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Sweet Subterfuge by Trina Duo

Chapter 856
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Chapter 856

Lewis arrived at the restaurant before someone called the police. After he paid, he picked Aster up and pulled

Larissa out of the place.

Now that the situation was under control, the people in the restaurant kept looking at them though, and their quiet

discussions kept going.

Aster’s emotions calmed down slowly after they were in the car. His wailing changed into sniffling and hiccuping. He

held Larissa’s hand and refused to let it go.

Lewis did not rush to start the car. He took some tissues and gave them to Larissa to clean herself and Aster up.

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They had cried so hard that their eyes were red. Their faces were wet with tears and it actually looked kind of scary.

“Try calling Wendy,” Lewis said to Larissa, who dug for her phone while hugging Aster.

Wendy’s phone remained unanswered like yesterday, But this time, she had her phone with her, so it was

impossible for her to not have heard the ringtone.

“Why don’t we call the police? The ringing in the phone made Larissa’s fear come faster. A million bad thoughts

flashed through her mind.

“There’s no point.” Lewis denied her suggestion at once. “The police won’t care since it’s been less than an hour

since she had gone missing”

“Then what do we do?” Larissa could not calm down. “Why don’t you wait here with Aster, and I’ll go up and find


The mall was huge. There were a lot of people during weekends. Il something happened to Wendy, someone would

have seen it. Moreover, up until now, the mall was fine and no police came inside. So, Wendy’s life must not be in


But she left Aster alone in the restaurant for so long and her phone could not be reached. It was likely that Wendy’s

freedom was restricted

so it was highly possible that she was still in the mall,

“No.” Lewis stopped Larissa. “I’ll send you and Aster home. If Wendy had gone home, you would know immediately

too. Leave the rest to me. All you need to do is take care of Aster. The kid’s scared. Comfort him.”

Larissa looked down at a still frightened Aster and thought about it for a few seconds. “Okay.”

The apartment was empty. Larissa searched every room, but there was no Wendy. Lewis had gone back to the mall

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after he dropped

Larissa and Aster at home. He told Larissa to wait for his phone call at home.

Larissa washed Aster’s face and comforted him for a long while. Aster soon fell asleep probably because he was

tired from crying. Larissa carried him back to his room before calling Wendy again. But no matter how many times

she called, nothing changed.

Larissa’s heart was really racing from strong anxiety now, and it made her stomach hurt.

She kept calling the same number and listened as no one answered over and over and over again.

Time trickled slowly away. When the message finally came through that Wendy’s phone had been turned off,

Larissa angrily threw her phone. It bounced on the soft bed several times as Larissa covered her lace and started

crying softly.

Hot tears dripped through her fingers and wet her hands both front and back. It also dripped into the sleeves of her

sweatshirt. They were fine during the morning Aster had just been boasting proudly of the food they were ealing an

hour ago