Chapter 0905
Chapter 0905
Maximus sipped his coffee, his thoughts elsewhere. In just few hours, he would see Diana-they had agreed to
visit Peter and Celeste together. Originally, they had planned to go in the morning, but a last-minute issue had
cup for Diana, so they decided to visit them during lunch instead. Maximus had already called Peter to
check on them and make sure they had everything they needed.
But right now, his biggest concern was Paul. Ever since they had returned from the Maldives, the boy had been
different-distant, withdrawn. Maximus knew things hadn't gone as Paul had hoped, but that was part of life.
Relationships could be amazing, or they could be a complete disaster. Unfortunately, this time, it had been the
Maximus was lost in thought when he was abruptly interrupted by Laura, who walked in carrying little Adele.
“What's wrong, Dad?” she asked, curious.
“Hmm?” Maximus blinked, snapping out of his thoughts.
“You look deep in thought. Your mind isn’t here,” she said, concern in her voice.
“Oh... it’s Paul. Ever since we got back from the Maldives, he’s been... well, | don’t know how to put it.”
“I don’t know if that’s the right word, but things didn’t go the way | expected. | actually thought we'd stay there
longer, but as soon as we arrived, we practically turned right back around.”
“What do you think happened?”
“Paul hasn't talked much about it, but | suspect Nadia wasn’t what he imagined.”
“What makes you think that?”
“Serenity and | noticed sthings. We both had a feeling about her... a bad feeling. We tried to warn Paul, but
of course, he didn't listen.”
“Oh? And what exactly did you two notice?”
Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt“Well, the girl didn’t sit right with us. Call it a woman's intuition, but something was off. She was sweet, sure, but
the way she treated Paul didn’t feel right. Honestly, it seemed like she was with him for what he could give her. |
know it sounds cliché, but we saw it.”
Maximus listened to his daughter and thought about Paul.
‘Did Paul realize something and not feel comfortable telling me?‘ he wondered.
“Do you really think that's what happened?”
“I don’t know, Dad, it's just a guess. But | do know this-if things had gone well, he'd be over the moon. And he’s
not. | have a strong feeling he was seriously let down by Nadia.”
“That could be it... | need to talk to him. Paul is a great kid—he’s handsand kind. He'll find someone else.
This was his first love, but it won't be his last.”
“You're right about that. Paul looks a lot like Mom. He got all of her genes,” Laura said.
Maximus let out a slow breath.
It was true-Paul had inherited Alexia’s beauty.
Chapter 0905
But not just hers.
There were traits in Paul that didn’t belong to Alexia...
They belonged to his real father.
For years, Maximus had debated whether or not to tell Paul the truth. But now, Alexia was gone. There was no
real reason to bring it up.
Besides, he had never known who Paul's father was. And he didn’t want this secret to cback to haunt him
Yet, the truth was far from what he believed.
Paul's real father had never forgotten about him.
Pierre Legrand Bouygues had spent years trying to convince Alexia to let him meet his son. But she, just like
Maximus, believed that if Pierre had never been in Paul's life, he had no right to suddenly show up and disrupt
[Versailles, France]
“Good morning, my love! How are you feeling today?” Pierre said as he walked to the window of the luxurious
Alexia slowly opened her eyes, squinting at the bright sunlight that hurt her vision.
Pierre had spent a fortune on the
best doctors to treat her injurissyut
the most tpey had ahdged todo
wae! Slightly improve the mobility of
her already semi—functional hand.
“I don’t understand why you insist on remindingevery day that the world keeps moving forward while I'm
stuck here,” Alexia said tiredly.
“My love, | know you think of this as punishment, but it's not. Life is beautiful, and you should be grateful,” Pierre
replied gently.
“Pierre, life is beautiful for you! You
can walk, run, live freely! | can't. |
can't even lift a damp fopt @itAdLt
helnhDAN {yo fRink it would've been
Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏmbetter if you had just letgo?” she
said, her voice breaking with
frustration. The content is on! Read the latest
chapter there!
“No, Alexia. You don't understand.
Life is beautiful. | am happy with you
by my side. You wilkoevpr com
upderstahé? BULT have always loved
you. You are my life. You are my
world,” Pierre said, pressing a kiss to
her forehead. The content is on! Read the latest
chapter there!
Alexia sometimes wondered if this man’s sanity was intact.
No matter how much she tried to reason with him, Pierre always cback to the sthing-his love for her, as
if that was the only thing that mattered.
“Pierre... can’t you see that I'm tired?” she said, her voice barely above a whisper.
“I'm tired of living. I'm tired of hoping that one day, I'll wake up and this nightmare will be over.”
“Alexia, | keep telling you-I won't stop until we find a cure. | know there's a way. Maybe you won't be exactly as
you were before, but | know there’s hope.”
Chapter 0906
Chapter 0906