Chapter 0954 Peter listened to his mother and knew exactly what she meant. It wasn't that he wanted to throw everything away and go chasing after Valerie. In fact, if he was being honest with himself, he didn't even remember who she was. But he couldn't deny the strange feeling that had settled inside him-one he didn't want to acknowledge.
His mother, without him having to say a word, had understood him completely. She had seen straight into his heart and knew exactly what he was struggling with.
"Thanks for listening to me, Mom. I know I must not be easy to deal with, huh?" Peter said, sounding a little embarrassed.
"Son, I'm no expert in love. But one thing I do understands that heart of yours. I know this isn't easy for you, and even if you won't admit it, I can tell how easily you could get confused. Look at your past-you had so many relationships, and I think at spoint, you just wanted stability. You wanted to live a peaceful life, to have the kind of life you never got to experience before.
Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt"Celeste is a good woman. That's obvious. She loves you and accepts you as you are. Otherwise, with all these changes you've been going through, she would have left you a long tago." “...She did," Peter admitted, looking down.
Aria raised an eyebrow. "I imagine she left at a twhen you two were just starting out, am I wrong?" "No, you are wrong. She left because she thought I was cheating on her... with Valerie. And all of that happened when she found out she was pregnant with my daughters," Peter confessed, ashamed.
"And did you? Did you cheat on her?" Aria asked, a little worried.
"That's something I'll never really know. Now that Valerie has toldparts of the story, I've tried to remember that part... but I can't say for sure," Peter admitted, visibly uncomfortable.
"Son... do you see now? There are a lot of people around you who would be affected by this. No matter what happened in the past, Celeste is here. Your daughters are here. Your life and your family are still here. Valerie has her own family. She's happy where she is, and you're happy where you are.
"Don't stir up waters that don't need stirring-especially not now, when your son is about to marry her daughter." "It's ironic, isn't it?" Peter said, looking at his mother.
"What is?" Aria asked, not immediately catching the detail.
"My son and her daughter are getting married... when she and I never could," he said, feeling conflicted. "That's life," Aria said with a small smile. "Maybe you two were never meant to stay together. But life gave you another chance-through a different generation.
"It's like you and me-I thought you were dead, and look at us now. Life gavethe chance to see you again, to be here, talking about love. Don't you think that's something special?" Peter smiled, then pulled his mother into a hug and kissed her forehead. In silence, he thanked the heavens and every saint he could think of for this moment. He had never been able to openly talk about what he felt-not with someone who could give him the kind of advice he truly needed.
He knew he had a lot to think about. It wasn't about making a decision-it was about figuring out how to finally put all these memories in a box and leave them there, once and for all.
Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm"Thank you for listening, Mom. You've helpedmore than you know," Peter said, hugging her tightly. "I still 1/2 +25 BONUS Chapter 0954 can't believe that you-a little bundle of sweetness and kindness-fell in love with my father." "Peter!" Aria gasped, swatting his arm.
"What? He wasn't exactly the most tender-hearted man we've ever known."
"He was a good man. He just... took a path in life that led him somewhere completely different than where he was meant to go." "That actually bringsto something important," Peter said, suddenly remembering something.
"What is it, son?" Aria asked, sensing his shift in tone.
"You know that Leonardo-my father-is dead." "Yes. Why do you ask?"
"Well... I have his ashes in my study. And to be completely honest think you should be the one to decide what to do with them." "Peter... how long have you had them?" "Uh... about two days. Maximus and I... we didn't know what to do with them.”
"Oh, Peter! We need to let him rest.
And yes, I do know what to do with m them. But honestly, you my dear son have snerve. How could you just leave them in your study and only now think to tell me?" "...I didn't know how to bring it up," Peter admitted, rubbing the back of his neck, feeling more than a little guilty.