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Ma'am, The World Is Waiting For Your Divorce

Chapter 171
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Chapter 171

Davis frowned and said, “That isn’t a good idea. Jocelyn isn’t feeling well, and you want to visit a mall…”

Yuni was slightly angered. “When we were at Mauve City, I was afraid that Fiona would go against me if I

approached you. Now that we’re in Greene City, and yet you still can’t accompany me out. Didn’t you tell

me that we’re best friends?”

Yuni clearly knew that the relationship between her and Davis was rather ambiguous right now. She

could cross the line and make requests that girlfriends would typically make in the name of friendship

She was extremely patient. Once Davis confessed his feelings to her, both of them would be able to be


They would soon get together. Davis was extremely tolerant toward her, and she basically thought of

herself as his girlfriend.

Yuni’s mind was filled with wonderful daydreams. However, Davis hesitated and rejected her request.

“No, I can’t go to the mall with you when Jocelyn isn’t feeling well!”

An irritated expression appeared on Yuni’s face as she started throwing a tantrum. “Davis Lang, what is

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the meaning of this!”

Davis remained silent.

Lexie could not bear it anymore. She walked forward and called out, “Senior!”

Davis returned to his senses and turned around to look at her. “Lexie, when did you get off the plane?

Why didn’t you call me?”

Lexie had a cold and straightforward personality. She spoke directly, “I just got off the plane!” After that,

she turned around and told Yuni, “Miss Shaw, Jocelyn is sick, and Davis is just worried about her. I hope

you don’t act unreasonably!” Yuni was stunned as her brows furrowed. “Miss Lane, what does this have

to do with you?” Lexie pursed her lips and said in a cold and stiff tone, “Jocelyn is my friend! She’s sick

now, and Davis is worried. Don’t make things difficult for her!” Yuni laughed sarcastically and said, “Oh, I

get it now. You’re trying to bully me since both of you are best friends, right?” Davis could not bear this

anymore. He spoke up directly, “Yuni Shaw, that’s enough! Lexie doesn’t mean that!”

Yuni was being rather unreasonable. “If she doesn’t mean that, what does she mean? Davis, are you

taking her side because you like her?”

Davis’s expression changed slightly. “What nonsense are you talking about?”

Yuni sniffed and said, “I’m just telling you the truth. What’s wrong? Do you not dare to admit


Davis’s expression darkened as he shouted, “Lexie is just like my younger sister!” Yuni sneered

derisively and said, “Hah, you must have plenty of younger sisters!” Lexie’s eyes turned red-rimmed once

again. She suddenly raised her voice, “That’s enough!”

As soon as she shouted out, Yuni and Davis both went silent. The passersby around them looked over

as well.

Lexie had never been put in such an awkward position. The person that she liked thought of her as his

younger sister, and her love rival was challenging and provoking her arrogantly. She resisted the sorrow

in her heart and said, “I’ll go visit Jocelyn. You guys can do whatever you want to!” After speaking, Lexie

turned around rapidly and walked out of the airport. Davis turned around and chased after her. However,

Yuni grabbed his arm and said, “Davis, if you chase after her, we won’t be good friends anymore!” Davis

cast a heavy glance at her. He was willing to be good friends with Yuni because they both had intentions

to try being in a relationship. However, Yuni had concealed her true personality well. He never knew that

she could be so unreasonable.

Lexie was obviously put into a difficult spot after what she said just now. She had left in a fit of rage.

In comparison, Davis was more worried about Lexie. He spoke in a heavy tone, “In that case, let’s not be

good friends anymore!” After speaking, he removed Yuni’s hand from his arm and chased after Lexie.

Yuni stomped her foot in rage. Meanwhile, in the hospital ward.

Jocelyn put her phone to the side and raised her head to glance at Skyler, who was looking at some

documents on the sofa. “Mr. Moore, you should go back! I’m fine being alone!” Skyler raised his gaze to

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look at her. He said in an icy tone, “If you’re that capable, why didn’t you tell me this when you passed

out today?”

Jocelyn was speechless after hearing what he said.

However, it was not convenient for Skyler to work while he stayed here. He had to look after her as well.

She truly felt that they were not that close to the extent that he was obliged to do all of this for her.

She pursed her lips and asked, “Mr. Moore, can I get discharged now?”

Skyler’s expression darkened as he asked, “Jocelyn, what in the world do you intend to do?” Jocelyn told

him the truth. “I want to get discharged. The red spots on my body have all faded.

I’m not showing any allergic symptoms as well. I feel that I have recovered. I can get discharged now!”

Skyler cast a sarcastic gaze at her and said, “Does that mean that you’re a doctor and are capable of

treating yourself?” Jocelyn’s lips twitched as she said, “I know my own body well!” Skyler huffed coldly

and completely disregarded her words. “If you knew your body well, you wouldn’t have passed out from

your allergy!” After hearing what he said, “Jocelyn felt slightly guilty. “That was an… accident!”

Skyler spoke to her in an odd and heavy tone, “If another accident happens, you’ll be heading straight to


Jocelyn’s delicate face darkened. How could he say such cruel words! Just then, someone knocked on

the door of the ward.