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Strings of Fate

Chapter 275
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Strings of Fate Cam 32- Relaxing and reacting | pause for a fifteen minute break after the dinner rush ends and immediately head into my work room where | can relax. | don’t even bother complaining when Harry followsin there. | really ought to bring sactual chairs in here, but it's not a huge room and I need all the space | can manage for my potion making. Still, | feel a little bad when, with a type of fluid grace | could never manage, he settles himself down on the floor with his legs crossed.

“So, are you planning to answer the texts from your mum?” He asks. | weirdly appreciate that he is genuinely asking. He's not pressuringto answer her, in fact | don’t think he has an opinion either way, or at least if he does he isn’t forcing it on me. I'm tempted to ask him what he thinks | should do. If I should ignore her, call her, talk to her or just cut her off entirely. But it wouldn't be fair to put a question like that on him. Harry is a very bold person, he would probably just insist that | don’t need them and encourageto never talk to them again.

| know that’s probably what | SHOULD do, it would definitely be EASIER, but | just don’t know that I'm ready to take that step just yet.There has to be a reason my family are so insistent on my marrying Simon, sdetail that I'm missing that makes it all make sense. | KNOW they're not terrible people and | KNOW they love me. Or at least I'm fairly sure...

“I don’t know. I'll figure something out.” I tell him glumly.

“Fair enough, letknow if | can help at all.” He offers cheerfully. | search around for something else to talk about. Harry seems to sense my floundering and once again he comes to my aid.

“What about that guy you said you were going to email about the magical themed decor and stuff, did you ever hear back?” He asks. | leap at the chance to talk about something easy.

“I have no idea, letcheck my emails.” | perch myself on the workbench and open the mailon my phone.

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

I'm pleasantly surprised to find that my silent partner has actually answered for once.

“Good morning Camille, Thankyou for reaching out regarding your intentions for a re-design/ re-decorating of our shared business. As you have proven yourself very competent thus far in managing the 1/4 Cam 32- Relaxing and reacting business, | am happy to let you pursue whatever direction you believe is appropriate for its idea is future development. While your a little controversial, | believe it is likely to be very profitable and | trust you to manage it appropriately.

| am aware that ventures like this generally do cost money, particularly when you're just starting out. Keeping this in mind, if you were to senda summary of what you have planned and your proposed budget, | am happy to assist with funding within reason.

| look forward to hearing your future plans, Regards, -M I know it’s kind of weird that | don’t know the nof my co-owner. I'm pretty sure it's on the documentation somewhere, but even his signature was incomprehensible. Still, he’s a good partner and he letsdo as | like as shown by his response so I'm alright with a few quirks. | send off a quick reply.

*| appreciate your trust in my decision, | will put together a plan and get it to you ASAP.

Thanks again, Cam | turn to Harry, absolutely thrilled.

“He approved it! He even offered money to help out!” | practically squeal the words. Harry jumps to his feet, strides towards me, hooksunder the arms and spinsin a circle.

“Woah, hey putdown! We're going to knock something over or break something!” | demand. Harry laughs and does as | ask.

“Sorry, | just wanted to celebrate with you.” He does look a little apologetic but not regretful in the slightest. | cross my arms over my chest grumpily.

2/4 Cam 32- Relaxing and reacting “This is a work room. Don’t forget that sof the potions | keep in here can be dangerous, particularly when randomly mixed together and thrown around!” | lecture him. Okay, NOW he looks a little regretful.

“You're right, | didn’t think about that. I'm sorry.” He apologises again but this tI'm. happy with it.

Since “Good.” | sit back on the workbench. My legs always get a little sore while I'm working I'm on my feet the whole time. | groan and rub at my calf a little. Harry givesa heated look.

“Letknow if you want a hand with that. I'll have you know I'm great at giving massages.” He says this completely seriously and finishes with a smile.

“What?” He can’t seriously be offeringa massage... or is he just trying to get his hands on me? Instead of answering, Harry just kneels on the ground in front of me, grabs my left ankle and begins massaging my sore calf. My first instinct is to yank it away... but damn that feels good. | decide to stay where | am. | have to work not to stare at him as he methodically runs his fingers up and down my leg, relaxing the muscles and occasionally pushing into a particularly sore spot. He seems very focussed on his task. | have to fight the urge to squirm in place, even though he’s only touching my calves and it’s through my jeans and everything. He moves onto my other leg after a couple minutes and | start to feel his magic creeping through me, gettingall worked up. | jerk away from him and glare.

“Stop that!” I half yell. Harry immediately lets go and sits back on his heels. He looks confused and tilts his head to the side.

“Sorry? | thought you were okay with it. You didn’t say no when | started.” He is frowning to himself, trying to work out where it went wrong. | continue to glare at him.

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

“Why would | be okay with you manipulating me?!” | hiss the words at him. Harry stares.

“Manipulating- what? | just wanted to help you feel better. How is that manipulating you?” He asks. | shake my head, completely disgusted at myself and slide off the bench.

“I need to go back to work.” | storm off, leaving him in my work room staring after me.

3/4 Cam 32- Relaxing and reacting Harry chases afterimmediately as | step behind the bar. He goes to followback there. but | block him so he goes around to the customer side and followsthat way.

“Cam? Cam what just happened?” He sounds stressed. Cora is watching him with a bemused.


“Cam, talk toplease!” Harry pleads and | sigh. | know how persistent he is, he won't just go away. | glance at Cora.

“Cora, why don’t you go take your break. | got this.” | assure her.

“Really?” She glances sideways at Harry.

“I can stay if you wantto...” She trails off and | know she genuinely means it. | wave her off.

“It's fi fine. Go take your break. I'll see you in half an hour.” She heads off to the kitchen where she likes to hide, take her break and have something to eat while the kitchen staff pack up for the evening. Once she leaves, | turn to Harry with a sigh.

“Go on.” Chapter Comments