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Chapter 75
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Chapter 75
Beverly has never been the same after that divorce. She combed the whole of Canada but there was sign of Jason. She was
only seeing him again now with another woman and wondered if he was married because there was no ring on him or the
woman’s finger. Doctor Row has been away for years and Beverly wondered where she disappeared to, just like Jaxon. She
already knew that Jaxon was not completely human like her but when they lived together in Canada, he lived normally and there
was no sign of his wolf. As such, she did not bother to know exactly where he lived before their marriage.
That was how she lost him after the divorce since she could not trace or find him to beg him to return. Beverly did not move on
since. The man she cheated on Jaxon with was only in on the money because of how Jaxon took care of her and gave her
everything she wanted.
They battled for the twins she gave birth to, who both belonged to the man she was cheating with. In the end, they had to split
and share custody. Beverly got a job, and rented a one-bedroom apartment which she lived in with her son. She visits the other
twin from time to time.
That boyfriend of hers, cheated her with another woman, the same ways she cheated on Jaxon with him. As she watched their
car moving from a distance, she followed them, hoping to know their house but got to a hotel.
She had hope, feeling that perhaps, Dr. Row was just Jason’s girlfriend. If not, why would he take her to a hotel? Jaxon was rich
and had a lot of assets which he sold before disappearing so she knew that he was still rich
She went home and returned the next day, very early in the morning. All she needed was the opportunity to apologize and get
back her man. Anytime she saw Jason with Rowena, her heart would be unbearably painful.
She saw the two of them enter a car which Jason rented after they arrived in Canada. After dropping off Rowena and walking her
to the ensergency ward, Jaxon drove to check on some businesses, not know that he was being followed.
When he was done meeting some business associates, he passed by a supermarket to get some beverages and a few things
Rowena needed when Beverly walked to him. Jason did not see when she flung herself around him but he quickly pushed her
away without seeing her face but recognizing her scent.
“Beverly, what are you doing here!” Jaxon was furious and wanted to peel the skin off his body because of how she embraced
him. He was just extremely disgusted at the close contact. After over seven years, he never imagined to be meeting someone
like Beverly in his life again.

“Let’s go somewhere and talk,” Beverly said in a pleading tone. She looked remorseful but Jaxon did not care. The only thing
that shone in his eyes were disgust. If she had even cheated in a relationship, he would have considered forgiving her but not
when he married her and tried to do everything in his power to make her happy.
“We have nothing to talk about,” he said sternly, as everything about her annoyed his wolf, who was already upset being here
because he could not shift. Beverly could not just let to like that. She looked into the basket he was holding whiles shopping and

was amazed by the first thing that caught her eyes.
“What is that? Tampons?”
Shock registered in her eyes when she saw that Jaxon had gone to buy tampons for that woman. Something he never did for her
throughout their time of marriage. Beverly was pained and so bitter, she could not even cry.
Jaxon smiled at the sight of the tampons she was looking at. Last night, they were about to do it when Rowena saw her period.
She only had one emergency pad on her, which she reserved for the morning and thought to get more at the hospital but when
Jaxon was shopping, he thought of getting the tampons down for her, in case of any emergencies. Being in her period was also a
good thing because she would not need sex to regain her energy, Jaxon was already planning how he was going to invade her
sweet walls as soon as this unexpected visitor called period left.
“They belong to my wife,” he said proudly.
Beverly’s heart broke at the mention of wife, which meant that he already moved on. How could he move when she has been
waiting for lu all these years to render an honest apology? Besides, Jaxon never did the things he was doing for Dr. Row for her
during their time of marriage together.
“You never bought me tampons throughout our marriage,” she said accusingly, meaning that he did not love her as much as he
loved Rowena, for which reason it was so easy for him to give up on her and move on. Jaxon shook smiled mockingly whiles be
addressed her accusation.
“You were a housewife and you had all the time in the world. Why would I need to get you tampons? My wife is a doctor and I
don’t work so I have to do these to support her.”
He remembered the conversation Beverly was having with the man she was cheating with that day. She was with Jaxon because
he was rich and capable of meeting her needs. Perhaps if he made her to feel like he had nothing, she would give up that hope.
However, Beverly did not believe him because of the kind of hotel he lodged with Rowena. Rowena might be a doctor and also
be financially sound but such places were meant for billionaires. It was the reason why she did not believe him but how could
Jaxon know that she had been following him since last night?

Chapter 75
“Where do you live?” She asked, wanting to make the trip to his house if that would show him how serious she was
“Not your business,” Jaxon responded coldly and turned to leave when she pleaded behind his back,
“Jaxon please, can we sit somewhere and talk? I just want to apologize.”
Jaxon knew about exes. It was just like how Clara got so obsessed and tried every means to kill Rowena. He was not st upid to
honor any meeting with his ex-wife,
“I already forgive you”
“Then let me buy you lunch, she insisted, trying to make him feel like she was not in for the money and would do anything from

him. However, her persistence was increasingly irritating Jaxon’s wolf and he roared,
“Beverly, stay away from me!”
Beverly trembled and other people in the shop looked at them strangely, Jason rebuked his wolf for taking control in a human
world even after being locked up
“Jaxon please, you judged me too early and did not give me the chance to explain,” Beverly continued to speak when Jaxon was
about to go to the cashier. He paused, turned around and spoke in an impassive tone,
“Explain you in bed with another man! Do you know for how long I stayed there and listened to all you said to each other? Have
some dignity and stay away from me?
Jaxon wanted her to know that he heard everything but it did nothing to keep her away from him. She was since persistent
because after all, it has been several years and Jaxon should have gollen over it by now. She even broke up with the man after
since he was her ex-boyfriend.
“Jaxon, I love you,” she echoed through the shop, not minding that people heard her and were watching and listening to them.
Her words caused a lot of pain in Jaxon’s heart and he said bitterly to h
“When you love someone, you on a long time ago.”
don’t hurt them. The
e only
reason why I am able to speak to you like this, is because I moved.
It was not the hurt that she cheated on him alone but the fact that she took him for a fool. He reached the cashier but Beverly
followed him and said.
Jaxon, I don’t believe you are married.”
Jaxon understood it was because the way of marriage in the pack was different from that of the human world. However, he could
not explain it to her. Even if he wanted to do so, he so, he did not think that she was worth his time and words.
“Suit yourself. What you believe does not matter to me.” Jaxon merely gave his card to the cashier when Beverly said behind
“Jax, I gave birth to twins and they are yours.”.