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Rejected Slave To The Alpha by Gory Anna

Chapter 98
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Chapter 98.

Nelly’s POV.

A tense silence hung in the air, punctuated only by the sound of my own heavy breathing. | could feel my heart

pounding in my chest as | stared daggers at Nelly, the anger

just beneath the surface.

“Aisha,Explain!” | growled, clenching my fists.

“I'm not lying, she’s making us look like a fool,” Aisha hissed, her words cutting through the silence like a knife.

“Enough of this,” | snarled, my voice low and dangerous. “Aisha, stop hating on that innocent lady, she’s done

nothing to you.” Aisha let out a bitter laugh, her eyes blazing with fury.

“You call her innocent? | f ucking save your as s, and you stand there and tellshe’s innocent,” Aisha replied,

shaking her head.

“I can’t believe you!” | fumed, my fists clenched at my sides.

“You're so wrapped up in your own world of acting all nice that you can’t see the truth staring you in the face.”

Aisha crossed her arms and glared at me, her lips curled in a sneer.

“Me? Acting all nice? Ha! That's rich coming from you. You're just blinded by your own stu pidity and obsession

with that girl.” | felt my blood boiling, a hot flush rising to my cheeks.

“You're being ridiculous,” she snapped, my voice cracking with emotion.

| was about to speak when | heard a voice behind me. | turned around and saw Kex standing there, his brow

furrowed in concern.

“What's going on here?” he asked, his voice stern but not unkind. | opened my mouth to speak, but the words

caught in my throat. All | could do was shake my head, my eyes welling up with tears. Kex’s gaze softened, and

he stepped forward, placing a hand on my shoulder.

“It’s okay, you can tell me,” he said gently,

| took a deep breath and told him everything, about Aisha’s accusations, about how it had leftfeeling

confused. When | heard footsteps | turned around and



Chapter 98



saw Aisha leaving and | rolled my eyes.

“Nonsense,” | mumbled under

under my breath.

As we stood there, | heard the sound of footsteps fading away, growing softer and softer until they were gone.

“Don’t tellboth of you fought again on your big day?” Kex asked, his brow furrowed with worry. | nodded my

head, a lump forming in my throat as I tried to hold back the tears.

“It's a long story,” | said, my voice barely a whisper.

He pulledinto a hug, his arms aroundlike a warm blanket on a cold night.

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“It’s okay,” he said, his voice soothing. “You can telleverything later.” Just then, a guard appeared, his face

ashen and his shoulders tense.

“Forgivefor interrupting, Alpha, but the guests are looking for both of you,” he said, his voice trembling

slightly. Kex nodded, stepping out of my embrace.

“We'll be right there,” he said, forcing a smile. Kex took my hand, giving it a gentle squeeze as he said, “Are you

sure you're okay?”


gave him a nod, my mind racing as | tried to process everything that had just happened. | had to be strong, for

myself and for everyone else.

As we walked through the door, the lights and noise of the party hit us like a wave, the festive atmosphere

surrounding us like a warm blanket. The guests were jovial, their smiles bright and their voices raised in laughter.

We exchanged pleasantries and received gifts, the whole tmy mind racing with thoughts of Aisha’s

accusations and how Aurora drank the poison.

Finally, the party was over and | found myself standing at the bar, in desperate need of a drink.

“One shot of tequila,” I said, my voice cracking slightly.

The waiter nodded, his face impassive as he poureda shot. | brought the shot glass to my lips, the scent of

alcohol wafting up to my nose. | closed my eyes and took a deep breath, my heart pounding in my chest. I threw

the shot back, the liquid burning my throat as it went down.

A moment later, | felt a hand on my waist, the touch electric and sending shivers down my spine. | opened my

eyes, turning to see Kex standing next to me, his eyes dark and his face unreadable.



Mon, 18

Chapter 98


“Let's go to bed,” he said, his voice low and husky.

But before | could respond his lips landed on my neck. Kex's lips were hot against my skin, his breath tickling my

neck as he continued to kiss me. I tried to protest, my words coming out in breat less giggles, but he didn’t seem

to hear me.


“Kex, people are watching,” | finally managed to stammer, my cheeks burning with embarrassment as | realized

that we were the center

er of attention.

“Let them watch, I'm with my woman,” he said, through the kiss.

The waiter averted his gaze, clearly uncomfortable with the public display of affection, and my cheeks grew red.

Despite my protests, Kex didn’t let up, his kisses growing more insistent and bold. My mind was spinning, my

body responding to his touch. | felt my heart pounding in

my chest, my body reacting to Kex’s touch. | tried to push him away, but he wouldn't budge.

“Con, everyone is staring,” | whispered, my voice pleading. Kex ignored me, his hands wandering lower,

makinggasp. “Kex, please,” | whispered, my voice cracking. Finally, he looked up at me, his eyes softening.

“I want you,” he said, his voice deep and husky.

My breath caught in my throat as Kex sweptup in his arms, carryinglike a bride over the threshold.

“I love intentional men,” my wolf whispered, makingchuckle. When we entered our room, | was taken aback

by the elaborate floral arrangements and the mirror on the ceiling.

“What's this?” | asked, gesturing to the ceiling with a grin. Kex’s cheeks turned pink as he shrugged.

“I thought it might be fun if you watchdo wicked things to your body,” he said, his voice sheepish as my

cheeks burnedfrom smiling.

Despite my initial surprise, | had to admit that the mirror was rather exciting.

“Love it,” I said, my voice barely above a whisper. He caressed my cheeks and kissed my forehead.

As my clothes slipped away, | closed my eyes, letting myself relax, the sound of Kex’s breathing the only thing |

could hear.

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Chapter 98




“Open your eyes,” he commanded, | did so, surprised by the look of pure love and adoration on his face. His eyes

were soft and gentle, but they burned with a fiery intensity that made my heart ski p a beat.

He reached for the clasp of mbra, and as it cundone, | felt the cool air brush against my skin. My breath

caught in my throat, and | felt myself trembling with anticipation.

With one fluid

otion, he removed the last of my clothing. | stood naked before him with only my pants on, exposed and

vulnerable. The air was cool against my skin, and | couldn't help but shiver slightly.

“You're so beautiful,” he whispered, his voice low and husky. | blushed, the words making my heart flutter.

With a soft push, he encouragedto lie back on the bed. | sank into the softness of the mattress, my body

already tingling with anticipation. Kex knelt down in front of me, his hands sliding slowly down my thighs, parting

my legs,removing

my pants.

My breath caught in my throat as | watched him, his eyes closed, his grip on my pants tightening. | saw his jaw

clench as he inhaled deeply, his breath coming out in a low growl. The sight of him sent a thrill of desire through

me, my own body responding to his presence.

| felt a rush of breath on my most intimate of places and | tensed, the anticipation building inside me. He exhaled

slowly, his hot breath against my skin sending shivers up my spine.

| could feel myself getting wet, my body preparing itself for him. He looked up at me, his eyes burning with

desire, and | felt my heart start to pound in my chest. He leaned forward, his tongue brushing against my pus sy,

and | gasped, my whole body trembling.

| bit my lips as | looked up at the mirror above the bed, transfixed by the sight of Kex’s head between my legs,

his tongue gracing my p ussy. The way the light hit the glass created a beautiful kaleidoscope of colors and


It was as if | were watching a work of art cto life, a living, breathing masterpiece. My eyes fluttered closed

as | felt Kex’s breath on my skin, his tongue tracing a line down my pus sy.

My entire body tingle with anticipation, my breath catching in my throat. | could feel my heart pounding, my

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body ready and waiting for him.



Mon, 18 Mar

Chapter 98





A low moan escaped my lips as | caught our sight in the mirror. We looked like an art, and how beautiful we were

in this position.

His head popped out of my pu ssy, | stared at him and he smiled.

“Do you

love the view?” He asked, his voice husky. | nodded and he had a sly smile tugged at his lips.

“F uck me!”

| growled.

“Say that again,” he said, licking my p ussy teasing me.

“F uck me,” | growled.

“As you wish for my love,” he replied with a husky voice.

He began to kissslowly, he leaned forward and cupped my breast in his hands and kissed it, | shivered at his

touch. He kissed my stomach and trialed it to my inner thighs and | gasped.

| intertwined my fingers in his hair and pulled him closer to my pu ssy. Then | felt his wet tongue on my pu ssy

and | gasped. He was flicking his tongues over my cl it, in circles as he thrust his middle finger in and out of me.

| could feel myself about to cu m, he was givingso much pleasure | couldn't


Then he rubbed my cli ts with his fingers to tease me.

“Kex.....,” | moaned.

He stopped and then pulled his boxers as his hard c ock sprang free, he shoved it insideand it was painful. |

closed my eyes letting out a painful cry and then | began to feel hot.

He was thrustingslowly and | let out a pleasure cry, my body trembling as he reached my core, his hands

squeezed my breast as he began to move fast.

He leaned at my neck and sucked it hard, his teeth sinking and | let out a cry.

“lI am about to c um....” | moaned out.

“C um forbaby,” he said, with a seductive smile.

My juice spilled on his c ck his eyes locked with mine.

“Happy marriage and mating ceremony,” he mumbled.