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Mommy daddy is the lycan king by Glory Tina

Chatper 110
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Chapter 110

The moon was at its peak, and it was like he had done the last three full moons. He placed Beta Isaac and Hanna

in command. He couldn't lead the shifting because he would be with Fiona. Marion, and Kenneth couldn't

because they were in the south. Isaac and Hanna had done a great job leading the team in the last three shifts,

and Julian trusted their decisions.

Fiona and Julian left the team and wandered through the territories, further away from the rest of the packs, still

in their human form.

Getting to the spot they believed would be the safest, Fiona took off the bag on her back and bent to bring out

the things inside. “You still have doubt; | see it in your eyes.” Fiona said, and Julian didn’t even try to deny it.

He bent to help her with the candles, incense, and light after speeding out the mat he calong with. “I don’t

want to do this to you.”

She paused and looked up at him. “You are not doing this to me; | am doing this, and | am doing it of my own

free will.”

“What if your powers go away and never return? You just regained full strength as Luna not so long ago.”

She brought out the sticky white powder and drew things all over the mat where they were to stay. “I am not a

child; Julian, | know what | am doing.” She answered.

“It doesn’t look so.”

She glared at him and said, “You said whatever choice | made, you will stand by me; did you mean it when you

said that or were you tellingsomething you thought | wanted to hear?” she asked.

He exhaled in frustration, “I meant it.”

She handed him the lighter. “Then shut up and help me. Whatever happens from this, | made the decision, and |

will be okay with it.”

“It's reckless, though, to sacrifice yourself this way.” He grumbled and lit up the scented


“I learn from the best.” She winked at him, finished with her drawing, and rose to her


“Remember, we never stop talking; we have to make sure | do not lose my ability to speak, feel, or hear as we

do this.” She explained the process to him once again as she began undoing her buttons. “You also have to want

this, or you will not take it,” she told


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Chapter 110


Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

He nodded while doing the same. “I understand.”

She pulled off her shirt and did the sfor her trousers, so that she stood under the full moon wearing only her

lacy bra and pants.

He took off his clothes, and now he wore only his boxer briefs.

She took off her bra and then proceeded to do the swith her pants while he pulled off his boxer briefs at the

stime. They both stood naked, staring at each other.

“You are not excited to see me,” She said this with a small pout on her lips as she stepped onto the drawing

made on the spread-out mat.

“I'am; | just have a lot of worry. “I would rather hav what | have than nothing at all,” he answered, taking a step

onto the mat.

“I do not want what we have. The constant fear that | might lose you. | almost lost you to Leon.” She answered,

placed her hands on his shoulders, and felt the surge in her being.

He kissed her lips and pulled back to speak. “Almost.”

She broke the kiss, and her hand trailed over his shoulders and down his chest and abs, but her eyes remained

locked on his. “You think that makesfeel any better? You think that is what | want? To always be afraid,

thinking I could lose you anytime.”

“Fiona,” he called, but stopped speaking when she wrapped her hand around his co ck.

“I just need you to trust me. For once.”/

“I trust you now more than | trust myself.” He replied and kissed her lips deeply, and his hand moved down to

grab her buttocks firmly.

She moaned into the kiss and rubbed herself against him. “I don’t care what happens to me; | trust you with my

abilities because | know you will do well with it.”

She pulled away to kiss his neck down, and her fangs cout, and they dug into the spot where his shoulders

and neck met. He did the sto her immediately, mimicking her action, and the ssecond, she felt

strength leave her. It was a surge she didn’t expect, but it wasn’t enough to knock her off her feet.

Julian felt it too because he drew a sharp breath. “You trusttoo much.” He said this, stroking her face


A smirk conto her face at his words. “Sit and letshow you just how much I trust you.” She said to help

him sit on the mat. She con top of him and began to kiss,


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Chapter 110

suck, and grind on top of him.

Her hand wrapped around him once again, and she began pumping him faster than the first time. He moaned,

his eyes rolling to the back, and his release cfaster than they expected.

” S hit! I shouldn't have.”

She silenced him with a kiss. “It ruins nothing.” She assured him and adjusted herself on top of him, placing her

co ck between her entrance while staring him in the eyes.

“I love you, Julian.” She said and settled onto his length, moaning as his length stretched her to penetrate


He wrapped his arms around her, holding her secure and close to him. “I know; I love you too, Fiona.”

He moved them, so she now lay underneath him while they made love. Slow but passionate love under the full


She knew she had to keep talking, but Julian looked so breathtaking under the moonlight that she didn’t know

what to say.

“We have never done this before.” He started the conversation while thrusting into her.

She nodded, trying to find the words to say but once again failing. Was the ritual already having its effect on her

and seizing her abilities, or was this just Julian's natural effect?

“Say something gorgeous,” Julian encouraged her.

“You are so hot.” She blurted out, and her cheeks burned at how direct she sounded.

He laughed, and his eyes becwarm. D amn, he looked so beautiful, it hurt. “Well, you should see yourself as

gorgeous. Nothing created by the moon goddess comes close.” He shot back and thrust his entire length into


She hissed, her eyes rolled to the back of her head, and her hips arched up to take more of what he was doing.

Her blood rushed faster through her veins as she felt every trace of strength she had within her. Her eyes grew

blurry, and they were going to shut and keep

“Stay with me; | love you,” he told her, and her eyes regained their attention. He took her hands and placed

them around his neck, kissing them tenderly, and she tickled in response. “Tellyou love me, Fiona.”

She opened her mouth, and the words cfaster than she expected. “I love you,


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Chapter 110

Julian.” She told him.

“Don’t stop tellingyou love me.” He leaned closer and kissed her lips.


She smiled and said, “I love you, Julian McQueen Il. | love you more than life itself.”

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

He ran his hands over her legs, which were around her waist, and it was to turn her on as well as to make sure

she still had the sensation in them. “I love you, Julian.”

He picked up the pace and began thrusting into her at a fast pace that knocked her breath out each time.

“I love you.” She kept the chant up, repeating it over and over until her release came, rocking through her.

“I love you so much, Julian. | love you.” She cried as she trembled against him while her hands and legs stayed

tightly wrapped around him.


eyes glowed a blo ody red as his release hit, and it was so much bloodier than when

he marked her earlier.

He fell beside her to catch his breath and entwined their hands in each other. He brought it to his lips and placed

a deep kiss on it, and her stomach fluttered.

“Luna,” he called.

She turned to her side to have a look at him. “My king. How do you feel?”

“| feel stronger than I have in a long while.” He replied and kissed her lips passionately.

He broke the kiss abruptly, and her eyes fluttered with questions in them, only to find his hand holding an arrow

he seemed to have caught.

Someone had attempted to kill him out here.

The last thing she thought would happen tonight was another attempt.

Three arrows cflying towards them, and Julian caught them, and his hand darted out to shield her from the

third, which the attacker had aimed at her. The arrow pierced through the skin of Julian's arm.

It was an arrow with a silver tip dipped into wolfsbane.

Whoever wanted them dead knew who they were and knew they would be here. She couldn't place her mind on

who it could be because there were so many under Doom'’s control.

Julian groaned, pulled the arrow out of his skin, and shifted into his werewolf form,


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Chapter 110


bigger and stronger than ever. He immediately moves to stand before her in protection.

“They are gone,” Jules said, and he turned to her to make sure she was okay. “Are you okay? Are you hurt in any

way?” he asked.

“No, | am fine.” She replied, but she was terrified now more than ever.