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My Three Darlings by Anonymous

Chapter 187
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Chapter 187

When Eliza hurriedly arrived outside the ward with the three kids, Beau had already been pushed into

the emergency room. Sitting on a bench in the corridor, Eliza looked at the words “being rescued”, and

a trace of sadness passed through her heart. It was all her fault… If it weren’t for the fact she had run

out alone in the rain without thinking much… m Was there any need for Beau to suffer so much now?

The three of them waited for a long time outside the emergency room. Finally, Beau’s attending doctor

walked out of the emergency room. He took a deep look at Eliza. “Mr. Valentine is fine.” “The reason

why he’s unconscious is that, on one hand, his wound is infected, on the other hand…”

The doctor’s eyes darkened. “You may not know that Mr. Valentine has been under protection since he

was young.” “He can’t afford to lose a lot of blood because he has a special genes in him.” “It means

that his body will reject blood of non-special genes.” “In short, in addition to the direct blood relatives, if

others were to transfuse blood to Mr. Valentine, their blood must be special blood that has been

genetically screened.” He sighed and said, “Now that Mr. Valentine has lost too much blood, the

remaining blood in the blood storage is not enough.” After speaking, the doctor subconsciously swept

his eyes over the two little fellas by Eliza’s side. “That is why I might have to invite the two young

boys…” Eliza frowned. Before she could speak, Braint and Demarion stood up at the same time.

“Where is the blood transfusion room?” D Looking at the heroic appearance of the two boys, Eliza

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sighed and felt a sense of relief in her heart. But she still turned to look at the doctor with worry.

“They’re still very young… Will the blood transfusion bring any impact to their health?” The doctor

smiled. “No, as long as they get enough rest, it will be fine.” “We don’t need much.” Eliza frowned, but

before she could say anything else, Liliana also jumped down from the chair. The little girl ran all the

way, looking at Eliza seriously with her big black eyes. “I can also give Mr. Valentine some blood.”

Liliana’s face was filled with sincerity. “I’ve done a blood test when I was young. I also have special

genes. I can contribute to Mr. Valentine too!” Looking at the little girl’s silly look, the doctor raised his

hand and rubbed her little head. “Little girl, you can’t just donate your blood as you like..” “There are

many special genes. Your special genes may be different from Mr. Valentine’s.” “You are a kind-hearted

child, but when it comes to blood transfusion, you can just let the two boys do it.” In the end, the

doctor in his fifties smiled faintly. “You can trust the boys for this. It’s better for girls to stay obedient and

not mess around.” The doctor’s words completely infuriated the little girl with strong self-esteem. Liliana

twisted her eyebrows, and her delicate facial features were full of dissatisfaction. “What’s wrong with

being a girl?” “Can’t girls do blood transfusion? Girls can also save people. Why did you look down on

us girls!” The doctor was stụnned. He didn’t expect that his casual words would stimulate the girl’s self-

esteem. So he quickly smiled apologetically. “You misunderstood. I mean, the little princess only needs

to stay beautiful…” “The little princess can also heal the wounded and rescue the dying!” Liliana rolled

up her sleeves with dissatisfaction, revealing her small white arms. “I’m going to transfuse my blood to

Mr. Valentine today. I’m going to save him!” “I want to be a little princess who can save lives!” The

doctor looked helplessly at Eliza, then at Braint and Demarion. “Forget it, let’s go first.” Liliana frowned

and spread her arms in front of the doctor. “I want to go with you. I must go with you!” “Take her with

us.” Braint glanced at Liliana indifferently. “The three of us will draw some blood together later.” “You

can give daddy my blood and Demarion’s blood. Test Liliana’s gene and put her blood into the blood

bank, which can save more people.” After Braint finished, Demarion nodded quickly. “Yes, yes, yes.

Anyway, Liliana just wants to save people. Saving daddy is the same as saving others.” After that, he

turned to look at Liliana. “Am I right?” The little girl frowned. She seemed a little upset, but she was

convinced by their suggestion. “Hum, that’s it!” “Anyhow, I’m a little fairy who can save people!” Since

the three of them had made up their minds, the doctor could only sigh helplessly and let the nurse take

them to the blood transfusion room. After all, giving Beau the blood transfusion was the top priority. He

couldn’t waste time on these small matters. After the three little fellas left, Eliza continued to wait

outside the emergency room alone. After a while, her phone rang. It was a call from Matthew. Eliza

frowned and picked it up. “Matthew.”. “Eliza.” Matthew simply called her by name, “I have something to

tell you.” “Go ahead.” At the other end of the line, Matthew said in a low voice, “I know everything about

Beau. Forgive me for not being able to go to the hospital to see him now.” “He helped me so much

before. I can’t just turn a blind eye to your affairs.” Matthew took a deep breath and said, “I just found

out that Elias applied for a special route ten minutes ago. An hour later, his private plane is going to fly

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to Hafeez.” Eliza knitted her brows and asked, “Is he going to Hafeez?” On the other end of the line,

Matthew chuckled. “Do you think he’s the one who wants to go to Hafeez?” “Elias rarely takes a private

plane. He used to be a special force. He preferred to drive off-road vehicles or take a train to travel

slowly.” “He hasn’t used his plane for more than two years. Now he suddenly applied for the route and

wanted to leave in such a hurry. Don’t you think there’s a problem?” “Beau’s influence has spread all

over the world. He has always wanted to develop Hafeez, but he hasn’t done it yet as he was not in

time.” “It’s certain that Elias wants his private plane to land in Hafeez. When the plane arrives in

Hafeez, Beau’s men can’t control the direction of the plane.” Matthew had already given a clear

explanation. If Eliza did not understand, she would be a fool. Combined with Elias’s previous

indulgence towards Lucija… Eliza clutched the phone in her hand. “We can’t let her leave like this.”

Elias was a smart person. He definitely understood that after Beau woke up this time, he would

definitely not let Lucija go. Therefore, he used this method to send Lucija away before Beau woke up.

Thinking of this, she took a deep breath and asked, “Can you stop her?” Matthew put on a helpless

smile on the other end of the line and said, “Eliza, you think too highly of my abilities.” “These years, I

have been in the entertainment circle. After Roseane’s accident, I’ve been running around because of

her illness every day…” “I’ve sent my men to look for medicine.” “Elias must have sent a lot of people to

protect Lucija this time. The number of people I’m left with now is too little to block them.” E “That’s why

I called you.” “The people under Beau only listened to his order back then. Later, after he married you,

he personally told his men that they should listen to your orders too.” “In short, now that Beau is in a

coma, only you can instruct his men.” Eliza gripped her phone, her eyes darkening. “I get it.”