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Marry Me Quick

Chapter 25
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Chapter 25

“Yeah.” Qin Muchen mumbled incoherently with his mouth full of noodles.

Sitting opposite him, Su Ziyue blushed in embarrassment. Did he just eat the noodles I had without

feeling disgusted by it?

Qin Muchen raised his head and saw the disgusted look on her face. “What kind of expression is that

on your face? Even I don’t mind your saliva—don’t tell me you’re disgusted by your own saliva?”

“No.” As she finished, Su Ziyue jumped to her feet and walked toward the bathroom hastily. “I’ll go and

take a shower first.”

Standing under the shower, Su Ziyue was still in a daze.

Qin Muchen is really… Does he like me very much?

Suddenly, the bathroom light went out with a click. Warm water that flowed out from the shower

gradually lost its warmth and eventually became icy cold.

Although it was summer, Su Ziyue still trembled in the cold; since she was covered in soap, she had no

choice but to clean the soap off her body with cold water in the dark.

“Su Ziyue!”

She heard Qin Muchen’s voice from outside of the bathroom.

Su Ziyue hurried up and quickly cleaned the soap off her body. Feeling for her towel in the dark, she

tried to rely on muscle memory.

“Is it a blackout?” As she said that, Su Ziyue felt her way to the bathroom door in the dark.

Without getting a reply from Qin Muchen, she opened the bathroom door. The moment she went out of

the bathroom, she was startled by a tall dark figure standing outside. She asked hesitantly, “Qin


The dark figure made a move as he held out his hand and pulled her into his embrace.

Su Ziyue only had a towel wrapped around her body; when Qin Muchen pulled her into his embrace

harshly, her towel had almost fallen off.

“Let go of me first.” Su Ziyue thumped on his shoulder. It was just a light blow without striking him very


She wasn’t sure how her light blow had managed to trigger Qin Muchen’s sudden changes, but he

suddenly lowered his head and moved closer toward her face. He started kissing Su Ziyue fiercely

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when he felt her lips precisely in the dark.

The couple kissed passionately in front of the bathroom door in the dark, feeling each other’s breath at

a close distance.

Su Ziyue noticed something was slightly off with Qin Muchen; she was dazed for a moment before she

could finally react. Although she struggled to free herself from his embrace, Qin Muchen was incredibly

strong; it was impossible for her to escape.

“Qin Muchen, what happened to you?” Su Ziyue tilted her head to look at him, calling out his name

loudly as soon as she got the chance.

Her shout had startled Qin Muchen and he released her immediately.

Before Su Ziyue could relax, she was carried by Qin Muchen in his arms; she could see the white bed

vaguely through a ray of dim light shining into the room from outside of the windows.

Qin Muchen threw Su Ziyue on the bed. It wasn’t painful being thrown on the bed, but she was a little

scared. She sat up on the bed instantly and asked, “What happened to you exactly, Qin Muchen? Say


Finally, he said something at long last; his voice was cold and slightly hoarse. “I’m going to do what a

married couple usually does.”

“You said you weren’t going to force me if I wasn’t ready.” Su Ziyue felt her way toward a corner of the


She could feel Qin Muchen’s breath as he moved closer toward her. “You’ll be ready very soon.”

An idea suddenly flashed through her mind. Su Ziyue bit her lips and asked, “Are you afraid of the


Almost immediately, the room became quiet

After a long pause, Qin Muchen replied calmly, “No.”

Rubbish! You were fine just now.

“Then, you come over here. I’ll hold you while you sleep; you don’t have to be afraid.” Su Ziyue was

relieved. He was clearly afraid of the dark since he hesitated for so long before he replied. His sudden

and abrupt change of behavior was due to his phobia for darkness.

“No need, just sleep.” Qin Muchen’s breath was steady and his voice was calm again, as if his sudden

abnormality was nothing more than Su Ziyue’s mere illusion.

However, Su Ziyue was not an idiot; she didn’t think that it was just an illusion.

She held out her hand and felt for the cell phone she placed beside the bedhead; she then got out of

the bed and found a torchlight. Switching on the torchlight, she placed it beside the bedhead before

going back into the bathroom and changed into her pajamas. After getting changed, she came out and

noticed the torchlight she placed beside the bedhead was switched off and Qin Muchen was asleep.

Now, Su Ziyue was certain that Qin Muchen was afraid of the dark.

He had actually switched off the torchlight without waiting for her to come out of the bathroom just to

prove that he wasn’t afraid of the dark. However, Qin Muchen was a cautious and thoughtful man most

of the time. Usually, he would wait for Su Ziyue to come out before switching off the torchlight.

Did he not want to admit it because of his pride?

Su Ziyue got into the bed carefully, trying not to disturb Qin Muchen. She inched toward him slowly

before wrapping her arms around his waist.

In fact, Qin Muchen hadn’t fallen asleep yet; it seemed like he didn’t expect Su Ziyue to take the

initiative to hug him. He froze for a second before inching to one side, staying further away from her.

Su Ziyue couldn’t help but snicker; the usually calm and autocratic Qin Muchen, who liked to lecture

people all the time, was actually afraid of darkness.

He must think that it’s embarrassing if I were to find out about it, so he refused to admit it no matter


Su Ziyue found it funny the more she thought about it.

Feeling annoyed and frustrated, Qin Muchen finally bellowed, “Su Ziyue, do you honestly think I can’t

do anything to you?”

“No, since you’re afraid of the dark, I thought I could hold you while you sleep. That way, you wouldn’t

feel so scared.” There was an obvious mocking tone in Su Ziyue’s words.

Feeling rather annoyed, Qin Muchen gritted his teeth and pulled Su Ziyue into his embrace. “No matter

what happens between us during a time like this, everything’s legal. What do you think is on my mind

right now?”

Su Ziyue became quiet and dared not utter another word.

After a few seconds, she heard Qin Muchen’s pleasant voice again. “Either that, do you wish to repeat

what we did last night?”

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Remembering last night’s incident, Su Ziyue replied immediately, “I don’t.”

“Is that so?”

Su Ziyue was speechless. What a pervert!

Early next morning, noise from the alarm stirred Su Ziyue from her sleep.

The bed beside her felt a bit cold, and Qin Muchen was nowhere to be found in the room; he must’ve

left really early this morning.

After getting ready, Su Ziyue went to the kitchen and looked around; there was no breakfast on the

dining table.

It had only been a few days since she and Qin Muchen moved in together. Yet, she was already used

to him making breakfast for her every day; it was horrible getting used to certain habits.

After thinking for a while, she knew why Qin Muchen didn’t make breakfast for her today. He was

throwing a tantrum because she laughed at him for being afraid of the dark.

Su Ziyue thought about her behavior last night. Fine, I shouldn’t have laughed at him for being scared

of the dark. Nonetheless, it’s very funny for a tough guy like him to be actually afraid of the dark; maybe

I should treat him to dinner tonight and apologize to him politely.

Finally deciding on what she should do tonight, Su Ziyue went to work at the office.

Upon arriving at the company, the manager walked toward her as soon as she sat down. “Have you

finished reading yesterday’s information?”

Su Ziyue took one of the documents placed by the side. “There’s still another document to go, but I’ve

finished reading the rest.”

“Try to familiarize yourself with the information over the next two days. There will be a business

meeting two days later, and I’ll take you along with me. Try to do your best at the business meeting.” As

he finished, the manager of the Public Relations Department left.

Su Ziyue’s heart sank when she remembered what Su Yige had said about the recent business

cooperation between Mu Group and Su Group.

She would not let Mu Ninghui go easily. Similarly, Mu Ninghui would not let her off the hook easily too,

but she would worry about this later.

Su Ziyue took out her cell phone and texted Qin Muchen. ‘I’ll treat you to dinner tonight.’ Then, she

copied and edited the restaurant location before sending it to him.

After a long while, Qin Muchen replied to her message. Su Ziyue opened the message and saw only

two words which read ‘I’m busy.’