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Meeting The One For Me

Chapter 279
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Chapter 279

Although George had instructed not to disclose that Audrey was the founder of Evergreen Biotech, secrets

couldn’t be kept forever.

“Selling you that plot of land is a way to ask for your help in persuading Ryan to marryas soon as possible,”

Cecilia added.

Seeing Audrey fall silent, Cecilia continued, “I know what you're thinking. While it may

you once you enter the Lambert Corporation, you'll have to seem like Ryan will trai compete with him in the


“| believe Mr. Lambert Senior placing you under Ryan's supervision is also intended to let you both compete for

power to see who will ultimately be the best successor! You're worried that if | marry Ryan, we'll become


“I'm not concerned about that,” cAudrey's reply.

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Audrey was well aware that Ryan didn’t want the Lambert Corporation at all.

Plus, if it weren't for George, Audrey wouldn't have entered the Lambert Corporation herself.

Evergreen Biotech was more than enough for her.

But Cecilia-who didn’t know the truth-didn’t think so.

She was just speculating about the relationship between Audrey and Ryan.

“Yes, you and Ryan are relatives, and Ryan has indeed been very good to you.

“When you beccomatose, your ex-husband’s family abandoned you and left you in the hospital without a

word. It was Ryan who didn’t give up on you and transferred you to a friend's hospital. He even covered all your

medical expenses and visited you at the hospital every week.”

She added, “For you, it wouldn't be an exaggeration to call Ryan your adoptive parent. | understand how you


Cecilia had investigated Audrey four years ago, so she knew this information. There were even sbits that

Audrey herself didn’t know.

Hearing Cecilia's words, Audrey restrained her surprise and gazed steadily at Cecilia.

“But people change, Audrey-especially when there's significant benefit at stake! Back then, you and Ryan were

relatives, and there wasn’t conflict of interest, so Ryan did everything he

could to take care of you.

“But now you're Ryan's competitor! He'll use your gratitude against you, and he’ll also be wary of you. Thus, you

must quickly build your power within the Lambert Corporation. As someone with experience, | hope you'll take

my advice to heart.

Cecilia was once saved by her eldest sister when she was young, and she was grateful to her.

In fact, Cecillia’s decision to enter the Shaw Corporation was initially to help her eldest sister overcher

second sister and secure her inheritance rights.

But what happened later?

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Cecilia gradually gained her father’s affection, which made her eldest sister uneasy, leading her to repeatedly

plot against Cecilia.

What good were blood ties and family affection when it cdown to self interests?

“Thank you for your advice, but | don’t need it,” Audrey spoke calmly. “In regard to future collaborations with

Evergreen Biotech, | will cooperate with the Lambert Corporation.

“As for whether the Lambert Corporation will join the Shaw Corporation's commercial district project in

Mythravia, that will depend on the directors and senior management's decision after they have discussed it in a


Audrey's response was unexpected to Cecilia, yet it made sense.

Cecilia felt that Audrey had not yet experienced the harsh realities of life and still regarded Ryan as her savior,

which was why she was unwilling to vie for his power.

Cecilia sighed and did not continue persuading.

Perhaps only after Audrey gained more experience would she understand her current position.