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Strings of Fate

Chapter 91
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91- Rocks and racing “Let me?” | repeat, glaring. He sighs tically.

“You're not seriously going to argue are you? It's not safe here right now, and | don’t think I could stand to let you out of my sight. Cstay with me. It doesn’t have to be forever. Just until this is sorted out.” He holds my gaze, pleading in his expression.

“If you don’t cwith| won't be leaving, and I'll be keeping Shaun and Aaron here too.” He adds. | roll my eyes.

“That's just excessive. But | do see your point. | want to be there with you if it will help your feel better, and it will helpfeel safe too. But also, my bedroom window is smashed to pieces and my bed is full of glass.” | bed is full of glass.” | pause, hesitating.

“What is it?” he prompts. | sigh.

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“I'm worried about Maggie and the other people in the building. | know it's not likely that anyone would attack them, but | just can’t help it.” | admit.

“I'll arrange for a security detail for the building until this is sorted out. They'll be safe.” He promises. | smile at him, a weak and sort of pathetic smile, but still a smile.

“Thankyou.” That settled, Bellamy finally letsleave the bathroom. Either Shaun or Aaron have used my broom and swept the worst of the glass up to the side of my bed so, with shoes on, the room can be mostly, safely navigated. | shiver as | look around and realise it’s because there is a breeze coming in from my broken window. | sigh and then go dig through my closet looking for my rarely used gym bag. | eventually find it and put it on top of the dresser. | spend a few minutes and pack a few outfits and comfort items, my phone charger, toothbrush and so on. | glance at the untouched pile of clothes that Bellamy left here. Well that was a waste, he hasn't even used them and I'm going to stay with him. Then again, it might not be forever. | might still cback here. | can’t help but snort at the thought. No way, once | live with him | highly doubt Bellamy is going to letmove back here without a fight, and | am fairly sure he could win it without much difficulty. The place has been feeling more and more lonely 1/4 91- Rocks and racing lately. Still, | need to talk to Maggie, and ugh, pay for the window and I don’t know what else. Also staying with Bellamy? Assuming | do end up staying for more than a week or two | need to work out skind of agreement for rent. | get the feeling he is going to argue about that too. Ugh, | haven't even gotten there yet and I'm stressing out about it.

| look around the room for anything I've missed. | know | can cback and get more stuff later, but | want to make sure I'm okay for at least a few days. | made sure to pack my work clothes and shoes. | have regular clothes and pyjamas. My eyes land on my bed and my favourite pillow. It’s silly and unnecessary... But | want it with me. Still, there's glass everywhere and | don’t know that | should try going over there. I think if | were to cut myself again Bellamy might lose it completely. Bellamy notices my focus.

“What are you looking for?” he asks. | point at the pillow.

“I want that pillow, but.... The glass...” | trail off, no further explanation needed. Bellamy doesn’t respond, just moves to the bed, crunching over the scattered glass shards and grabs the pillow. He shakes it and pats it down thoroughly making sure that there is no glass stuck in it anywhere before bringing it to me. | take it immediately.

He zips up my bag and pulls it over his shoulder. It's a baby pink colour and honestly looks a little ridiculous on him. But also sort of adorable? We head out to the living area. | feel particularly small and pathetic in my blood smeared pyjamas and unicorn slippers, my hair a mess. | must look awful. Shaun is just hanging up the phone as we approach.

“I just spoke to Alex, he’s getting all the security footage from all the cameras together and sending over a proper investigation team. The damage out front is mostly just typical vandalism and it looks like it was done before the window was smashed. As for that, we found. this in the bed.” He holds up a large rock, it looks like one from one of the yards of a neighbour down the street. | see those rocks all the twhile walking to work.

“Also, this was tied to the rock.” he hands Bellamy a crumpled up piece of paper. | recognise the typed out writing from my last letter.



BETTER WATCH YOUR HEAD!!! 2/4 91- Rocks and racing Watch your head? Seriously? Who is writing these notes? Do they think they're funny? | am completely over this.

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

| was scared, and admittedly, | probably will feel scared again later, but right now? I'm just pissed off. Although maybe not as pissed as Bellamy who looks about ready to strangle someone. | take his free hand and weave my fingers through his. He hands the note back to Shaun.

“I'm taking Ryann home. Look into this and make sure the security team puts a tarp over that window or something. Also make sure someone speaks to the landlady in the morning. Tell Alex | need an ongoing security detail for the other residents of the building until this issue is resolved.” Shaun nods.

“Yes Alpha Kane.” Something else Shaun said a minute ago registers in my brain.

“Other damage? Did whoever it was do something other than throw the rock and break my window?” | ask.

Shaun nods sympathetically but doesn’t say anything, just glances towards the front door. Aaron gestures forto follow him. Still clutching Bellamy’s hand, we head outside and | can see the damage. My front door is full of gouges, clearly from claws, and almost every inch of door, wall or window is covered in red and black spray paint with X marks, insults, and general profanity. | read a few then force myself to look away. It's too stressful.

Bellamy tugsaway and leadsdown to his waiting car. He opens the door forand actually bucklesin before dropping my bag in the back seat and heading around to the drivers side. The entire drive back to his hhe constantly glances sideways at me, to the point | am actually concerned that he isn’t watching the road enough. He also holds. my hand unless he really has to let go to drive. Well, to drive without smashing into a pole or something at least.

We make it back to Bellamy’s place in what has to be record time. | was so preoccupied 1 didn’t notice, but there is no way he wasn’t speeding. We got here way too fast. Likewise, he hurriesinside, grabbing my bag and practically draggingthrough the front door. He locks it behind him and checks the door. Twice. Only then is he satisfied. He still doesn’t let go of my hand though. We stand there awkwardly. | eventually pull away and pick up my bag, if only for something to break the standstill. The problem with that is | am just now realising that we didn’t actually discuss sleeping arrangements and | have no idea what to do or where to go.