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My Baby’s Daddy Is Mr CEO

Chapter 34
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Chapter 34

Oliver walks back to the sitting room and finds out that Aria was no longer there, so he runs up to their

room, ignoring Nora and the rest downstairs, all he cared about at the moment was his wife, he knew

she would be hurt with what had just happened.

He pushed the door open and walked in, like he had expected, Aria was standing by the window side,

crying. He walked to her slowly and hugged her from behind, then placed his jaw on her right shoulder.

“You know it hurts me to see you like this, please don’t cry Aria, I can’t stand your tears and I might do

something terrible in anger.” He pleaded.

“I knew this would happen Stark, I told you I had a bad feeling about this, that your father would not

accept me, and look now, he has found a wife for you,” she said in tears.

Oliver turned her around to face him; he brought out a handkerchief from his pocket and dried her tears

with it.

“Listen Aria, this is just a misunderstanding and I would take care of it. My grandfather did not find me a

wife because he doesn’t approve of you, in fact he never knew about you till now, he believed I was still


“Well, I know that, but even after finding out, he still insists that you would marry her right? That means

that he doesn’t like me, he doesn’t approve of me as your wife,” Aria replied and sniffed in, trying to

hold back her tears.

“No Aria, the problem is not you, yes my grandfather is insisting that I marry the foreigner, but not

because he doesn’t like you.” Oliver said.

“Really? If that is not the case, then why does he still want to get you married to her even after knowing

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that we are married with a child?” Aria queried.

“Because of a vow he made to his friend Marshall, my Grandfather and his longtime friend promised

each other that they will keep their relationship alive by getting their children matched, but he failed with

my father and now he thinks he has to use me to fulfill his vow.” Oliver explained.

“What? So that is what all this is about, for how long have you known?” Aria asked and wrinkled her

eyebrows, she wondered if Oliver had known this all along and yet he got married to her.

“I swear Aria, I did not know about all this until minutes ago, even I was surprised. I can’t believe my

Grandfather would do such a thing, reaching an agreement on behalf of his unborn children, that is

ridiculous,” Oliver replied.

Aria sighed and walked to the Cradle where the baby was sleeping, she squatted down and covered

her baby properly with a little duvet.

“So what are you gonna do? In order to marry her, you would need to divorce me first, you won’t do

that, will you?” Aria asked in a scared tone.

Oliver walked to her and helped her stand up, he cupped her cheeks and looked into my eyes.

“How could you even think that? You are my world Aria, how do you think I can ever leave you. My

Grandfather wants me to divorce you and get married to Nora, but I made it clear to him that I love you

and I am never leaving you, no matter what happens. I know he is going to be upset with me, but with

time, when he gets to know you better, I am sure he would consent to our relationship and he would

give up on his idea.”

“Are you sure Stark, that you wont leave me and get married to that Chinese?” She asked, just to be


Oliver laughed softly and she crumpled her face, “hey mister, this is not funny at all,” she muttered with

wrinkled eyebrows and turned away from him.

Oliver turned her back to face him, then he kissed her softly on the lips, making her heartbeat pause for

a minute.

“Listen Honey Bunny, I would never leave you for anyone, especially a Chinese person. Did I ever tell

you that I don’t like Asia women?” he asked and smirked.

“Huh? But why?” she queried.

“Oh, I thought you would be glad to hear that, do you think I should like them? I mean I could marry

Nora if you want”

“Huh? What are you saying? That is not what I meant, and if you even think about it, I will report you to

Rosie,” she threatened and waved a finger at him.

“Oh, now I am scared,” Oliver replied and chuckled. “Don’t worry honey Bunny, I can assure you that

no one would be able to take your place in my life, no one at all, you are the only one with the keys to

my heart.”

Arianna blushed and looked down. “It is good that you won’t dare to leave me, because if you send me

away, then you would have to answer to my best friend, and I am sure you wouldn’t want that.” She

joked and put her hand on his shoulders.

They remained quiet staring into each other’s eyes, then Oliver’s gaze fell on her tender lips, he

brought his face closer to hers in preparation to kiss her, but just then they were interrupted by a knock

on the door.

Oliver sighed and looked towards the door, then back at Aria. “Wait, I will check who is there,” he said

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and headed to the door.

He got to the door and opened it, just to meet Nora standing on the outside, with a smirk on her face.

“Hi dear, since you didn’t care to properly welcome me, I thought I should come up here and greet you

two. Also, you might have forgotten about your plan to make preparations for my stay here,” she said in

a sputter of words, a smile on her face.

Arianna scoffed from the inside and looked away, she knew it would be best to stay away because she

already developed hatred for the foreigner and she might not be able to hide it.

“Yeah, I am sorry about that, I got caught up in the drama. The servants would show you to the guest

room and tomorrow, we can make better arrangements,” Oliver replied plainly, with his face devoid of


For him, it was not her fault so he had no reason to hate her or be upset with her. He believed that with

time she would come to terms with the fact that their intended marriage would not work out, if she is not

comfortable here in America after that, then she can go back to Asia.

“Actually, the servants already showed me the guest room but I don’t like the room, I mean the view

from the window is not okay for me, I need somewhere I can have a nice view from so I can make my

short videos.”

Oliver did not understand what she meant but he just nodded. “Alright, you can use the room beside

ours, I will take you there,” he said and walked out with her.

Aria crumpled her face and jealousy scorched her heart, she grumbled to herself after they left, saying

that Oliver should have sent the servants to do that rather than go by himself.

She didn’t like the fact that this woman would be staying next door. She walked back to the bed and

threw herself under the blanket, this was a really sad night.