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Rejected by the Beta, Claimed by the Alpha

Chapter 74
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Chapter 74
Rowena knew that if she followed medical procedures, then most of the patients would not make it. There was one doctor
attending to the patients before she came in. He was already tired and worn out, Rowena could tell that his shift was long. over
but he was overworking himself because of the shortage of medical staff.
It would have not been like this if the for the disaster so she understood. It was also good that visiting hours were over and no
relative of the patients would be loitering around.
“Ah Doctor Row, are you on the night shift?” The doctor, whom Rowena remembered from when she used to work at the Easten
hospital asked her. Rowena was a popular doctor by then so it was not a surprise that she was still recognized.
“Yes,” Rowena agreed. The lesser people she had tailing around, the better.
“Then I should get my night off. I thought there was no doctor so I had to keep working until one arrived.”
Rowena smiled and said, “There are lots of casualties but I can hold the forte for you until tomorrow.”
“Thank you very much. I need to pick up my son from my neighbor,” the doctor said with gratitude, patting Rowena on the
shoulder before leaving.
Rowena was left with only two nurses and the many patients. The nurses were administering the IVs and other medications as
Rowena instructed. For those with wounds, they had to be treated as well.
The nurses began eyeing each other as if they wanted to say something but would say nothing in the end. When they could not
take it anymore, one of them said, “Doctor Row, I have not eaten since morning. Can I go and grab something?”
“Of course,” Rowena was moved with pity and agreed. She felt saddened for them for overworking themselves.
“Me too,” the second nurse said upon realizing that Rowena was faster in administering the medications and even prescribing
them that the other doctors. It was as if she could do everything on her own.
Rowena smiled and responded, “You both can go but do you mean you have been working since morning?” she asked them.
Usually, they would have three shifts a dad but it seemed that once a person began a shift, she could not close the usual time
until a replacement arrived.
“Yes, Doctor Row.”
“You should get some sleep after eating. I will be fine. I have worked alone for a while and can take care of it. Don’t die from
The nurses exchanged glances and beamed. The other doctor would not even allow them time to go and eat but Rowena told
them to even sleep.
“Thank you, Doctor Row, you are a life saver. I hope you are back to stay?” one of the nurses asked, Rowena let out a sad smile
and responded,

“No. I just came to help.”

The nurses were saddened but were still happy to have had the opportunity to work with the legendary doctor Row.
Rowena thought to work quickly, beginning from the worse injured. Unlike what she does in the pack, she did not spend a lot of
time with each patient to not give complete healing. She did it in a way that the patient would recover from the inside and it would
take two to three days for them to be totally healed.
It also made it faster, as she had the opportunity to touch each patient before Jaxon arrived. If she followed her usual style, she
would spend more time with each patient but they would also recover instantly. That would also pose questions Rowena was not
ready to answer.
When Jaxon saw her working alone, he was disturbed, feeling that it wasn’t safe. It was not his fault that he tried to be careful
since Rowena was once attacked in a Alpha Baron’s pack hospital before.
“Where is your team?” Jaxon asked her whiles leaning in for a kiss. Rowena did not deny him since every patient she touched
took to sleeping.
They have been working since morning so I gave them the night off,” Rowena said and Jaxon nodded his head at her
“I booked the hotel and I got everything we need,” he revealed whiles Rowena was relaxing a bit. If she had not used her
powers, she would have been overwhelmed by now and not had the opportunity to chat with Jaxou.
“You got clothes for me?” She asked curiously, feeling her cheeks blushing. It was different when they were at the packhouse but
this was Canada, for which reason Rowena was expecting him to behave differently but Jaxon never did. He treated her the
same way he did when they were at the pack.
“Sure,” Jaxon nodded with a frown, surprised that he was shocked.
“Do you know my size?” Rowena asked since she had added weight a little. She was still s exy though but sometimes, she was
Chapter 74
“Of course, yes,” Jaxon said proudly.
A patient woke up screaming and Rowena quickly went to him. “What is the problem?” She asked worriedly, when the patient
screamed though tears, “My chest, I feel pain in my chest.”
Rowena was afraid his cries would wake the other patience and quickly said, “Sorry.” She placed her hand on his chest and
asked, “Where exactly do you feel the pain?”
“I don’t feel it anymore.” The patient said. Rowena had used maximum power to heal him without him knowing. She intentionally

“Are you sure?”

“Yes,” the patient nodded his head and confirmed. Rowena was glad that he did not feel weird to question her as to what exactly
she did to him.
“Alright then we shall move you to a normal ward and monitor you for twenty-four hours. If you are fine after that, you will be
“Thank you,” the patient said excitedly.
“As Rowena checked on every patient again, she was certain for them to be moved to normal wards the next day and most
probably discharged the day after. If she was in the pack, they would have recovered fully and began walking but things were
different with the humans.
With Rowena’s new technic, she also realized that it allowed the patients to sleep very well. Whereas, she did not lose so much
energy too.
When the day doctor arrived the next day, she was shocked by the things that happened overnight. The patients were ready for
a normal ward and were moved. When Rowena arrived the next evening, she was surprised to see the emergency ward filled
From her shocked expression, the door doctor waiting to for someone to replace him to be able to go home explained, “They are
transfer cases from other hospitals. A lot of people still remember you and as soon as they heard you are back, they began
asking for transfer from where they were being treated before.”
After Rowena had the understanding, she got to work but before leaving in the morning, she decided to check on the patients in
the wards since the emergency ward was less busy.
She already expected for more patients to be brought from other hospitals by the time she returned in the evening. While she
was doing the checks, she saw a patient in the ICU. Moved with pity, she went to help.
When she held the patient by the hand, the monitor began to beep, showing good recovery. The patient opened her eyes and
smiled at Rowena.
“Doctor, I feel better,” she said in a weak voice Rowena was glad but hoped that she did not realize that her healing was not from
science. She thought it best to quickly leave the ICU.
“Good. I am not the one responsible for you. Its my closing time so I will leave now.”
“Doctor, what is your name?” The woman asked after her. Rowena turned around, smiled and said,
“Rowena but everyone calls me Doctor Row.”
The patient was so excited, she wanted to lift herself to a sitting position to embrace Rowena. but Rowena kept a good distance
between them whiles the lady said,
“Doctor Row. I heard a lot about you. My name is Beverly.”
“Nice meeting you Beverly, I believe you will be discharged tomorrow,” Rowena said and left.
Just as Rowena said, Beverly was discharged the next day. It was the same time Rowena was returning to the hotel from night

shift. Beverly saw her at the car park and just as she was about to mention her name, she saw a familiar man open the door for
her, making her heart rate increase tremendously.
Jaxon Clinton, her ex-husband.