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The Almighty Lord Caspian by Cath Nitfisch

Chapter 59
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Chapter 59 The Truth


Caspian nodded and did not doubt Kate’s explanation.

He surmised that it was normal for seniors to prefer a home they had long been

accustomed to.

“Sylvia, let us head to the countryside. We’re going to fetch my mom.”

“Yes, sir.”

Kate began to panic. “What’s the rush, dear? You’ve just made it home… You should rest

up for a while.”

“I’ve finally come home, so I want to spend some time with her in the city! I want to bring

her to enjoy her favorite meals and hang out.”

She became even more uneasy. “No…”

Caspian quickly noticed her abnormal behavior. His expression sank as he sensed that

something was amiss. “What’s wrong? What’s going on?”

She could not look him straight in the face, let alone answer his questions.

He then turned toward Willow for answers. “Willow, where’s my mom?”

Willow lowered her head as she realized that she could not hide the truth any longer.

“Lilith was killed… Her funeral’s already over.”

The sudden revelation hit Caspian like a bolt of lightning.

Sylvia, as well, was shocked to her core after hearing the news.

“What the fuck are you talking about? What exactly happened? Why would my mom be


Caspian was in denial.

“She suffered multiple stabs…” Willow tried her best to explain, but she was already

choking back on her tears.

Sylvia was also visibly angered and annoyed by the news.

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Caspian felt a sudden sharp pain in his chest as he lost his balance momentarily.

Sylvia panicked and almost spoke the wrong name. “Lord… Caspian! Are you okay?”

Over the years by his side, she had known Caspian for being unfazed by absolutely

anything in life.

It was the first time that he had been so emotional.

She could only imagine the pain that he was going through at that moment.


Caspian had made a triumphant return, intending to celebrate with Lilith, only to be met


the worst news.

He was heartbroken to find that Lilith was killed before he could repay her for her

boundless love and how she’d treated him better than his actual parents.

He had conquered the battlefield and valiantly fought for the safety of Diatoran, but he

could not even protect his own foster mother.

“Who did this? Who would kill her?” asked Caspian in tears.

Caspian was understandably furious to find one of the most important people in his life

was no longer with him, after only a month of absence due to his military obligations.

His triumphant return would never be witnessed, and he would never again be greeted by

the person he cared for the most.

Parents passing away before their children could repay them was arguably the most bitter

feeling in the world.

“Do you intend to avenge Lilith? There’s nothing we could do about it…” Willow was still

unaware of Caspian’s true identity.

Caspian wanted to find out the killer of his beloved foster mother. “Just tell me who did it,

Willow. I need to know who killed my mom!”

Not even Southlake City would be spared if the Diatoranian God of War wills it.

“It’s the Flying Dragons. They killed Lilith. Do you see why no one dared to avenge her

now?” Willow gave a bitter, self–loathing smile.

Caspian asked, “What does my mom have anything to do with the Flying Dragons, or even

the Yorks? Why did they do this?”

He was not afraid of some random gang within Southlake City. He just wanted to know


any of this had happened.

The Flying Dragons held a lot of power within the city and had been a public menace that


both feared and respected by the public. But for Caspian, they were never even a threat.

“All of this happened because of Derek York!” answered Willow.

“What does he want?”

Caspian only had heard of passing mentions about the York family.

“He would forcefully take away any woman he fancied, without the woman’s choice in the

matter! On the night twenty days ago, Mom was on a stroll at Riverside Park when she

saw a woman named Priscilla almost getting taken away by Derek’s men. The Girl Scout

within her


Willow deliberately hid the truth from Caspian that Lilith was driven out of the house by


The details of the incident were from retellings that Willow received from Priscilla.

“The Flying Dragons escalated the situation with weapons from wooden bats to even

knives. Mom could not have possibly won against them.”

“When I arrived at the scene, I found Derek sitting in his car. I tried pleading with him to

let Mom go, knowing that the Flying Dragon members were under his command. He made

me a deal to spend the night with him, which I refused. In the midst of the chaos, Priscilla


to escape.


“Mom tried to delay the Flying Dragons while she insisted that I bring Priscilla and run

away. I listened to her and drove Priscilla to safety before returning to pick Mom up. When

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I arrived back at the scene, she was already bleeding out from her stab wounds, and all

the perpetrators had long fled the scene. Before she died, she told me…”

Willow was sobbing uncontrollably at this point.

“She told me to not tell you about what happened, so as to not cause any distractions

while you were in the frontlines!”

She recalled the incident to Caspian through her tears.

She finally let out her cries as she finished retelling the story. It had been almost a month

since Lilith was killed, but Willow still felt guilty about it.

Sylvia, at the side, was also tearing up from the disastrous news.

Caspian was enraged. He had never expected the Flying Dragons to be so daringly


He forcibly composed himself and asked, “What the fuck is the police doing? How are

some gang members running around town doing whatever they like?”

“I’ve tried seeking help from the police, but it seemed that they were working in tandem

with the Flying Dragons and the York family. They issued a completely false report on the

incident and censored any attempt of it making it onto the news. The public does not even

know about Lilith’s death,” replied Willow.

She felt offended and outraged that the police were so corrupt as to side with the


Caspian asked, “Why did you not tell me about this immediately?”

“Mom had specifically instructed me to never tell you about it until you made it home

safely,” explained Willow.

His anger soon turned into sorrow as he realized that Lilith still had the best intentions for

him in mind even in her dying moments.



Caspian made a silent declaration within his heart.

“The Flying Dragons, the York family, and even the police… Whoever it is that was

involved in. my mother’s death, I won’t let them get away with this!”