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Silly Bride novel (Winnie and Xavier)

Chapter 10
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One was the exclusive car of Rufus, while the other was the car of Stuart Fairchild, the

second uncle of Xavier. They came at the same time in the middle of the night for the

same reason—they had received a phone call from Xavier. When Rufus heard Xavier’s

voice, he almost teared up with joy. On the other hand, Stuart, who was Zyon’s father, was

not so happy to receive Xavier’s call. Especially when he heard that his precious son was

in Xavier’s hands. When Rufus got out of the car, he was surprised to see his second son,

who was also in a hurry. “Why are you here too, Stuart?” “Dad, Xavier called me and said

that Zyon is in his hands. From his tone, I can tell that something bad must have

happened.” “When did Zyon come back? Hasn’t he been abroad all this while? What

trouble has he caused this time? Displeasure welled within Rufus whenever he heard

about this grandson of his. “Dad, he just came back. What trouble can he cause? Besides,

no one can give him a hard time other than Xavier!” “What do you mean by that? You’re

acting strange. Let me tell you. Xavier is awake now. This is a great blessing and the most

important thing for our family! So I hope you won’t bother me with other nonsense!” “Dad,

Zyon is your grandson too. Is he not important to you?” Stuart hated Rufus’ favoritism.

However, Rufus did not like Zyon. He did not like Stuart either as compared to his eldest

son. As such, he simply walked into the mansion, ignoring Stuart’s words. Stuart glared at

the back of Rufus who was striding away. I should’ve unplugged Xavier’s oxygen tube

when he got into the car accident! I did not expect that he could still wake up. What a

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lucky man he is! Meanwhile, back in the mansion, Rufus was crying as he stared at Xavier,

who was now awake. “Oh, my poor boy! You did great to wake up!” Looking at Rufus’s

reaction, Xavier felt a little guilty. “I’m sorry, Grandpa. It’s my fault for letting you worry

about me for one whole year.” “My dear boy!” Rufus patted Xavier’s arm with great gusto.

“I’m happy to see you awake, and I really couldn’t ask for more.” Meanwhile, Stuart gritted

his teeth in anger when he saw his precious son lying half-dead on the couch. “Zyon!” He

ran over to the couch and saw that Zyon was beaten up badly, with patches of bruises

covering his face. There was even blood trickling down the corner of his mouth. Fury rose

within him at the sight of his son’s condition. “Dad, you’re finally here! Save me! Take me

away!” “Xavier! What have you done to Zyon? Are you the one who beat him up?” “What

are you yelling for? Am I invisible to you?” Rufus turned around and glared at Stuart

furiously. “Dad, is Xavier your only grandson? What about Zyon? Take a look at him! He’s

badly bruised! I doubt there are other people in the mansion who dare to beat him like this

besides Xavier!” Indeed, Rufus’ attention was all on Xavier when he came in just now. He

did not notice that Zyon was lying on the couch until Stuart mentioned it. He immediately

walked over to take a look at him. His injuries seem to be quite serious. Rufus cleared his

throat and turned around to look at Xavier. “Xavier, tell us what the hell is going on. Why

did Zyon come to your place in the middle of the night, only to end up getting beaten up?”

“Dad, what do you mean that he came here to get beaten up?” “Don’t get angry, Uncle

Stuart. What Grandpa said is true. He really asked for it!” Xavier sneered. He turned to

look at Josiah, who was standing next to him, and said, “Show them!” “Okay,” Josiah

responded briefly. He then connected the laptop to the TV in the living room. Soon, a black

figure appeared on the huge TV screen. The black figure could be seen sneakily opening

the door to Xavier’s bedroom before searching for the table lamp at the bedside and

turning it on. Then, he began to molest Winnie… The black figure was none other than

Zyon. Everything that happened earlier was recorded, including how he insulted Xavier in

the room. His evil deeds were clear for everyone to see. Of course, Josiah did not show the

scene where Xavier was beating Zyon. Rufus’ face darkened immediately. “Stuart, so this

is how you raised your son, huh? How dare he sneaked into his cousin-in-law’s room in the

middle of the night! He can’t blame anyone for getting beat up.” “A scheme. This is all a

scheme! I mean, who would install a camera in their own room?” “Mr. Stuart, let me

explain this on behalf of Xavier. I installed a camera in his room for the sake of monitoring

his health condition. However, I did not expect Mr. Zyon turned out to be such a person.

He wanted to rape his cousin’s wife while his cousin was in a coma… Not to mention that

Mrs. Fairchild is a mentally challenged woman.” said Josiah. “Enough. I don’t want to hear

any more of this.” Rufus could not bear listening to that. “Stuart, bring this b*stard home

right now. Get him to come and apologize to Xavier and Winnie when he recovers.” “Dad,

save me! Take me to the hospital now!” Zyon’s ribs were broken by Xavier, and he felt like

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he was about to die. Feeling his heart wrench at Zyon’s miserable state, Stuart was about

to bring him to the doctor. However, before he could do so, Xavier stopped him. “Hold on,

Uncle Stuart. There’s an acquaintance who wants to meet you and Zyon. Mary, bring her

over.” A moment later, Mary led a maid in. As soon as the maid saw Stuart, she kneeled

down, hugged his leg, and begged, “Mr. Stuart, save me! I don’t want to go to jail. I was

hired by you, so I dared not refuse Mr. Zyon when he told me to open the door.” “Shut up!

I don’t know you at all!” Although Stuart was feigning ignorance, Rufus was smart enough

to see through the trick that his son was playing. “How dare you, Stuart! You actually

planted a spy by Xavier’s side? What the hell were you thinking?” Stuart wanted to argue,

But the maid refused to let go of him as she thought Stuart was the only person who could

save her. Xavier sneered. “Uncle Stuart, you’re the one who asked for it. So don’t blame

me for being heartless. I heard that during the period when I was in a coma, you made a

mess of the company. Now that I am awake, I think it’s time for you to step down and

hand over the position. What do you think, Grandpa?” “I’m okay with that. I will call for a

board meeting tomorrow.” Xavier added, “Also, I think it’s better to put Zyon in

confinement. I’m still a little weak now, and I don’t want to see him in my room again in

the middle of the night.” “Stuart, did you hear that? Don’t let Zyon go anywhere during

this period.” Zyon is so badly injured now. Where else can he go? Stuart was boiling in

anger. It only took twenty minutes to settle all this. Rufus thought that Xavier was still

weak and had not fully recovered yet. However, in truth, Xavier could not wait to see

Winnie. He wanted to look her in the eyes to comfort her and to apologize to her. He did

not expect that when he returned to the room, the first thing he saw was…