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My Ex-wife's Hidden Personalities

Chapter 71
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Chapter 71 Let Her Go

Caltun General Hospital.

In the hospital room, Isabella stood with her hands on her hips while glaring at Braxton.

“Braxton, if you keep causing trouble, I won’t take care of you anymore!”

Braxton turned his face away on the hospital bed, rolled over, and had a rather irritating attitude. “I

never asked you to take care of me.”

“Do you think I enjoy taking care of you?” Her eyes turned red with anger. “I’m just helping Freya!”

When Freya entered the room, she saw her best friend looking angry and aggrieved.

She sighed inwardly. Braxton didn’t seem so insensitive most of the time. Why did he always make

Isabella so angry?

“Izzy, what’s wrong?”

“He’s acting up again!” Isabella pulled Freya over and vented to her. Then, Freya turned to look at her

brother who was sleeping in the hospital bed.

Freya pinched her glabella. “I’ll teach him a lesson. Don’t worry.”

Isabella knew that Freya and her brother probably had things to say to each other, so she glared at


and left.

After the door closed, Freya sat down by Braxton’s bed.

“Brax, tell me what’s going on?”

As soon as Isabella left, he propped himself up and sat up. “What’s going on? Is that the way you talk

to your brother?”

He looked at her and frowned. “You’re pregnant. You should be gaining weight, but your face looks.

thinner than before.

She sneered. “Braxton, don’t change the subject. I asked Isabella to take care of you so that you two

can get along. She’s a young lady from the Parkers, but she’s been taking care of you like a nurse day

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and night. She’s here for you just because Mom went to Vroria.”

“I never asked her to be here.” He crossed his arms and looked indifferent.

She took a deep breath. “Right. You never asked her to take care of you, but isn’t it you who pulled her

into the bed in the middle of the night?”

Braxton’s eyes widened. “You-Isabella-

“Isabella didn’t tell me anything. Brax, don’t you remember that I checked her pulse?” Freya’s face

turned cold. “You kiss her at night and then let her go on a blind date during the day. What do you take

her for?”

His face grew serious, but he didn’t say anything.

“I know you’re not a playboy. If there’s a problem, you can talk to me. We can solve it together.

Otherwise, your behavior is hurting her.” She closed her eyes. “Even though I don’t know what

happened between you

and Isabella in the past two years after I lost my memory, I can tell how much she cares about you.

such a proud young lady, but she’s been taking care of you like a nurse every day. She didn’t even

argue with you when you didn’t care about her going on a blind date, but you can’t keep doing this.”

As she spoke, she looked at Braxton, who remained silent.

“Keep up this act, and you will regret it comes the day when she doesn’t love you anymore.”

Braxton pursed his lips. “Frey.”


“I actually hope she stops loving me, Braxton said in a low voice.

Freya’s eyebrow twitched. There was a loud sound from outside the door and they both looked at the


at the same moment.

Isabella bit her lip and stared at Braxton with tears in her eyes. The next second, she turned around

and ran away….

“Izzy!” Freya immediately got up and planned to chase after her.

However, Braxton stopped her. “Hey, don’t!”

“Let her go.” Braxton’s hand tightly clutched the bedsheet and his knuckles were turning white.

Isabella ran fast, and Freya could already see her entering the elevator from the door of the ward.

Freya knew she couldn’t catch up and returned to the bedside with a dark face.

“Brax, you must give me an explanation today!”

Braxton looked at Freya’s cold and stern face and gave a bitter laugh.

“To be honest, after you married into the Monaghans, Isabella and I got together.”

Freya’s eyes widened. “You two were together?”

She had never heard Isabella mention it before.

Braxton hung his head and slowly explained everything.

Freya sat on the chair beside the bed and listened. His memories were very detailed, and he even

remembered some small details from their outings.

“Originally, our relationship was going smoothly, and we planned to tell both of our parents. But one

week before we could, something happened.”

At this point, his gaze suddenly became sharp and gloomy.

She was surprised. She had never seen her brother like this before.

“Isabella had a group of friends, and you know her outgoing personality. She always acted like a boy.

There was a man in her group of friends who had been pursuing her. That night I was at work and

received a call from Isabella telling me to pick her up…”

What happened next made Freya’s heart race.

Braxton had rushed to the meeting place and found that Isabella had drunk too much and was taken

away by the pursuer.

He immediately searched the city for them, afraid of wasting even a second. He drove around the city

in his car.

Finally, he found them in a hotel.

The two had already entered a room, and Isabella’s clothes had been partially removed. She almost

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lost. her virginity.

The man was mentally deranged and deeply in love with Isabella. He wanted to have her at all costs.

When Braxton saw the scene, his blood boiled, and he immediately fought the man.

The man couldn’t beat Braxton and was beaten to the ground. Braxton fixed Isabella’s clothes and

carried. her away. However, the man got up again.

He took out a knife from somewhere, and in a moment of hesitation, Braxton was stabbed.

The knife hit Braxton’s vital spot, and he was rushed to the hospital by Ayden who arrived afterward. At

that time. Isabella was still unconscious, Although Braxton’s physical functions were normal after the

surgery, he was left with a permanent injury.

He could still have sex, but he could no longer have children.

Freya sat stiffly in the hospital room.

“Does Isabella know about this?”

Braxton shook his head. “She doesn’t know, and I don’t want her to know.”

The hospital room was quiet, and Freya’s face was cold. After a few seconds, she covered her left

chest. with her hand and her heart hurt badly. “Before I lost my memory, did I know about this?”

Braxton smiled softly and stroked Freya’s hair. “No one knows about this except Ayden.”

Freya’s skin trembled. Her heart convulsed, and tears silently dripped down her face.

Her beloved brother had gone through such a big incident during the two years she married Radley, yet

she knew nothing about it. Her mother didn’t know about it, and neither did Isabella whom her brother

deeply loved, knew about it.

He had been carrying this secret alone, rejecting his lover’s affection. How painful his heart was, and

how lonely his path was.

Freya cried.

Braxton frowned with concern. “Why are you crying? This is all in the past.”

“I’m sorry. I didn’t know anything…” She hated herself in her heart. In the past, she had been blinded

by love and she could see the records even on her phone.

Every day, her world revolved around Radley, and she didn’t care about anyone else.

When her brother needed her the most, the wasn’t by his side

Freya buried her face in the hospital bed as her tears soaked the cheers

Braxton felt heartbroken “Don’t cry, Freya I’m fine now”