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Rejected Slave To The Alpha by Gory Anna

Chapter 99
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Chapter 99.

Aurora’s POV.

My heart was pounding as | walked down the hallway, my legs trembling beneath me. Every step felt like an

eternity, my body heavy with the knowledge of what | had done. | tried to appear calm, to keep my head held

high as | made my way through the palace.

But the eyes of both Aisha and Nelly were upon me, their gazes piercing my skin, weighingdown like an

anvil. | could feel the poison coursing through my veins, its insidious tendrils creeping up my limbs, numbing my

mind and body. My stomach churned, nausea rising up in my throat.

My pulse raced as | turned back to be sure Aisha and Nelly was not paying attention to me, my breath coming in

shallow gasps. I could hear them shouting at each other, their voices echoing in the stone corridors of the

palace. | had to get


| sprinted down the hallway, my feet pounding on the marble floor, my heart hammering in my chest. | reached

my room, slamming the door behind me. | leaned against it, gasping for breath, the sound of the maids voices

still ringing in

my ears.

| stag gered into the bathroom, the room spinning around me. | shoved my fingers into my throat, desperate to

purge the poison.

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| doubled over the toilet, heaving up the contents of my stomach. | could taste the bitterness of the poison, my

body trembling as the last of it was expelled. | sank to the floor, my head spinning, the room growing dark

around me.

My body felt heavy, like lead, as | lay there, my mind swirling with thoughts of what | had done. My chest ached,

my breaths coming in ragged gasps. Jeez! | almost killed myself.

| stretched my trembling hands towards the door handle, | struggled to stand up, my breath ragged. | stood up

and | felt my chest burning and | felt | was dying.

| placed my hands on my chest, bending slightly as | stag gered to the faucet. | looked up at the mirror, my eyes

red-rimmed and bloodshot. My skin was pale, a


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Chapter 99

stark contrast to the crimson of my lips.


| looked like a ghost, a specter, haunting this dark and dismal room. | turned on the faucet, the sound of the

rushing water soothing to my ears. | splashed my face, the cold water shocking my senses.

| looked up, catching a glimpse of myself in the mirror. My eyes were still red, but my skin had a bit of color in it

now. | felt a little calmer, more in control.

| began to relax, my breath becsteady and | let out a weary sigh. | couldn't help but berates myself for not

being extra careful, how the heck did I miss the fact that Aisha was watching me. | wanted nothing more than to

strangle her to death. She was nothing but a pain in my a ss, and it pis sedoff.

| gripped the edge of the sink, my knuckles white with tension. | wanted nothing more than to lash out, to take

my anger and frustration out on someone, anyone. But | knew that wouldn't solve anything. | took a deep breath,

trying to calm my racing thoughts.

| stepped out of the bathroom and dragged out my box. | knelt down beside it just as | was about to open it |

heard the creak of the door, and my heart sank. | knew who it was before | even turned around.

“Lily, what do you want?” | asked, trying to keep my voice steady. | turned to see Lily, her eyes wide and curious.

She was the nosiest person | knew, always poking her nose where it didn’t belong.

“Oh, nothing,” she said with a smirk. “Just wondered what you were doing in here.” She ccloser, her eyes

scanning the room. “What's in that box?” she asked, her hand reaching for it, but | pushed her away before she

could touch it.

“Stay off, Lily,” | snapped, my patience running thin. “This is my business, not yours. Can't you understand

that?” My voice was rising, my anger simmering just below the surface. Lily looked at me, her eyes wide with


“Geez, | was only asking,” she said, her hands up in surrender. “I was just trying to help.”

| could feel my blood boiling, my pulse pounding in my temples. | took a deep breath, trying to steady myself. |

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didn’t want to lose control, not here, not now.

| closed my eyes, willing myself to calm down. | couldn't let my emotions get the


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Chapter 99

better of me. | had to keep my cool, for my own sake. | took another deep breath, focusing on the slow, steady

rhythm of my breathing. As | exhaled, | felt myself relax. | opened my eyes, fixing Lily with a steady gaze.

“I'm sorry,” | said, my voice even and controlled. “I didn’t mean to snap at you.”

“It's fine, | know you are stressed because of the occasion,” she mumbled. | waited for her to leave but darling

Lily did not move, instead she sat down on the bed.

| bent down to pick up my clothes, deliberately avoiding eye contact with Lily. | could feel her gaze burning into

me, but | refused to give her the satisfaction of acknowledging her. | folded the clothes slowly and methodically,

focusing on the simple, repetitive motions. | could feel myself beginning to relax, my body unwinding from its

tight coil of tension. But | could still feel Lily's eyes on me, like a weight pressing down on my shoulders. |

stylishly picked out the poison and wrapped it with my shawl.

| stood up and turned to face the bathroom door, a thin smile playing on my lips as my eyes met Lily’s. | opened

the bathroom door, and as | stepped through it, | heard Lily's voice behind me.

Her next words made me freeze