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Tangled in His Obsession (Seraphina)

Chapter 495
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Abbot, flanked by a few bodyguards, stood at a measured distance from Seraphina as per her instructions. Ever since Simon arrived, however, all eyes had been fixed upon them, and at the slightest hint of physical contact between the two, the guards briskly approached.

"Are you alright, ma'am?" Abbot inquired, his gaze shifting cautiously towards Simon.

Although word had reached him that Simon posed no real threat to Seraphina anymore, a hint of vigilance remained.

Perhaps to avoid irritating Seraphina, Simon had cto the graveyard alone, thus he simply instructed Abbot, "She's twisted her ankle. Fetch a pair of comfortable slippers from the car." Upon hearing the command, Abbot promptly dispatched someone to retrieve the slippers and then suggested to Seraphina, "Madam, perhaps we should visit the hospital for a check-up?" Seraphina didn't respond, prompting Simon to offer, "I know an old healer in Summitville, excellent at treating sprains and bruises. Shall we take you there?" "No need," Seraphina declined coldly, "My bodyguards will taketo the doctor." With that, she sidestepped his offered support and, leaning on Abbot's arm, began to descend the hillside, step by painstaking step.

Simon didn't follow but stood still, watching until Seraphina's figure disappeared from view.

Once Seraphina slipped on the comfortable footwear and settled into the car, they barely left the cemetery when her phone buzzed with a call from Andrea.

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"You're hurt?" Andrea's voice exuded concern the moment the call connected.

Without needing to guess, Seraphina confirmed and then asked, "Where are you?" "Wandering around the alleyways," Andrea replied, "How bad is it?" "Are you alone?" Seraphina queried, "Where's Herman?" "He's got his own things, and | wouldn't want to bother him," Andrea explained, "Cpickup; I'll accompany you to the doctor." Seraphina agreed without further discussion and instructed the driver to collect Andrea.

After picking up Andrea, her friend directed the driver to a specific address, "Head over here." "What place is this?" Seraphina inquired lethargically.

Andrea glanced her way and said, "An herbal clinic." Seraphina understood immediately and didn't press further, nor did she object.

As they pulled up to the healer's, Andrea instantly recognized a familiar car parked out front and hesitated before saying, "Dad's here too." Seraphina's lips curled into a knowing smile, "I figured as much." Without further ado, Andrea took Seraphina's hand and they stepped out of the car.

Inside, they were greeted by the comforting aroma of healing herbs and a cozy decor that bridged the old and the new. There, Simon was in conversation with Dr. Vincent, a sprightly elderly man with a youthful vigor.

At the sound of their entrance, both men looked up. Simon greeted the healer with a smile, "Dr. Vincent, | brought my daughters here." Dr. Vincent rose to welcSeraphina, his eyes quickly assessing both her and Andrea, "Both these ladies are your daughters? What a blessing!" Simon remained in the background, content with a soft acknowledgment.

Seraphina's expression subtly shifted when she heard this, turning to Andrea, "I've said before | don't believe in traditional healing. Let's just go to the hospital." Dr. Vincent didn't take offense, still smiling, "I was off today, but your father here beggedto open up just for you. Now that you're here, it'd be a shto leave without givinga chance, wouldn't it?" Seraphina looked at Simon, who approached and suggested gently, "Dr. Vincent's known for his work with sprains and bruises. Let him take a look; it'll heal faster." "Why not try this old man's magic?" Dr. Vincent added, hoping to convince her.

Andrea gave Seraphina's hand a reassuring squeeze, prompting her to agree, albeit reluctantly.

After Dr. Vincent examined her ankle, he announced, "Nothing serious. Just needs a bit of work; you'll be fine in no time." As he fetched a bottle of liniment and prepared to begin, Simon suddenly mentioned, "She also has a bruise on her calf. Please, take a look at that too." Startled, Seraphina shot him a glance before quickly looking away.

She'd gotten that bruise in his office two days back, now barely remembered in the bustle of recent events.

Despite this, she hitched up her skirt to reveal a darkened spot.

"Does it hurt?" Dr. Vincent asked, probing the bruise.

"No, not anymore." Seraphina shook her head.

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"It's minor then. You know, young ladies have delicate skin, a minor bump can leave a mark, but it'll fade soon." Simon replied softly, "Yes, they get that from their mother. Both girls do." Seraphina remained silent, her eyes downcast, while Andrea rested a comforting hand on her shoulder.

Simon added, "She's also pretty tough, so just be gentle." "Your concern for your daughter is clear," Dr. Vincent assured him, "Don't worry, | won't make her cry." As he applied the liniment to Seraphina's ankle, she let out a sudden cry, "Ah, it hurts, it hurts!" "Endure it!" Dr. Vincent replied callously, his hands working even more firmly.

Seraphina's eyes brimmed with tears from the pain, and she inadvertently glanced over at Simon. She could swear she saw a flicker of anxiety and concern etched in his brow as he looked at her foot.

By the tSeraphina had gritted her teeth and endured to the end, she flexed her ankle and, to her surprise, it felt significantly better.

"How's that? Not too shabby for an old doc, eh?" Dr. Vincent commented as he packed up his tools.

Seraphina, never one to mince words, had been skeptical at first but now spoke up candidly, "I have to admit, you've got the magic touch, Dr. Vincent. Thanks a bunch!" "You should be thanking your dad," Dr. Vincent retorted with a grin. "If it weren't for his good word, you wouldn't have had this lucky break today!" Hearing this, Seraphina glanced at Simon and then quickly looked down to fuss with her dress.

"What's the matter?" Dr. Vincent noticed her demeanor and turned to Simon. "Is your daughter giving you the cold shoulder?" Simon chuckled softly and replied, "Kids are always a bit moody now and then." Dr. Vincent snorted at that and said, "If my daughter ever gavethat attitude, I'd be scolding her right now!" At this, Seraphina couldn't help but shoot Dr. Vincent a glare.

Catching that defiant look, Simon laughed again and said, "That's my girl, my little treasure. How could | ever bear to be harsh with her?"