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Strings of Fate

Chapter 152
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Strings of Fate 152-Touch and Taste Bellamy’s response is to grin while holding eye contact, he pulls his shirt off over his head in one smooth motion.

| can’t help the squeak that escapesas my eyes drop to his chest and abs, then back up again to his face.

Why is my automatic reaction to think | need to close my eyes? I'm fairly sure thatlooking away was not his goal when he removed his shirt.

“Uhm...” | stare. Okay, is this better or worse than looking away? Bellamy reached out to take my hands in his.

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“Just relax. Don’t worry so much.” He says gently, lifting my hands and placing them on his chest. He reached aroundand pullsback up to straddle his lap again. I'm at least thirty percent sure that he chooses to sit this way because it’s easy forto get away. He's tellingto relax but | suspect he overthinks things just as much as me. At least he does afterwards. Bellamy leans in to k*ssagain, successfully silencing my thoughts.

I have no idea how long later, | feel Bellamy’s hand on the edge of my top again. He slips his hands underneath and after making sure | am not about to freak out, he begins pushing the edge of my top up. He stops with it just above my waist. | take a deep breath and remind myself that he’s seenin much less before | pull back a little and remove my top the rest of the way, dropping it on the floor by the bed leavingin my dark blue bra. It's plain but I like it because it matches my hair. | can hear Bellamy’s cat-like purr as he slidesbackwards off his lap and onto the pillows. Unlikewhen he took his shirt off, Bellamy doesn’t look away for even half a second.

His eyes are basically glued to me. He groans and gently pushesback into the pillows, leaning overto k*ss my throat and collar bone.

“You are so beautiful.” He murmurs against my skin and | shiver again, my hands find their way up into his hair then over the muscles of his back.Bellamy begins to move his attention lower, pressing his lips into my breast above the bra, then down to trail k*sses over my stomach. His hands run up and down my sides, grazing my breasts and, when | don’t object, they lightly touchover the bra too, dragging a groan fromand triggering more purring sounds from Bellamy. | can feel the roughness of his jeans against my bare legs and I'm fairly sure my skirt has ridden up practically all the way again. | can feel it bunched up beneath me. I'm not the only one who notices. Bellamy runs his hand up my leg, brushes over the side of my underwear and up to my hip, only stopping when the skirt gets in the way. His other hand finds the zipper on the side.

1/3 152-Touch and Taste “May 1?” He asks, his voice a little hoarse. | don’t think about it for long, the skirt is annoying and not really hiding anything anyway.

“Okay.” | answer, my voice almost embarrassingly breathy. Bellamy carefully pulls at the zipper, pausing to straighten out my skirt a bit because the zipper won’t move past the bunched up fabric. Finally, he manages to pull the last part of the zipper down and slips the skirt from my b*dy. From the way | can feel Bellamy’s muscles tensing above me, you would think he’s the one that is mostly n*ked. We spend several more, very pleasant minutes with Bellamy apparently determined to get to know every exposed part of me... with his lips. It's not until he is pressing a hot k*ss into the skin on the inside of my thigh, just above my knee that I stop him.

“Bellamy.” | start, my tone a warning that he heeds immediately. He climbs his way back up my b*dy, places a light k*ss on my swollen lips and then rolls to the side off of me, ending on his back, his breathing ragged. | work to calm my racing heart and Bellamy appears to be doing the same. After a couple minutes he groans and climbs out of bed.

“I think | should go take my shower now. His eyes are hot onand | shiver under his gaze and nod. He steps into the ensuite. | locate a clean shirt to wear as my pyjamas, pull it over my head, then collapse back into bed to wait for Bellamy.

| lie there quietly and listen to the sounds of the shower running. So much has happened.

process, much less worry. | actually feel guilty for going out and having a good twhen I should be looking for Kiara. | know I'm waiting for people to get back to me, but surely there should be SOMETHING that | can do in the meantime? Ugh, Bellamy needs to hurry up. He leavesalone for two minutes and I'm stressing again. He isn’t gone long, but when he comes back to bed he is much calmer. As he pullsinto his side | also notice that he is chilled through. His shower was definitely a cold one. That can’t have been pleasant compared to Bellamy, I'm practically burning up. I'm surprised he isn’t shivering. Seriously, it feels like I'm messing with him somehow.

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How is he not completely sick of me? Or at least of this.

today, it’s been busy and overwhelming. I've barely had tto ” “Bellamy?” | start, not sure what I’m planning to ask. He holdstightly, clearly trying to steal sof my warmth.

“Yes?” He answers simply. He still sounds pleased, abd maybe a little smug. But that can’t be right, | mean | just forced him to endure a likely unpleasant cold shower.

2/3 152-Touch and Taste “Do... do you think I'm... | don’t know... a tease?” | suggest. Bellamy rollscarefully by my shoulders so that I'm facing him. His eyebrows are practically up in his hairline he has them raised so high.

“After what just happened... why would you ask that?” He demands, curiosity and concern in his eyes.

“That's exactly why I'm asking. Enduring a cold shower can’t be fun and | can’t help but feel it's my fault. Most normal people would be... ready by now. I'm the one with issues.” Bellamy shakes his head as well as he can without lifting it from the pillow.

“Nah, if you were purposely workingup with the intention of leaving me... unsatisfied, then you would be a tease. As it is, | tend to get myself worked up either way. | mean I'm usually the one initiating things, as you mentioned earlier. A cold shower occasionally is well and truly worth it. | will take whatever | can get now knowing that eventually there will be... satisfaction.” A grin slides into place on Bellamy’s face and he winks at me.

“Just think of this as extended foreplay.“Great, just when | had managed to get my blush under control it's back again..