As soon as Peter stepped into the operating room, he took celeste’s hand. She looked much calmer now that he
was there. The anesthesia had already been administered, and the cesarean was about to begin.
A few minutes later, the first cry echoed through the room. A beautiful baby girl had just been delivered. The
medical staff quickly placed her in a small medical crib to clean her up.
Peter watched attentively, his eyes following every movement of the doctors and nurses. Just then, another cry
rang out this one louder and stronger. Their second baby girl had arrived. She was also quickly taken to be
cleaned, but before they whisked her away, a nurse briefly brought the first baby closer so the parents could see
“These are our girls, Celeste! Everything's going to be okay They're going to be just fine,” Peter said, squeezing
Celeste’s hand.
Celeste’s eyes were filled with tears. She was smiling and crying at the stime-a whirlwind of emotions she
had never experienced before. Because they were premature, she could only catch a quick glimpse of them
before they were placed in incubators. The shappened with the second baby, whose strong cry made it
clear she would have the fiercer personality.
Once the twins were safely placed in the neonatal intensive care unit, Peter had to leave the operating room.
Celeste finally let exhaustion take over, closing her eyes as the anesthesia worked its magic while the doctors
finished their procedure.
Peter stepped out into the hallway, his chest tight with an unfamiliar sensation. It wasn’t pain or sadness. It was
something else something that filled his heart with overwhelming pride and satisfaction.
A few tears slipped from his eyes as he leaned his forehead against the wall and smiled.
“So this is what it feels like to see your children being born.”
Yes, he was Alden’s father, but he had met him when he was already an 18-year-old young man. And now, didn’t
even remember that stage of his life. All he knew was that Alden was his son-a son who was the perfect mix of
his mother and himself.
Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇtAnd then there was Serenity. The girl who had once sat beside him and told him how she had imagined him since
childhood. How Marcus had never let her forget who her father was.
But in neither case had he been there for their births. He hadn’t been by their mother’s side when they brought
them into the world.
This time, though, everything was different. This time, he had witnessed it. He had been there as his daughters—
his beautiful daughters-entered the world.
As he reflected on everything, it was as if the winter cold had melted away, replaced by the warmth of those
two- little suns. Those tiny, precious babies with full heads of hair had put a smile on his face-one that nothing
Peter understood now that his life was about to change forever.
Yes, he had scattered memories of Ethan, his grandson. And the love he gave him was the love of a grandfather
to a grandchild.
But now... now he was a father again.
And having been present for this birth filled him with a joy so profound, he could barely comprehend it.
Chapter 0902
“Mr. Palmer?” a nurse called out.
“Oh! Yes, what is it?” Peter quickly wiped his tears and straightened up.
“Would you like to see your daughters?” the nurse asked kindly.
“Can 1?”
“Of course! But just for a moment. Your wife is still in recovery, and we want to give her tto wake up from
the anesthesia. In the meantime, you can see your little ones. You won't be able to hold them just yet, but you
can touch them through the incubator.”
“Yes, yes, please... | want to see them.”
“Follow me.”
Peter quickly changed into the
necessary attire to enter the neonatal
unit. Inside, the SURE werelthe
cpl bebpeheie I ey wore nothing
but small diapers, their delicate
bodies covered in wires and tubes.
Even their tiny noses had oxygen
support. The content is on! Read the latest
chapter there!
His heart clenched at the sight.
From the way they had cried, he had assumed they were strong and healthy. But now, seeing them like this, so
fragile, he realized just how much they still needed to fight.
“Why do they have all those wires and tubes?” Peter asked, his voice thick with worry.
Mr. Palmer, remember that they
were born a week shy of 28
weeks—just under sey months!
Tey nadokt onitoring. But |
y ’
can assure you, they're strong. If they
) ) f
Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏmweren't, we wouldn't have let you in
to see them,” the nurse reassured
him. The content is on! Read the latest
chapter there!
Peter nodded, taking slow steps
toward the incubators. He gazed
down at his goth Gopi
py featdres Their in was almost
translucent. Curiously, the purses
had arranged soft blankets around
them in a nest—like shape—to mimic
: ’
the warmth of their mother's womb.
He stayed there as long as they allowed him, speaking to them in the softest voice.
“You're going to be okay, my little ones. You're strong, just like your mother. And in just a few days, we're going
to take you home.”
He gently touched the incubator, his fingers hovering near them.
“Don’t be afraid, my loves. I've been in places like this more times than | can count... and | know it can be scary.
But you don’t have to be afraid. You're brave. And soon, you'll be in your mother’s arms... and in mine.”
Chapter 0903