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My Three Darlings by Anonymous

Chapter 180
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Chapter 180

It took an entire morning for the car to be driven from Krine to the mountainous area. Eliza leaned on

Gloria’s shoulder and slept for the whole morning. When she woke up again, the car had already

arrived in Mystery County. Looking at the bright sunshine outside the window, she was in a good mood

and could not help closing her eyes to feel the clear weather. Gloria looked at her silently and said,

“Don’t pretend to be in a good mood.” After that, she patted Eliza’s shoulder lightly. “I think your Mr.

Valentine must have his reasons.” “If he has some relations with Lucija, he didn’t have to wait until

now.” Eliza was stunned. After a moment, she opened her eyes helplessly and smiled. “Do you think I

care about yesterday’s news?” On the contrary, she did not take it to heart. She was already very clear

about Beau’s feelings for her. There was no need for her to be suspicious. Besides… In the end, Lucija

was so angry that she smashed things. Presumably, their conversation was not pleasant.

The purpose of someone releasing such a video was actually very simple. It was either to make the

netizens think that she and Beau were unhappy. Or, they wanted to take the opportunity to cause rift

between her and Beau. But unfortunately, these people did not have it their way. “You don’t care?”

Gloria frowned and looked at Eliza silently, “You looked very gaunt this morning. You didn’t sleep all

night, did you?” Eliza yawned and nodded. “It’s true that I didn’t sleep all night.” “But it has nothing to

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do with the news.” Because during that time, her mind was full of things related to Chasity, and she had

completely forgotten the content of the script. In order not to delay the shooting for the outdoor scene,

she stayed up late and read the script again last night. She did not go to bed until the early morning.

She was indeed very tired. “Stop being so stubborn.” Gloria sighed. “Everyone has seen the news, and

they know that you feel bad…” “It okay.” “If you want to cry, cry out. You’ll feel better if you cry out.”

Eliza was stunned. Just as she wanted to say something, the car stopped. Mr. Diaz stood up and said,

“Here we are!” The actors and actresses got out of the busr. Everyone dragged their luggage and

walked to the homestay arranged by the crew. Eliza dragged her luggage for a few steps before

someone grabbed her luggage. She looked back in shock. Behind her was Julian, who was dressed in

black. He grabbed her luggage with his large hand and said in a low voice, “Let me do it.” “Sure, sure!”

Before Eliza could speak, Gloria, who was beside, hurriedly answered for her. “Thank you, Mr. Benton!”

“It’s okay.” Julian carried the luggage and walked calmly in front of Eliza and Gloria. Eliza frowned and

glanced at Gloria. Gloria blinked at her and whispered to her ear, “Even Beau could meet other women

behind your back. What’s wrong with letting Mr. Benton carry your luggage?” 3 “He can do it while

others can’t?” Eliza looked at her helplessly. “It’s not the same thing.” However, it was a good thing to

have someone help her with the luggage, so she did not care too much about it. A group of people

slowly walked into the homestay rented by the crew. “Sir…” A black Maserati was parked on the dirt

road far away from the house. Noah fixed his gaze on Julian as he carried Eliza’s luggage and pushed

it through the door. He gave a slightly awkward cough. “Madam, perhaps she’s just tired… she’s just

randomly looked for someone to help her carry her luggage.” Sitting in the back seat of the car, Beau

gazed at Eliza in a distance and frowned.

Because of the mistake, there were two less rooms. Mr. Diaz and the boss of the homestay discussed

for a long time, and finally, the homestay boss was willing to let out two rooms in the village next door

to accommodate them. However, the problem was that the house was a shabby old house while the

houses arranged for the actors were three-story villas. No one wanted to live in a small shabby house.

At last, Mr. Diaz sighed and said, “Let’s cast lots.” “I’ll write!” Joye, who was standing aside, quickly

took the paper and pen enthusiastically. “How many are they in total?” Mr. Diaz frowned and glanced at

everyone in the hall. “Don’t include Julian and Eliza.” “Count the numbers and cut down by two.” Joye’s

hands paused slightly, and she chuckled. “Why should we exclude the two of them?” “Because they are

the protagonists.” Gloria rolled her eyes. “The outdoor scene this time is mainly filming the storyline of

the protagonists. Of course, the two of them should stay in a better place.” “If they went to live in a

small house, if there was an accident or if they got sick and delayed the filming process, can you be

responsible for it?” Joye smiled faintly. “But we are all from the city, and no one should have

privileges.” “Moreover, it’s summer now and it’s not cold. Would you really get sick if you live in a small

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house?” Gloria frowned. “What do you mean?” “What I mean is that everyone is equal.” After that, Joye

turned to look at the other actors and actresses. “Am I wrong?” The actors and actresses were silent

for a moment, and then they all echoed, “Yes, yes.” Who would be willing to give up a big villa to live in

a small house? If Eliza and Julian were included, there would be a little more possibility for them to stay

in the villa! Mr. Diaz frowned and looked at Eliza and Julian with embarrassment. “The two of you…”

“Forget it.” Eliza curled her lips and said, “No need to cast lots. I’ll go.” Joye meant that as the

protagonists, she and Julian should not have privileges. So, she would go live there. It was just that the

living environment that was not good, she could still bear it. She had even lived in the loony bin before,

let alone a small house in the countryside. Thinking of this, she walked to Julian, took her luggage and

turned to the landlord, “Where is it?” “I’ll go with you.” Julian frowned and did not let Eliza take away the

suitcase. He dragged his luggage with one hand and her luggage with the other. “Let’s go.” What Julian

said not only shocked Eliza, but also everyone who was present. Gloria rushed up to stop him.

“Forget… Forget about it?” “I’ll accompany Eliza, you…” “Wasn’t there two houses over there?” Julian

looked up at Gloria calmly. “It’s not like we’re living together.” The landlord beside him quickly agreed,

“Yes, yes.” The landlord beside him quickly agreed, “Yes, yes.” “That’s settled then.” Julian glanced

coldly at the actors and actresses around him. “Since none of you are willing to live outside, then Eliza

and I will live outside.” “It so happens that the male and female lead is not here. You can do whatever

you want.”