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Meeting The One For Me

Chapter 280
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Chapter 280

Cecilia smiled as she lifted her teacup.

“Even though we haven't reached a consensus, | view you favorably and approve of your abilities. | would be

very happy to be friends with you.”

Audrey also raised her teacup. “Being friends with Ms. Cecilia would be my honor.”

The two exchanged smiles and drank their tea.

After a while, Cecilia stood up. “I'll return to the banquet first to avoid being seen by my sisters. Oh, and | reckon

my dear sisters will cto you to discuss cooperation once you enter the Lambert Corporation.”

Audrey realized that though Cecilia and Ryan seemed to be on the sside outwardly, Cecilia appeared to

regard herself as Ryan's competitor.

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Therefore, it was natural for her to be at odds with both Ryan and Cecilia's adversaries, as well as those seeking


“Now that we're friends, remember to letknow if you decide to cooperate with my two sisters!” Cecilia said

with a smile. “Let’s have tea together another day.”

“Sure.” Audrey nodded.

As Cecilia exited the room, she was startled to see Ryan standing at the door. She tightened her grip on her

handbag, unsure how much of her conversation with Audrey he had


Although she could be accused of inciting discord between Audrey and Ryan in the conversation, Cecilia

remained greeted Ryan. “Mr. Lambert.”

“Ms. Cecilia.” Ryan nodded lightly.

in as sin

Cecilia walked past Ryan toward the banquet hall, sweat already forming on her palms.

When she saw Ryan entering the tea room, she could only hope that Audrey wouldn't be swayed by familial ties

and would remain clear-headed.

Audrey saw Ryan cin and instinctively closed the door behind him. Her clear, innocent eyes widened,

revealing a hint of innocence.

“How did you get in here?” Audrey quickly got up to approach Ryan. “What if someone sees Us?”

Before she could finish speaking, her lips were sealed by Ryan's.

Audrey tightly grasped Ryan's shoulders, her gaze drifting toward the door incessantly, wanting to push Ryan


Ryan held Audrey tightly in his arms, kissing her gently as if afraid of smudging her makeup. “Ms. Cecilia wants

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to join forces with you to vie for power?” Ryan asked softly.

“Mmm.” Audrey gasped slightly. “But | didn’t agree.”

“As long as you want it, I'll bring it to you. There's no need to fight.” Ryan's fervent lips descended upon hers


Audrey tilted her head back, wrapping her arms around his neck, reluctantly responding. Audrey’s arm tightened

their hold as their lips parted and their tongues entwined. The sound of her high heels was in disarray as she

subconsciously sought support behind her.

Ryan's forceful kiss pushed her back until her hips collided with the tea table.

Audrey could only support herself against the tea table with one hand to withstand Ryan's kiss, albeit just barely.

Ryan’s familiar and thrilling presence overwhelmed her, causing her legs to weaken.

Audrey recalled what Cecilia had just said that after she beccomatose, Ryan arranged for her transfer and

would visit her every week.

Audrey couldn’t help but be moved by Ryan's actions.