“The birthday party for Mrs. York Senior is about to begin! All that’s left of the puzzle

would be you by Mr. York’s side!”

Caspian was relaxed and not in a hurry to fight back. In his eyes, all the men before him

were already dead.

Willow roared with annoyance. “Derek just killed my mother–in–law and still wants to

kidnap me. Do you guys not have any morals? How could even possibly perform such a

heartless act and work for such an evil person? Do you not fear the wrath of God for the

sins you have


“Wrath of God? That’s funny. Well, I’m not really religious, so I guess I’m immune to his

silly wrath.” answered Wade.

“God is not blind

All the atrocities that you have committed will be punished. Karma will find its way back to


“Even the law is on our side, Ms. Stewart. Snap back to reality! Or if you’re just making a

joke, it’s pretty funny, I’ll give you that.” Wade remained audacious.

At this moment, another SUV arrived at the party. Sylvia skillfully stopped the car in front

of the couple.

Wade and his men hurriedly dodged the car as it made its


Willow was surprised by Sylvia’s arrival, she had thought that Sylvia was sent to check on

the surveillance footage.

As Sylvia got out of the car, she became enraged as she surveyed the surrounding Flying

Dragon members.

She had just finished her task of going through the surveillance footage at the park. After

witnessing the incident, she could recognize some of the men who were directly

responsible for killing Lilith.

She could not wait any longer to tear these bastards into piec