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My Love Until the Last Goodbye by Alut

Chapter 901
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Chapter 0001

Chapter 0901


Celeste could only watch as the tall woman walked away down the hallway. She didn’t know how to take her

words. Slowly, she turned to look at Peter, who was still standing inside the study.

Peter saw her and immediately started walking toward her

“Celeste...” he whispered.

But the moment Peter laid eyes on her, a chill ran down his spine.

“Peter, | don’t care what just happened. Please... taketo the hospital...!” Celeste sald, her forehead covered

in sweat, her face contorted in pain.

The second she said those words, Celeste felt a warm liquid trickling down her legs. She stepped back slightly

and, to her shock, saw that it was something very similar to urine.

Her water had just broken.

Peter immediately sprang into action. Without hesitation, he scooped her up and, before she even had tto

process it, she was already in the passenger seat of the car,

He didn’t say a word to anyone as he sped out of the mansion, breaking every speed limit on the way.

When they arrived at the hospital's emergency entrance, Celeste was in obvious pain. She tried to keep herself

calm, but with every contraction, her body betrayed her. No matter how strong she tried to appear, she was

suffering. And so was Peter, just watching her in that state

A doctor quickly approached, asking the necessary questions. He seemed surprised-she still had a full week.

before reaching 28 weeks.

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“Alright, ma'am... It looks like these babies are eager to cinto the world, but | don’t think a natural birth is

an option. We need to act quickly,” the doctor said firmly.

“Can they really be born this early? Are their lives at risk?” Celeste asked, the fear in her voice undeniable.

“I understand your concern. The good news is that medical advancements have ca long way. But you should

know that the babies will have to stay in the neonatal intensive care unit. We'll do everything we can, but any

birth before 28 weeks carries risks. Their organs, especially their lungs, aren't fully developed yet, which could

cause long-term complications.”

“Celeste, love... Everything's going to be okay, do you hear me? Everything’s going to be fine,” Peter said,

gripping her hand tightly.

Celeste was clearly terrified. She never imagined she would find herself in this situation. She wasn’t expecting

her daughters to arrive so soon. She could only pray she wouldn't have to relive the pain of her past.

“Peter...” Celeste whispered as they wheeled her away, her fingers slipping from his grasp.

Minutes passed-agonizingly slow minutes that felt like hours.

Then, finally, a nurse approached the man who had been pacing up and down the hallway.

“Sir, would you like to be present for the birth of your daughters?”

“Can I?” Peter asked, almost in disbelief.

“Of course! You just need to put on the proper attire and clean up. Your wife is already being prepped, so we

don’t have much time.”


Chapter 0901

Without wasting a second, Peter rushed to the sink, washing his face and hands thoroughly. Then, he put on the

required hospital gown, cap, and disposable shoe covers.

The nurse led him into the operating room, where Celeste lay hooked up to various machines. At first, she looked

scared, but the moment she saw Peter walk in, her expression softened.

Meanwhile, back at the mansion, no one had any idea when Peter and Celeste had gone. They weren't answering

their phones, and by now, only Maximus and his family remained in the house.

Diana and Serenity went upstairs to look for any clue as to where they might have gone. As they walked down

the hallway, they noticed the floor was wet.

They didn’t need to be geniuses to put the pieces together.

Without hesitation, they ran back

downstairs to inform Alden and

Maximus. The olde com

ESR Safed i hospital

ere Peter had previously been

admitted—since that was where

Celeste had been getting her

checkups. The content is on

novelenglish.net! Read the latest

chapter there!

And just as they suspected, a patient named Celeste Mason had been admitted to the maternity ward.

Maximus and Diana wasted no theading straight to the hospital.

As for Alden and Serenity, they

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stayed behind—Maximus [=Ee]

Seer edt and avold any

uhnece a physical strain. The

best thing for them to do was stay

hand wait for updates. The

content is on novelenglish.net! Read

the latest chapter there!

Before they left, Serenity handed

Diana a small suitcase—Celeste had

packed it days 8g0ugDn GaSe [She

herd reabilthat twin pregnancies often

resulted in early labor due to lack of

space, so she had prepared it just in

case. The content is on

novelenglish.net! Read the latest

chapter there!

“Uncle, Diana, please be careful. And let us know the moment you hear anything. I'll be by the phone the whole

time.” Alden said.

“Of course, son: Try to stay calm. We'll keep you updated,” Maximus reassured him.

With that, he and Diana rushed to the car.

Maximus drove as fast as he could, knowing that if Celeste was already in labor, she would need the bag

Serenity had packed.

Chapter 0902

Chapter 0902