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Mommy daddy is the lycan king by Glory Tina

Chatper 109
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Chapter 109


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With the information already given to them, Julian took her along to Claytown, located East Central. They took

Drew along, and instead of a car, they went with movers.

Alpha Cooper looked surprised to see them, as there was no formal visit notification, but welcomed them into his


“Your visitation is unexpected, my king and Luna.” Cooper said as they stepped into his court along with Drew.

“We have to be very careful with our movements, especially during these times.” Julian answered.

Cooper sighed and nodded in agreement with the Lycan king. “It is still a shock how we could lose so many of

our own; it begs the question, are we really safe in this world?” He asked.

“We will be safe when the enemy is defeated.” He told him.

“Whatever it is | can do to help, please letknow, my king.” He bowed his head in


“Actually, you can.” Julian stepped towards him, and he took a step back. “You can surrender control back to your

one true king and master.”

Cooper's face narrowed at Julian, as though he didn’t understand what he was telling him. “My king...”

Julian didn’t let him speak. “I know who you are and what you did, Alpha Cooper Rice. Your loyalty isn’t with your

Lycan king; it hasn't been in a while. You answer to the masters of the dark world.” Julian took another step

towards Cooper, and he stepped back. “You broke your oath to defend and fight side by side with the other one

hundred and forty-nine alphas in our world.”

Cooper shook his head, trying to deny the accusations Julian levied on him. “My king, I didn’t.”

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He looked so innocent that Fiéna almost believed that this might just be a misconception.

“Julian.” She called, and as Julian turned to look at her, Cooper launched at him. “Look out!” she told him in fear.

Julian's reflex kicked in, and he tackled Cooper and slammed him to the ground with his hand wrapped around

his neck. The guards standing in the court moved to defend their alpha, but Luna commanded them to stand

down with her eyes glowing, and they


Thu, 15 Feb

Chapter 109

immediately dropped their weapon. Cooper growled and struggled on the floor, but Julian didn’t release his grip

around his neck.


“You obey my voice and my authority alone. You belong to no one else except the king who blessed your reign. |

am your Lycan king, and you will answer only to me.”

Julian's eyes glowed red, and Cooper's eyes turned black for a second before they faded into their natural hazel


Julian unwrapped his arms from around his neck and rose to his feet. Cooper stayed

down, unable to stand, but now, unlike then, he had a guilty look on his face.

“I killed Kaen,” he said of his own accord. Alpha Kaen was the former alpha and ruler of Mountain Rich, the

community in the south-east.

“I didn’t want to; he was my friend, but | couldn't stop myself from doing it, anyway. | ripped his heart out while

he slept. His blood is on my hands.”

Julian stretched his hand out to him, and though reluctant, he took it, and he pulled him onto his feet.

“This isn’t on you, and you shouldn't beat yourself up. You were under the control of the masters of evil and

deception. You are not any less because you fell; the strongest of us would have also fallen into their hands. You

need to forgive yourself.” Julian placed a hand on his shoulders. “The war is coming, and we need as many

soldiers as possible if we hope to win.”

Subjecting the alphas under the control of Doom back to the Lycan king was easier said than done. It was easier

with Cooper, but the more they progressed, the harder it became. Other alphas had hurt Julian just because he

revealed to them that he knew who they worked for. In Julian's weakened state, many of these alphas were

stronger than him and so had the advantage of hurting him. Most times, Fiona had to heal him after he finished

subjecting them.

The last alpha they faced this week was the alpha Leon of Birdtown, and he would have

led Julian if she didn’t step in and force him into submission. She then healed Julian,

and he regained his strength to finish what he had started.

So far, they have succeeded in bringing five alphas back to their former authority, and now they have five more

to think about.

Fiona didn’t want to fear, but she couldn't help it. She feared for Julian.

After completing her research, she revealed it to Julian. He didn’t seem to trust the process and expressed

foremost concern regarding it.

She didn’t blhim; the plan was to take her powers and give them to him. She



Chapter 109


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believed that if she lost her powers this way, she would regain them faster and heal herself. Julian worried about

the effect the ritual would have on her, but she worried only about the result. That was the only important thing.


For the ritual to work, they had to be one, and that meant he had to take her under the full moon while she

surrendered everything to him. She would not only surrender herself to him, but her powers as well.

This was not the only way of surrendering, but losing one’s powers while being taken made it easier to cope with

the loss. It would place one’s attention on something other than the loss. This was the best choice.

“Are you rethinking shifting?” Julian asked as he stepped into the room.

That was far from it; this full moon was the only chance he had to regain what he had lost.

After the massacre of the purest and strong, there was a shift in the atmosphere. Everyone in the werewolf world

felt it and knew because the full moon, which should have taken place two ago, didn’t show. Scholars speculated

it was the goddess

weeks mourning the loss by not giving her light. This further confirmed that she knew what was going on.

A week later, the moon cup in the sky, and the experts calculated that the full moon would be today.


Fiona thanked the stars because the delay had given her weeks to read up and utilise the full moon to her


She turned to him and smiled, shaking her head. “No, there is no rethinking this,” she replied.

He wrapped his arms around her and kissed her neck a little. “Okay, just know that whatever your choices are, |

will go with them.” He said, walking towards her.

“I know you have already given up hope, but I want you to hold on to it for me.

Tonight, we shift into new strength.” She said, glancing up at him.

“I will hold on to it for you.” He said.