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My Three Darlings by Anonymous

Chapter 181
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Chapter 181

Julian pushed Eliza’s luggage out of the homestay and went to the house the landlord had pointed to.

Eliza was helpless and could only silently follow. “I’ll go…” In the car outside the homestay, Noah was

shocked to see Eliza entering the small house with Julian. “Sir, this…” The atmosphere in the car was

so low that the whole sky seemed to sink down. Beau frowned and looked at the direction where Eliza

and Julian left. The whole crew lived in the homestay, leaving the two of them alone in the small house

beside. It was self-evident. The blue veins on Beau’s forehead twitched. “Go and find the landlord.” “I

want to live in that house, too.” Noah paused, then raised his eyes to glance at the small house, which

was short and shabby. “Sir, let’s forget about it…” “That house is too shabby, such a noble person like

you…” Before he could finish, Beau glanced at him. Noah obediently shut his mouth. “I’ll go ask now!”

Ten minutes later, Noah rushed back to the car and said, “The landlord said another person could live

there!” “I also asked clearly.” As he drank some water, he let out a long sigh of relief and explained to

Beau, “The crew was short of two rooms. No one was willing to stay outside.” “Maybe madam was in a

bad mood because of last night’s news, so she offered to stay outside.

Then Julian followed her shamelessly!” After saying all this, Noah carefully sized up Beau’s emotions

from the rearview mirror. “Sir, you must believe that the madam andJulian are innocent!” Beau glanced

at him indifferently. “Do I need your reminder?” How could he not understand his woman? She was just

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angry with him. “Julian lives opposite to madam, but the landlord said you could live next door to her.”

“The house next door is separated by a wall, but room opposite is only a corridor away. A waterside

pavilion gets the moonlight first!” Beau nodded calmly and took the keys from Noah gracefully. “Let’s

go.” His impatience when he hurried to the small house betrayed his cold expression and indifferent

eyes. Noah sighed and hurriedly ran after him, carrying his luggage.

Julian sent Eliza’s luggage to her room and went out.

Although he was interested in her, he was still a gentleman and would not do anything out of line. Eliza

let out a long sigh of relief as she closed the door and laid down directly on the big bed. After she

stayed up all night last night, and slept in the car again in the morning. Now, she only felt that her neck

and shoulders were sore. It must be because she slept in a wrong position in the morning. Lying on the

big soft bed, she picked up her cell phone and sent a message to her two children to inform them that

everything was fine. Then she simply looked at the ceiling and prepared to sleep. “Knock knock

knock…” “Knock knock knock…” As soon as she closed her eyes, there was a harsh noise next door.

She frowned and got out of bed irritably. The door to the next room was open, and the landlord was

squatting on the ground and fixing the electric wires with a dirty face. She was speechless. “What’s

going on?” The landlord looked up and wiped his sweat. When he saw it was her, he smiled and said,

“There’s a rich man who wants to live here.” “There was no electricity in the storeroom before. I’ll

connect the electricity for him.” Eliza was a little speechless. “Is there any other place for him live?”

“Yes there is. There are plenty of homestays that are more luxurious than here.” “I let you stay here

because there is only the house I have left.”

The landlord sighed as he spoke. “I really don’t know what the rich think. They can live in a good

house, but still insisted on renting this storage room…” “However, this person looks really rich, and he

is followed by a driver, who calls him ‘sir” “I think he also came from Krine. From the driver’s words, it

seems like this rich man made his wife unhappy, so he came specially to look for his wife…” “He looks

like talented and is very rich. I’m sure his wife looks like a goddess.” ! Eliza frowned. Just as she was

about to say something, her phone rang. It was a message from the Demarion. “Mommy, daddy didn’t

come home today. I asked the grandpa butler. He said he went to look for you.” Looking at the words

on the phone, a smile appeared on Eliza’s face. Combined with the landlord’s words, she probably

guessed… The goddess the landlord was talking about was probably her. “Mr. Landlord.” She smiled at

him in a good mood. “Where’s the guest now?” The landlord pointed to the river behind the house and

said, “He answered a call.” Eliza raised her eyebrows and looked in the direction of the river. As

expected, there was a slender black figure standing far away. Far away, she could not see clearly. But

she was sure that it was the man in her heart. She did not know when she had become so familiar

with him that she could even recognize him from his back. The landlord started to wave his tools

around. “Stop fixing.” She smiled faintly. “I have electricity in my room. Let him live with me.” The

landlord paused for a second and then said, “But… but you’re a woman…” Suddenly, he seemed to

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understand something and his eyes lit up. “Are you the goddess from heaven?” Eliza was amused by

his words. “Not a goddess from heaven.” “I’m just a goddess in someone’s heart.” After that, she turned

around and walked toward the river. The wind in the countryside was a little cold. The cool wind blew

on her body, making her feel refreshed

Eliza took a deep breath. She looked at the figure that was answering the phone and slowly walked

over. At first, she walked calmly. The closer she got, the more certain she was that the man was Beau.

Her joy and excitement made her unable to calm down. In the end, she ran all the way to Beau’s side.

The tall man was making a phone call. Hearing the footsteps behind him, he frowned and turned his

head subconsciously.

The sun was setting, and the sunshine shone on her bright smile, which made people’s heart palpitate

for a moment. Beau’s hand which was holding the phone suddenly froze. “We’ll talk about it when I get

back.” After a hasty explanation, he hung up the phone directly. “Why are you here?” Eliza’s hands

were clasped behind her back. Her voice was filled with joy, shyness, and a hint of pride. Looking at her

face, Beau suddenly felt that his decision was right. Although it was tiring and he didn’t have a good

rest. But at this moment, her smile made him feel that everything was worth it. He looked at her with his

bottomless eyes. “What do you think?” “Aren’t you busy with your multinational business?” She knew

that he was very tired from working overtime last night, so she didn’t dare to tell him about her

departure today, in case of disturbing him. “I’m done.” “Are you going to rest after work?” “I was afraid

that you might misunderstand the relationship between me and Lucija, so I decided not to rest.” His

serious appearance made Eliza’s heart grow numb. “So… you came here for this?” “Yes, but not all.”

“What else?” “And…” He chuckled. “It’s the first time for my wife went somewhere so far away from me

after marriage. I’m worried about her.”