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Strings of Fate

Chapter 124
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124- Proposal and peril Bellamy gets to his feet besideand I figure he's going to leave and givespace, maybe go get Megan to calmdown. But no, instead he kneels on the carpet in front of me.

"Darling please don't cry." He reaches out slowly like he's trying not to spookand gently tucks my hair back behind my ears and out of my face.

28 "I need you to look at me. It doesn't make it okay but I want to explain so I can apologise properly." He insists. Finally, slowly, I look up and meet his eyes. He looks panicked and guilty. Already I can't help but soften towards him.

"I wasn't thinking. I chand I was so excited to see you and you ran to meetwhich probably makes my top ten most thrilling moments, all of which involve you by the way, but then I realised you were just relaxing and having a nice twith Shaun and I got jealous that he was able to spend the day with you, which is insane because I'm the one who insisted on it, I know. But it still happened. I wanted to grab you there and then and keep you close and make sure he knows that he can't have you but I didn't, because you wouldn't like that. Then, he finally left and we were alone and I was feeling insecure. I wanted to be close to you and you didn't seem to be objecting." He pauses and I realise he wants a response. I give a small nod and he continues.

"You toldthat Shaun is meant for Amber and I just felt such a huge sense of relief and you letpull you closer and it was amazing and I want to be close to you so badly. When you froze I just panicked. I said stupid things because I'm jealous and apparently a little insecure. I was the one who promised you that I am happy to wait for you to be ready, and I meant it. I didn't mean to pressure you. I am really sorry. I won't do it again." He promises. sincerely. I burst out in another round of tears and throw myself forward, wrapping my arms.

around his neck.

"You're such an idiot." I grumble out against his chest and Bellamy lets out a relieved chuckle.

"Yes I am. A jealous idiot." He agrees.

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"I've never even looked at someone else that way. There's no point." I remind him as I start to pull back. Bellamy clutchestightly for a second longer then releases me. I sit up and he 1/5 124- Proposal and peril takes my hand.

"You have no idea how happy that makes me." He admits.

"You shouldn't be so jealous." I chide him. I reach out and run a finger over the red string bracelet I made him. His eyes follow the movement of my hand. He nods.

"I know. I'll work on it." "You should just tellif you are." I continue to lecture.

"I will." He promises. I stare at him a moment longer before relenting.

"I guess I forgive you then." Bellamy responds with a gorgeous smile and he k*sses my that he's still holding. "Thankyou." "You're welcome." I answer primly. I hear a tic gasp from the doorway.

hand "Woah, what's going on here? Oooh wait, Bels are you proposing?" Megan asks in a tic voice. I can tell she's joking... probably? Bellamy looks confused for a moment before he realises that he is still kneeling on the floor in front of me. I just roll my eyes.

"No Megan, he is not proposing. He's apologising. I'm pretty sure you should be able to see that I was crying. So don't be crazy. It is waaaay too soon for a proposal!" I complain. Megan shrugs her shoulders and wanders further into the room.

"I could see you being mad or crying if he proposed. It's not that unrealistic. I didn't say you were ACCEPTING the imaginary proposal." I glare at her and Bellamy looks a little offended.

He gets to his feet and returns to his spot besideon the couch. He wraps an arm around my shoulder and continues to stare at Megan in annoyance.

"I'm just saying. Now, I've ordered takeout for my dinner which should arrive any second now. Before I take it up to my room and vanish for the rest of the night to finish my last few lectures, why were you crying and do I need to yell at Bellamy?" She questions seriously. I shake my head.

2/5 124- Proposal and peril "It's nothing. Bellamy had a jealous moment and overreacted. We sorted it out." I promise. Bellamy looks embarrassed but gives a nod of agreement. Megan stares him down for a second then waves at us as she heads to grab her food delivery from the front door. Once she is heading back upstairs, Bellamy groans.

"I'm starting to see the downside of you being so close with my twin sister. I'm never going to win an argument ever again, and even if I do, I'll still be wrong! Plus you are definitely going to tell her about all the stupid things you catchdoing. Ugh." I laugh.

"Okay maybe a bit. If it helps any, I'll tell you about the dumb stuff she does as well?” I suggest. He shrugs but looks a little mollified. I'm still giggling a little when Bellamy flashesa cheeky grin. I narrow my eyes suspiciously.

"Soo..." He starts.

"So what?" I ask.

"So... how long is an appropriate tbefore a proposal, just for future reference you know. I want to know this timeline you apparently have figured out." He winks atand I get all flustered.

"... you... ugh." I roll my eyes tically.

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"I'll get back to you on that." I grumble and now it's Bellamy's turn to laugh.

"Sure, if you like." Bellamy and I do an easy dinner with sleftovers from the fridge then find ourselves back upstairs. Bellamy is reading in bed with his free arm wrapped around my waist. I'm leaning on his shoulder and scrolling my phone aimlessly when the group chat goes off.

COCK TALES Harry- Hey ladies. So I suspect the bartender has possibly spelled my drink. I'm taking votes. Do I drink it anyway? Yes or no? Harry- She's probably not trying to kill me, it could be a good spell... maybe.

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Ryann- Hmm.... I mean, what's the worst you think she would be willing to do toyou are your willing to risk that? Harry-Probably just something embarrassing. It might even be funny. Megan, what do you think? Harry- Megan...

Harry- You there? Ryann- Megan might not answer, she's having a study day. No fun allowed.

Harry- Damn, but we need another opinion. And I notice you didn't technically say yes or no.

I contemplate my answer. I think since he likes her he should probably just drink it. As long as he thinks he can trust her it's probably okay.m right? From his description she is more. sassy than vindictive. Who else can we ask? Bellamy maybe? But I don't think he really wants to talk about Harry's love life. Oh! What about Amber? I did want to get closer to her. COCK TALES Ryann- Do you mind if I add my friend Amber to this chat? I think you'll like her.

Harry- The more the merrier. Go ahead.

I'm about to text Amber and ask if Shih she wants to join the chat when h her last message again. She read her last already toldyes earlier.

Awesome. I add her to the group chat.