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My Ex-wife's Hidden Personalities

Chapter 70
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Chapter 70 A Meeting with Killblade

Radley’s eyes flickered slightly.

“You don’t need to worry about adult matters. Just focus on your studies.”

“I’m not a child anymore!” Hannah protested, but her voice weakened when she met his icy gaze.

“Actually, before Freya lost her memory, she loved you very much. When I visited Smalzot Yard, I

always saw her secretly taking pictures of you,” she said in a low voice. “But at that time, she had a

meck demeanor, which was quite annoying.”

Radley was reading the documents in front of him. “Is that why you came to see me?”

“No. I came to ask when you’re going back to the mansion. Danna has been showing up a few times,

saying. that she wants to apologize to Grandma, but Grandma won’t let her in.” Hannah went on about

this in a rambling manner, giving Radley a headache.

“All right. Expect me there tomorrow. I’ll have Connor send you home now,” he said.

Soon, a car from the Monaghans’ mansion came to pick up Hannah, who was reluctant to leave.

The office was quiet again.

Radley looked at the documents, but he didn’t turn a page for a long time. When he first learned

Freya’s true identity, he suspected that the Kaufmanns had some kind of plan, which was why they

allowed Freyal to marry him under a fake name. But later on, he gradually discovered things that he

had overlooked before. The surveillance footage, his grandmother, and his sister’s words all made him

realize one thing.

He looked at Connor, who was standing nearby. “Connor.”

“Yes, sir.”

“Did you meet Freya often before she lost her memory?”

“Not really.” Connor thought for a moment. “The few times I met Miss Kaufmann were all because you

were busy, and you asked me to pass her the message at Smalzot Yard.”

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Radley pursed his lips and his voice was cold. “What do you think her purpose was in marrying me at

the time?”

Connor lowered his gaze, thought for a moment, and decided to tell the truth. “Mr. Monaghan, everyone

at Smalzot Yard knew how much your wife loved you at the time.”

Radley fell silent.

-AL6 p.m., Freya left the Joint Department.

Today, Freya drove a car that had been modified with bulletproof materials, from the body of the car to

the windows. She drove to Moonlight, a famous restaurant in Caltun. After she passed through the

classically decorated main building, there were small courtyards prepared for VIPs behind it.

She often came to the second courtyard. It was adjacent to the first courtyard, with a wall separating

them, and decorated with a iunette window on top.

She sat in the second courtyard first, and from her position, she could see the movements in the first

courtyard through the moon-shaped window.

Around 7:10 p.m., a man entered the first courtyard.

He was wearing casual clothes, and his figure was slightly slender. Freya raised her eyebrows slightly.

This man was Killblade.

She quietly got up and walked to the moon-shaped window.

From her position, she could see Killblade’s face clearly. He had a very young-looking face.

After he sat down, he took out his phone and started typing. Freya’s phone was logged into the Green

Flamation forum, and it buzzed.

Killblade wrote, ‘Mr. GS, I’m here! I’ll wait for you!”

Freya observed the speed and angle at which the man typed, confirming that it was Killblade in the

courtyard before putting away her phone.

He was wearing casual clothes, and there seemed to be no place on his body where he could hide

weapons. Furthermore, she had already made some preparations.

She walked to the door of the first courtyard and pushed it open.

Killblade turned his head to look at her.

His pupils suddenly contracted, and he tensed up.

“Miss, have you come to the wrong courtyard?” He quickly stood up with a face full of smiles.

Freya reached out her hand to him and said. “Killblade, I am Green Scylla.”

Killblade was confused.

“What are you saying? I don’t understand,” he said with a bewildered smile.

Then, she sat down on the chair and poured herself a cup of tea that the waiter had left earlier, and

took a slow sip.

“See for yourself,” she said while placing her phone on the table.

The screen lit up, and he leaned in to take a look. He immediately noticed the conversation from the

Green Flamation forum.

“Green Scylla is actually a woman, and also the young lady of the Kaufmanns,” he said after a few

seconds of silence as he looked up at Freya. “So today isn’t really about a test, but rather a trap?”

She raised an eyebrow and smirked. “Whether it’s a test or a trap, that’s up to you. Why don’t you sit

down. and let’s talk about it?”

He sat down with a gloomy expression, and she poured him a cup of tea.

“Since I’ve introduced myself, shouldn’t you do the same?”

“My name is Jakob Dunn.” Killblade hesitated for a few seconds before speaking in a hesitant voice.

“Boss, I had no idea you were the young lady of the Kaufmanns, or I would never have taken on that


Freya raised an eyebrow. “How about I give you two options? The person worth 10 million is in front of

you right now, and you can see that I don’t have any weapons on me. You can try to see if you can


“What’s the other option?” He looked up.

“I’m currently investigating the identity of Rose Zero. If you’re willing, you can treat it as an assessment

task. Freya leaned on her cheek and tapped her face with her fingers.

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“Which one do you choose?”

Even for a task from the Green Flamation forum, it was rare to be worth more than 10 million.

He hardly hesitated. “Boss, I’ll help you find Rose Zero!”

She smiled. “Great. But it’s unlikely that you’ll be able to find him on your own. I have a plan…”

After chatting with Jakob, Freya found out why his IP location was at the funeral home.

He was a recruit at the funeral home this year, and she was currently ordered to rest, coincidentally

overlapping with Jakob’s employment period.

When Freya got up to leave, Jakob kindly walked her to the front door.

The results of their conversation were similar to what she had expected, but Killblade was always

active in the Green Flamation forum and often expressed his admiration for her.

After meeting him, she secretly observed him for a long time.

He didn’t seem stupid.

“By the way.” Freya got into the car in front of the gate.

She rolled down the window and threw a small bottle into Jakob’s arms. “Take this later.”

“What is this?” He deftly caught the bottle.

“An antidote.” She narrowed her eyes and smiled.

Jakob’s face turned pale. He was puzzled. “Boss, when did you poison me?!”

“Just now in the tea you drank.” Freya smiled. “The poison isn’t strong, and as long as you stay calm, it

won’t take effect.”

Once he moved or took action, the poison would take effect immediately.

Jakob gritted his teeth. “Boss, you’re really ruthless!”

Before she drove her car away, she asked him, “Where do you want to go? Do you want me to give

you a ride?”

“I don’t dare to ride in your car!”

She laughed and drove away from Moonlight. She had promised to visit her brother at the hospital later

that evening, and she drove for a while before arriving at Caltun General Hospital.