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Silly Bride novel (Winnie and Xavier)

Chapter 9
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In the middle of this silent night, the door knob was turned by someone from the outside,

causing a sharp creak to ring out. The moment Xavier and Winnie heard the creaking

sound, both of them opened their eyes at the same time. However, none of them moved.

After all, one was supposed to be a “vegetable,” while the other was playing the role of a

mentally challenged woman. Theoretically speaking, neither of them should have such a

sensitive reaction. After a moment, Zyon successfully entered the bedroom. He had not

returned to the country for more than a year. Although he had been dating a lot of foreign

girlfriends, he felt they were not able to satisfy his desires. This problem had been

bothering him for a long time, but he was unable to find the reason. It was not until he saw

Winnie that day that realization suddenly dawned on him. Deep down, he liked women

who came from the same country as him. Foreign food did not really suit his taste. Zyon

had been thinking about Winnie after returning from the Garland Group that day. He could

not forget the woman’s beautiful face. Even knowing that she was a mentally challenged

woman, he decided he would get his hands on the woman. Hence, he sneaked into

Xavier’s room. Zyon turned on the table lamp by the bedside, and without wasting another

second, he stretched out his hand. He caressed Winnie’s face and complimented, “My

gosh, you’re beautiful. And your curves, they’re to die for. Your intelligence is not

important at all for me to have fun with you.” While talking, Zyon lifted the blanket

covering Winnie’s body, and he glanced at her curvy body from top to bottom. “Even

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though you’re an idiot, you must feel wronged for marrying Xavier. He’s a vegetable, after

all. He can’t give you the pleasure of being a woman, but I can!” “Ugh… It’s so bright. My

eyes hurt…” He’s so disgusting! Winnie could feel Zyon’s lascivious gaze even with her

eyes closed. How dare he touch me! Winnie rubbed her eyes and sat up in order to avoid

his wandering hands. “Who are you? And why are you in my room? Where is Mary? Mary!”

Winnie hugged her blanket and shrunk away, trying to call out to Mary. “Stop shouting. No

one can hear you no matter how loud you shout. Xavier is a very suspicious person. His

room has the best soundproof effect. Even if I f*ck you in front of him, no one can hear

your voice from outside! Now come to me, you silly girl. Come to my arms!” As he spoke,

he stretched out his hands and grabbed Winnie’s legs. Winnie started kicking him while

looking at Xavier beside her. Seriously? Are you still not going to wake up? You’re not

really a vegetable! It was obvious to her that Xavier did not want to expose his real

condition to Zyon. What should I do now? Should I wake him up or just give this disgusting

Zyon a deadly kick? But if I reveal my true skills, I would be exposed. After analyzing the

situation, Winnie decided to sacrifice Xavier. She could not afford to let her plan be

disrupted. Besides, Xavier’s plan was none of her business. While still putting on the act

that she was too weak to resist Zyon, she started to sob. “Wake up, Handsome!” She

turned around and started shaking Xavier who was pretending to be in a coma. “A bad

man is trying to catch me! Handsome, wake up, please. Beat the bad guy up. I’m scared!”

“Come here! What’s the use of asking a vegetable for help?” Zyon laughed and pulled

Winnie over. With a tug, Winnie’s pink Peppa Pig pajamas were torn apart. Her fair and

flawless shoulders were instantly exposed. “No! Don’t tear up my Peppa Pig! This is my

pajamas! Go away! Go away!” Winnie cried out while hitting Zyon weakly. “Hahaha! Come

on! Your punches are so soft that I can’t even feel anything.” The sound of cracking was

heard again. Winnie had been dragged to the floor by Zyon. Her cries and screams were

like sharp arrows, piercing Xavier’s heart. Lying on the bed with his eyes closed, veins

could be seen popping on his forehead, and his hands under the blankets were clenched

into fists. D*mn it! D*mn that Zyon! How dare he touches my wife right in front of me!

He’s definitely asking for death! “Ahh! Move your stinky mouth away! Handsome, save

me! I’m so scared…” Finally, when Winnie cried for help again, Xavier could no longer hold

on anymore. No man can stand this! There’s no way I can stand my wife being bullied

right in front of me! It doesn’t matter even if she’s an idiot! Zyon finally kissed the woman

that he had been craving for all day. Her skin was smooth and tender, better than any

woman he had ever slept with. However, just as he was about to take the next move, a

shadow suddenly shrouded his head. Before he could react, he was kicked to the ground.

“X-Xavier!” The moment he saw that it was Xavier, Zyon’s face paled, making him look

like a ghost. “Y-You’re awake?” At the moment, Xavier was exuding a violent aura. He

clenched his fists and said, “You must have a death wish, huh?” With that, his irons fists

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rained down on Zyon’s body. Zyon was no match for Xavier. After a while, he started

begging for mercy. Xavier had no intention of killing him. However, when he thought of

Winnie’s miserable cries, he could not control his fists. In the end, Zyon passed out. Xavier

turned around to check on Winnie’s condition. “No! Don’t touch me!” Winnie lay curled up

in the corner, her eyes filled with fear. She hugged herself tightly. Xavier noticed that her

pajamas were torn, and there was a mark on her neck. Xavier felt extremely regretful

looking at Winnie’s fragile look. I shouldn’t have pretended to be in a coma for so long just

now. I should’ve kicked him as soon as he came in. “Winnie, it’s me. I’m Handsome. Can I

take a look at you?” “No! I called you, but you didn’t wake up. Handsome is a meanie. You

didn’t want to protect me, so you didn’t want to wake up.” Winnie’s big eyes were filled

with tears, and she shook her head sadly. “It’s not like that, Winnie. I…” He wanted to say

that he did not do it on purpose. But after thinking about it carefully, he realized that he

actually did that on purpose. He did not want Zyon to find out that he was pretending to

be a comatose patient, so he hesitated. Due to his hesitation, Winnie was hurt. Winnie

cried even more sadly. She sobbed and said, “You must hate that I called out for you and

let the others know that you’re actually awake. That’s why you didn’t save me, am I

right?” “No!” Xavier found that he could not handle her tears at all. His heart ached when

he saw her crying and trembling. He could not bear the heart-wrenching feeling anymore.

He reached out and took Winnie into his arms, hugging her tightly as if she was the most

precious treasure. “Don’t worry, Winnie. The game is over now. We won’t play anymore,

and I won’t let anyone bully you ever again.” An hour later, two luxury cars drove into

Xavier’s mansion.