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My Baby’s Daddy Is Mr CEO

Chapter 33
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Chapter 33

Mr. Noah Gomez could not believe what he heard, his grandson was married with a kid and he had no

idea about it. He never thought something like that could happen in his absence, the Oliver he knew

before travelling was a playboy with no interest in settling down and it was barely seven months since

he left, so how come a wife and a child?

“Come with me,” Grandpa Go instructed Oliver and walked off towards the guest room.

Oliver looked at Aria and gave her an assuring smile, and then he followed his grandfather who had

already given him a distance. It was a surprise how fast the old man could walk even at his age.

They arrived at a part of the hallway, not too far from the guest room and Grandpa Go stopped. Oliver

could clearly see that his grandfather was upset, well he had the right to be upset, he had gotten

married without his Grandfather’s notice.

“What is this Oliver? What have you done?” he queried angrily

“Grandpa, I know I should have told you, but it all happened so suddenly, I am really sorry,” Oliver


“That is not an excuse Oliver, how could you do such a thing? Do you know the consequences of your


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“Consequences? Grandpa, you are making it sound like I have committed a crime, I only got married to

the woman I love, and if you are upset that you missed the wedding, then you don’t need to worry, we

will have a grand wedding in a few months time,” Oliver replied with a smile.

“That is not the problem you silly boy, you have made a big mistake, I had brought Nora home to be

your wife,” Grandpa Go said.

“But as you can see Dad, I am already married with a kid, so I cannot marry her, and why did you even

think it was necessary to find a wife for me and a foreigner ? Did you even care to check with me first?

That was not your decision to make Dad,” He argued.

“Really? You thought I would sit back and watch you make the same mistake your father made? Well

no, I can’t let that happen. Now if you must know, your marriage with Nora is something that had been

arranged even before you were born.” Grandpa Go announced.

Oliver was confused with his grandfather’s words, what did the old man mean by his marriage had

been arranged even before his birth?

“I don’t understand, what do you mean Dad? I thought you said Nora was your friend’s child?”

“Yes, Mr. Marshall Tan and I were friends since childhood, we grew up with the same goals in mind and

we were both successful as politicians, to keep our relationship alive, we took a vow to get our children

merged in future, that way even after we were gone, the relationship we built would live on.” Mr. Noah

Gomez explained.

“What? You mean you took a vow on behalf of children that were not even conceived yet, let alone

been born, that is ridiculous dad,” Oliver retorted. He could not believe what he had just heard.

“Maybe to you it is ridiculous, but not to me. Marshall was like a brother to me, even though he is dead,

I still intend to keep my vow with him, I am going to make it happen one way or the other. Your father

would have been the one to fulfill the vow but he went and made the mistake of falling in love with an

emotional fool.”

“Grandpa, please do not badmouth my mother, what did she ever do wrong?” Oliver queried.

“A lot of things son, your father made a mistake by marrying that woman, he ruined things for me then

and here you are now, following in his footsteps. Listen, I don’t care if you are married with ten children

or fifty, but I would fulfill my promise to my late friend, which means you have to get married to Nora.”

The old man stated in finality.

“What? Come on Grandpa, can you even hear yourself?” Oliver fired.

“Yes Oliver, my decision is final, you would have to divorce that lady you married and get married to

Nora.” Grandpa Go replied.

“No Grandpa, I will never do that so you better get the idea out of your head, Aria is my wife and I love

her, what makes you think I would send my wife and daughter away for someone who I don’t even

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know, it is never going to happen!” Oliver yelled.

“So you are raising your voice for your grandfather because of some random woman, just looking at

her, I can tell that she is one of those gold diggers from wretched families, I can’t believe you fell for

one of them.”

“Grandpa, don’t try to use blackmail on me here, and as for Aria, she is not that kind of girl, she is

good.” Oliver retorted.

“Well that doesn’t even matter, this is not about your Aria or Nora, this is about me and Marshall, so it

changes nothing, you will have to divorce her and that is final.”

“Look Grandpa, I love and respect you, but what you are asking of me is impossible, you can say that

your decision is final a million times but would not change my mind Aria is my wife, we would be having

a grand wedding soon and I would be glad to have you there. Until then, please feel at home, excuse

me.” Oliver concluded and walked away.

Grandpa Go clenched his fist in anger, and then he took a deep breath in and smiled. “Oh Oliver, I

made the mistake of letting your father off so easily, but I would not make the same mistake with you. I

don’t care what you think or what you want, but you would have to get married to Nora, one way or the

other, that is final.”