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MMORPG : Rebirth Of The Strongest Vampire God

Chapter 585: Last stand
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( Regus Aurelius's POV )

Regus had expected both Twilight and Bloodfall clans to retreat in the face of such a tremendous force.

When he got the letter from Falken, the only part which surprised him slightly was that Falken had decided to station some 25,000 odd soldiers on the mountain-top to delay the destruction of the orb for as long as possible.

It was a very practical move but one that was hard to make for any clan leader which was why he respected Falken for it.

However, the Bloodfall clan's decision to stay back and fight till the bitter end surprised Regus.

He did not understand Ravan Bloodfall too deeply, but as much as he understood about the lad he did not seem like the type that would foolishly fight a war that he could never hope to win.

No matter how Regus looked at the war map and the Bloodfall forces the only outcome he could see was them getting obliterated which made him question Ravan's decision to stay back and fight.

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" Tch- these youngbloods let their hot bloodedness get the best of themselves, there are some fights you can't win through bravery " Regus said annoyingly as he felt a sting in his heart to think about losing so many capable soldiers just because of a foolish decision by a leader.

He could send a new letter ordering them to retreat but it was already too late for that. The enemy should have started their assault by now which meant that if they started to retreat now they would still suffer a large loss in numbers.

" I guess I expected too much from the boy, in the end to fulfil all his mad ambitions he doesn't have a suitable and stable head over his shoulders " Regus said as he let out a disappointed sigh.

He expected that in a day or two he would get the news of the annihilation of the Bloodfall clan.

In his mind, there was no hope-


( On the mountain-top that the Twilight clan guards )

A sombre atmosphere cloaked the Twilight clan's mountain fortress. As the crimson sun dipped below the horizon, painting the sky with hues of fading light, a strange tranquillity descended upon the encampment. It was as though the world itself was holding its breath, bracing for the storm that was to come.

As the last sliver of sunlight disappeared, the forces of the Twilight clan stood strong. Even though they were just a fraction of their total strength, these 25,000 warriors represented the heart and soul of the Twilight clan. They had willingly chosen to stay behind, to delay the inevitable onslaught of the Mercenary King's forces, allowing their brethren to retreat and live to fight another day.

Their eyes held a resolute spark, their hearts thudded with a resounding drum of courage, and their spirits soared high, a beacon of bravery in the impending darkness. They had no illusions about their fate. They were the rearguard, the last bastion of their clan's honour. Their mission was to stand their ground, to fight, and to fall.

They stood here today because they knew that for a brighter future for their clan, someone needed to delay the inevitable for as long as possible, that someone needed to make this sacrifice now so that their children and grandchildren could live lives much more fulfilling than their own.

Having a strong belief in such a future, they had volunteered to stay back and give today's clash their all.

As the night deepened, a dust cloud swelled on the horizon. The ground trembled under the onslaught of thundering hooves and marching boots. The Mercenary horde, a monstrous army led by the relentless Gurdan, approached. The Frostwolf Marauders, the Ocean Leviathans, and the Crimson Shadows marched in unison, an unstoppable wave of devastation.

From the mountain-top the giant dust cloud formed as a result of their march looked absolutely bone chilling, however, it was at this moment that a tier5 leader, a pillar of the Twilight clan and the commander of the rearguard made his last speech.

" BRAVE MEN OF TWILIGHT! I don't expect much from you, I won't give you false promises of glory. All I can give you is an opportunity.

In that dust cloud are our enemies and all that I ask from you is that before you fall just make sure that you kill 2 of them bastards atleast.

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I think that's a fair trade, a good way to die. As if one of our life ain't worth two of theirs then what's the fucking point of this all? " He said as his speech made the blood of all twilight soldiers pump with anticipation.

They now had a goal, to cut down at least 2 Mercenaries before they died, if they managed to do that then their deaths would not be in vain.

The battle commenced with a deafening roar, like a monstrous beast awakening from a deep slumber. Steel met steel, magic clashed with magic, and the air reverberated with the sounds of war. Against the overwhelming might of the mercenaries, the warriors of the Twilight clan stood their ground, fighting with a ferocity that belied their meagre numbers.

Time seemed to lose its meaning as the battle raged on. The twilight warriors, despite their valiant efforts, were gradually pushed back. Their numbers dwindled, their strength waned, but their spirits remained unbroken. They fought tooth and nail, their every step soaked in blood, their every breath a testament to their undying will.

Finally, as dawn threatened to break, the last of the twilight warriors fell. Their bodies lay strewn across the battlefield, a silent testament to their brave last stand. The battlefield fell eerily silent, the chaos of war replaced by the quiet lament of death.

In their brave effort they had managed to slay 62,000 enemy soldiers, a staggering number considering they were only 25,000 making a stand, but despite the greater loss of numbers the eventual winners were the Mercenaries.

Amidst the eerie silence, Gurdan, the Tiger Beastman, strode across the battlefield, his golden eyes reflecting the early rays of the morning sun. In the heart of the fortress, atop a mound of broken bodies and shattered dreams, lay the Orb that the Twilight's dead died protecting, its soft blue glow dimming in the rising sun.

With a solemn expression, Gurdan reached out and grasped the orb, his grip steady despite the magnitude of the moment. A sharp crack echoed through the air, and the orb shattered, its radiant blue light extinguished forever. A ripple of energy surged through the air, an ominous omen of the dawn of a new era.

Gurdan's deep voice echoed through the desolate battlefield. "The first half of our revenge is complete. Matumba, your death has not been in vain."

As the echoes of Gurdan's proclamation faded, the dawn broke, casting a mournful light on the remnants of the brave last stand.

The Twilight clan's sacrificial rearguard had fought to their last breath, their courageous spirit etched forever in the annals of time. Their story would be told and retold, their sacrifice never forgotten.

Their last stand served as a sombre reminder of the cost of war, the price of honour