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Sweet Subterfuge by Trina Duo

Chapter 857
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Chapter 857

Larissa did not dare to think how she was going to tell Wendy’s parents in Caldor if anything had really happened to


After an hour had almost passed, Lewis‘ phone call came. It was rather late. Larissa quickly answered and asked

desperately. “Did you find her?”

“Not yet” Lewis said.

What little hope that had appeared died immediately. Larissa’s shoulders slumped and she seemed to have lost her

soul. Her voice was also dull. “Oh-

“I looked at the surveillance footage in the mall. After Wendy left the restaurant a man followed her to the toilet.

When she came out, the man was with her. They must know each other. I’ve taken a picture and I’ll send it to you

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now.” The moment Lewis said that, Larissa’s WhatsApp got a notification.

Larissa tapped into Lewis‘ picture. He had snapped the picture from the surveillance camera screens. There was a

male and female couple in the picture. The woman was Wendy, as for the man

Although there was only a blurry side profile. Larissa still recognized him. “It’s Edmund Rogers”

“Edmund Rogers?” Lewis muttered the name repeatedly. “Sounds familiar I feel like I’ve heard that name

somewhere before.” He took some time to remember, then asked Larissa. “What relationship does he have with

Mr. Cody Rogers of Soaring Corporation?”

“He’s Cody’s younger brother and is also Kevan’s cousin. And he’s also that ex–boyfriend that Wendy just broke up

with! The moment

Larissa had confirmed this information, she got more anxious than ever. “Did the surveillance cameras see where

they went?”

As it stood, Edmund was now a very dangerous person. If he really had some kind of end goal by getting close to

Wendy, he could do crazy things to Wendy after she had firmly broken up with him.

“Only that they had left the mall.” Lewis let out a helpless sigh.

“Wait. I’ll call you later.” Larissa hung up the phone and called Kevan.

She could not call Wendy, but maybe she could contact Edmund through Kevan. She did not care what Edmund

wanted. As long as she could give it she would. As long as he was willing to let Wendy go safely.

However, Kevan had either fallen asleep or was still busy. He did not answer the call after a very long time.

Larissa anxiously walked round and round in her room. She wished she could just go from Aldovia to Kevan’s side in

Caldor, grabbing him

by the collar to make him answer the phone.

After some time, Larissa finally chose to give up. She fell weakly onto the bed, holding her phone while she kept

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crying. Suddenly, her

phone vibrated like crazy.

Larissa jolted, sitting up quickly. However, what appeared on the screen was not Wendy’s name or Kevan’s. It was

an unfamiliar number. Following her gut Larissa carefully answered the phone and said, “Hello?”

There was silence on the other end of the phone before a strange yet familiar voice sounded out. “Long time no

see, Larissa.”

That voice had a sinister smile to it. Larissa’s arms broke out in goosebumps and cold sweat appeared on her back.

“Edmund Rogers Larissa said this name with forced calm. “Just come at me with everything you have. Don’t hurt


“Hurt Wendy?” Edmund Laughed. “I can’t wait in love her to death. How could I hurt her? Besides, she’s still

pregnant with my baby. How

ruthless could I possibly be to hurt them?”