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Tangled in His Obsession (Seraphina)

Chapter 496
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The moment Simon's words fell on her ears, Seraphina's gaze darkened slightly, but she kept her silence, as she had been doing since they had entered the building.

Indeed, since stepping into the quaint little house that served as a herbal clinic, she hadn't responded to a single thing Simon said.

After they left the clinic, Seraphina didn't spare Simon a glance. She simply hailed their driver with a wave of her hand. The driver handed her the purse, and she rummaged through it, not finding what she was searching for.

Andrea stepped closer and asked, “What are you looking for, Sera?” Ignoring her, Seraphina turned to the driver, “Do you have any cash on you? | need a hundred.” Simon, standing at the door of the clinic, simply raised an eyebrow at the unfolding scene.

The driver quickly handed Seraphina a hundred-dollar bill, which she then took straight to Simon and held out to him, her face expressionless. “Thank you, Mr. Martin, for referring the doctor and covering the bill. But, you see, I'm not one for owing people. Please take this and consider us even.” Simon looked at her, then at the bill in her hand, and asked in a mild tone, “Is it really that simple to be even?” Seraphina scoffed, “In my eyes, it's exactly that simple.” With that, she stuffed the bill into his chest pocket, turned on her heel, and strode to the car, ducking her head as she climbed in.

“Andrea,” Seraphina called out to her. She slammed the car door shut, then rolled down the window to look at Andrea, “I'm going to visit sold neighbors; | won't be heading back to Sunburst City with you. You go on ahead.” Without waiting for a reply, Seraphina rolled up the window and instructed the driver to leave.

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As the car slowly drove away, Andrea sighed softly. Hearing footsteps behind her, she turned to face Simon.

Simon neatly folded the hundred-dollar bill and slipped it into his pocket before turning to Andrea, “Let's take my car.” Andrea nodded and followed him to the car.

The car rolled towards the airport, and after a moment of silence, Simon chuckled, “Looks like she's taken out her frustration withon you. She never used to treat you like that, right?” Andrea hummed in agreement, then said, “But that’s just her; she doesn't stay mad for long.” Simon paused before asking, “Has she ever spoken to you about what's between us?” Andrea knew exactly what he was referring to.

After a moment's consideration, she replied, “Dad, you know what she's like. Sthings, she holds onto; they're not easily forgotten.” Simon nodded, understanding.

Andrea looked hesitant before finally asking, “Have you ever thought about changing?” Simon's lips curled into a faint smile at her question, “You never used to ask about these things.” “I don’t have to ask, but Sera... you know who she is, what she’s done. You know better than I do.” Simon just hummed in response.

“If you really want to acknowledge Sera as your daughter, sthings will inevitably have to change,” Andrea said slowly. “After all, the bond between father and daughter is irreplaceable, isn't it?” Simon laughed lightly, “And if | don't change, what will she do? Becmy enemy, never let go?” Andrea felt a chill at his seemingly light-hearted words.

Seeing she didn’t respond, Simon glanced at her, “Well?” “Dad... after all, you're her father,” Andrea said quietly. “To her, you're different.” Simon patted her hand softly, chuckling, “If only she were as understanding as you, I'd be at peace.” Andrea looked at him, but his expressions were hidden behind his glasses, inscrutable.

She turned away, saying no more.

Although Seraphina mentioned visiting old neighbors, she too headed to the airport, boarding a different plane than Simon and Andrea, and arrived in Sunburst City around the stime.

By the tshe got back to Reynolds Manor, it was past ten, and she saw Leandro's driver tidying up the car, a sign that Leandro had also just returned.

She went upstairs, first peeking into Valerio's room to find him fast asleep, before turning and entering Leandro's bedroom.

The sound of running water cfrom the bathroom; a suit jacket lay discarded on the bed, indicating Leandro had indeed just gotten back.

Exhausted from the day, Seraphina kicked off her shoes and flopped onto the bed, intending to push Leandro's jacket to the floor, when a certain scent caught her nose.

She abruptly changed direction, grabbing the jacket and bringing it to her face for a closer smell.

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Indeed, it was the scent of perfume, unfamiliar and intriguing.

After a careful sniff, Seraphina flung the jacket toward the bathroom door.

Just as the bathroom door swung open, the jacket landed at the feet of Leandro, who was stepping out.

Wrapped loosely in a bathrobe, Leandro looked down at the jacket by his feet, then up at Seraphina, who was propped up on her hands, looking relaxed yet challenging.

“How cyou finished showering so quickly? Didn't wait for me, huh?” Seraphina said with a mocking smile.

Leandro leaned against the door frame, his voice smooth as he replied, “If you want, | don’t mind going for another round.” “I don’t mind,” Seraphina retorted, “I just worry you might not have the energy.” Kicking aside the jacket, Leandro moved to the bedside and scooped Seraphina into his arms.

Seraphina's gaze was locked on the suit jacket as she accused, "What? Trying to destroy the evidence? It's too late for that!" She reached out, grabbing Leandro's bathrobe lapel, "Look at you, Mr. High-and-Mighty, leaving the Reynolds Group, having so much free time. You're not afraid of those sharks setting traps for you anymore, huh? Attracting all kinds of women when I'm not around, right? And you're so careful about it, too. What do you takefor, a jealous type? Please, I'm as open-minded as they come! Go ahead, bring her into the Reynolds family, let her sit at the table with me. It'll be a real treat for you to have your cake and eat it, too—" She was on a roll, her emotions escalating with every word until Leandro, after a brief look at her, cut her off with a kiss at the most crucial moment.

Seraphina wasn't about to let him off that easily. They struggled, both becoming breathless in the scuffle.

Ever since her accident and subsequent hospital stay, there had been one thing after another, and they hadn't been intimacy in days. He was like a pot on the verge of boiling over, and without another word, he scooped her up and carried her into the bathroom.