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My Three Darlings by Anonymous

Chapter 186
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Chapter 186

When Eliza and Beau arrived at Krine, Beau had already fainted from excessive blood loss. Because of

their prior notice, all the doctors of the Central Hospital were waiting at the door. When the car arrived,

the doctors quickly carried Beau in with a stretcher. Eliza also wanted to rush in but was stopped at the

hospital entrance. It was not others who stopped her. It was the culprit of this incident, Lucija. She led

two bodyguards to stop Eliza and looked down at her. “What right do you have to go in and see Beau?”

“If it weren’t for you, would Beau have suffered such a serious injury!?” Eliza bit her lips and stared at

Lucija’s face. “It’s you who hurt him!” “Don’t think I don’t know that you’re the one who sent the killer!”

Lucija probably didn’t expect Eliza to expose her so directly, she narrowed her eyes slightly and said

coldly, “Say it again?” Eliza was furious and couldn’t care that much. She sneered and her gloomy eyes

fell on Lucija’s face. “Am I wrong?” “Lucija. I don’t know who gave you the courage to mess with me

over and over again. This time, you even hired a killer to kill me!” “If anything happens to Beau, I won’t

let you off!” Eliza’s voice was loud, drawing the attention of everyone in the hospital. Lucija’s face was

pale. It was her who stopped Eliza and wanted to teach her a lesson, but now Eliza was actually the

one who told her all these harsh words? Thinking of this, she took a cold look at the two bodyguards

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who caught Eliza: “Hold her down!” After the bodyguards held Eliza down, Lucija walked up with a

hideous smile. She raised her palm and was about to violently hit Eliza’s face. Eliza resigned to her fate

and closed her eyes. Even though she knew martial arts, she still had no choice in the face of the

absolute power of these two tall and strong bodyguards. Even struggling would be a waste of energy.

“Ah-!” Eliza did not feel pain as expected, instead, she heard Lucija screaming loudly. She opened her

eyes in shock. She didn’t know whether to laugh or cry at the sight before her eyes. Because the two

precious sons of hers, Braint and Demarion, were stepping on Lucija’s body, hitting her. The two little

boys were normally noble and gentlemanly. But now, the two of them were pressing on Lucija’s body

without bothering their image. Their punches and kicks made Eliza not know how to react. 2 Lucija

struggled with all her might, but she was unable to break free no matter how hard she tried. Because

not only were there Braint and Demarion hitting her, but her limbs had been pressed to the ground by

Grant with his men, making her unable to move. In other words, Miss Yates could only be beaten and

could not resist at the moment. The two little boys were beating Lucija without considering their image.

In the distance, Liliana was holding a mobile phone and taking a video while sneaking a glance at Eliza

and raising her eyebrows at her. “Don’t worry, she won’t be beaten to death!” Eliza, “…” Of course she

knew that Lucija wouldn’t be beaten to death. But the change in front of her… She frowned and glared

at the two bodyguards who were holding her down. “Let go of me!” The two bodyguards looked at each

other and then let go of Eliza’s hands at the same time. Eliza who got her freedom back frowned and

strode to Liliana. “When did you get here?” Liliana shrugged. “We just arrived.” “When these two idiots

saw that she wanted to hit you, they couldn’t stand it and rushed over.” “Fortunately, I asked Grant to

hold down that bad woman. Otherwise, both of them would have been injured.”

After that, Liliana turned around and looked at Eliza seriously. “Is Mr. Valentine all right?” Eliza probably

didn’t expect Liliana to care about Beau, so she was a little stunned. After a while, she pursed her lips.

“He… is not very good.” “Those two over there, stop fighting!” Liliana steadily put away her phone and

held Eliza’s hand. “Let’s go in.” It was only then that Braint and Demarion put down their hands and

turned to follow Liliana and Eliza. Lucija was beaten violently and she lay on the ground for a long time.

These two rascals seemed to be weak normally, but they were so fierce when they hit her. The two

bodyguards rushed up to support her. Lucija took a deep breath and said, “Help me in.” No matter

what, she had to see how badly was Beau injured. If she didn’t figure it out, how could she make this

an issue in front of the old master? However, what she did not expect was that after she took a few

steps while being held by the two bodyguards, they were stopped by several tall and strong men. Grant

smiled coldly as he raised his hand to block her way. “Miss Yates, you don’t have the right to go up

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there.” Lucija frowned and glared at him coldly. “Who are you? How dare you stop me?” “We are Miss

Lilliana’s personal bodyguards.” “If she doesn’t allow you to go up, you won’t be able to go up.” After

that, Grant chuckled and looked at the bodyguards on the left and right sides of Lucija. “Even if you

want to force your way in, you can’t. I advise you to give up.” Lucija bit her lip, looked up at Grant and

took a step back. Whether in terms of size or number, she was no match for these people in front of

her. She bit her lip in anger and returned to the car. She took out her phone and called Elias. “Elias,

can you come and help me?” “Beau is injured in the hospital. I want to go in, but Eliza and the others

stopped me…” On the other end of the line, Elias was playing golf. After receiving her call, his hand,

which was holding a bottle of water, paused slightly. After a long while, he lowered his voice and asked,

“How did Beau get hurt?” Lucija pursed his lips. “It’s because of me.” “I hired someone to kill Eliza, but I

didn’t expect.” On the other end of the line, Elias sucked in a breath of cold air. “Are you mad!?” She

actually sent a killer to the mountain village to assassinate Eliza? “Do you know what’s the result of

doing so?” “Even if you really want to kill Eliza, you should have discussed with me to come up with a

perfect solution!” B “You used such a stupid method. Do you think Beau wouldn’t know that it’s you who

had planned this?” “How dare you guard at the hospital’s entrance! The Valentine family doesn’t know

about his injury yet. If you guard there, wouldn’t it reveal everything?”. Elias’s words silenced Lucija for

a long time. After a long while, she finally understood what Elias meant. There was a crying tone in her

voice. “Then what should we do, Elias?”. “I didn’t think so clearly. Can you…” Elias closed his eyes

powerlessly. “I’ll apply for a route right away. You leave with my private plane.”