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MMORPG : Rebirth Of The Strongest Vampire God

Chapter 584: Asking Jhonny for help
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Max walked steadily towards Sir Jhonny's tent, his nerves bubbling with both trepidation and anticipation, his plan made sense and he knew that it did, it was just that conversations with his master never went how he wanted them to go which made him nervous.

Upon reaching the tent, he took a deep breath and pushed the flap aside to reveal a cozy interior, a stark contrast to the exterior war-time austerity.

In the heart of the tent, sitting on an oversized cushion and engrossed in what appeared to be an alien crossword puzzle, was Sir Jhonny. He was a thin, wiry man with surprisingly youthful features that belied his age, and an air of mischief that always made Max feel like he was ten years old again.

"Oh, look who decided to drop by. Is that you, boy?" Jhonny said, not even looking up from his puzzle. His voice was teasing, full of that particular blend of condescension and fondness that only Jhonny could master.

"It's me, Sir Jhonny. I...uh...need your help," Max replied, feeling inexplicably small under his old master's gaze.

"Hmm...Max, eh?" Jhonny said, finally looking up from his crossword. "You've grown up a bit, haven't you, boy? Not much, though," he added, raking his gaze over Max. "Still got a lot to work on."

Max smiled despite himself. "I'll keep that in mind "

Only sir Jhonny could make a casual comment like this, that he still had a lot to work on. If it were anyone else they would be fawning all over how much he had grown in the past few years.

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" So why are you here boy? Need my expert help about relationships or that of the elites? " Jhonny asked as he solved another answer in the puzzle that he was working on.

" The elites… " Max replied sheepishly as for some reason his face turned slightly red when he said this.

Jhonny arched an eyebrow. "The Elites, eh? Must be a pretty big problem if you've come to us. What's up?"

Max relayed his situation to Jhonny, explaining the approach of the enemy forces, the strategy that Rudra had come up with, and the potential cost of the battle. As he spoke, Jhonny's gaze never left his face, but he made no comment, and his face remained impassive throughout.

"So, what do you think?" Max finally asked after explaining the plan in excruciating detail.

Jhonny was silent for a long time, pondering over the intricacies of Max's plan. However, his first words after Max finished were not about the strategy or the upcoming war. Instead, he said, "Your hair, boy, it's too long. You'll trip on it in the middle of the battlefield."

Max blinked, confused and taken aback as he said "What does my hair have to do with anything?"

"Everything, boy! Your focus should be on fighting, not swatting hair out of your eyes, trying to look like a pretty boy" Jhonny said, shaking his head disapprovingly. "And why is your armour white? Are you trying to become the centre of attention on the battlefield?"

Max was momentarily speechless. "We are discussing a potential war strategy, Sir Jhonny," he finally said, exasperation seeping into his tone.

He was no longer a little boy, what did his hair and armour color have to do with anything? Besides, he thought both of those things looked very cool!

"Ah, right, the plan," Jhonny waved dismissively. "Sounds risky and exciting. The kind of madness you'd come up with. But here's what I don't get - why would the enemy approach from the river when there is dry land just beside it? Why waste the extra energy and risk your nipples hardening under the armour "

" Nipples?" Max stuttered, " What do nipples have to do with this?"

"Well, hard nipples against solid armour are uncomfortable ," Jhonny replied, a mischievous twinkle in his eye.

" Agh you're a small kid you won't get it, if only Yume that pervert was here, he'd know how to appreciate the wet nipples of a woman perching through the thin fabric cloth.

A solid armour is a sham! " Jhonny said as he crossed his fingers as if warding bad luck.

Max sighed heavily, a smile threatening to break free despite the gravity of the situation. It was just like Jhonny to make light of dire circumstances. Yet, he was aware that beneath the casual demeanour, his old teacher was astute and highly competent. Jhonny's bizarre humour was part of the man's charm, and it provided a much-needed breather amidst the tension.

"Jokes aside, Master Jhonny," Max said, regaining his composure. "Will you help?"

For a moment Jhonny was silent as he looked up from his puzzle and seriously studied the map that Max had brought with him and the strategy that he had said.

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After deliberating for a few moments he went back to solving his puzzle as he said "Help? Boy, if you think I'll step into that mess with you wearing that white armour, you've got another thing coming," Jhonny said, as he solved another answer in the puzzle.

Max's face became ashen, for a moment he thought Sir Jhonny had rejected his plea and was about to give further explanations when Jhonny said with his eyes twinkling with mirth "The moment you decide on a darker shade, we'll talk."

Max chuckled and was about to thank Jhonny when Sir Jhonny raised a hand and said "Enough, boy. I've had my fair share of ridiculous strategies, and this is just another one. Get out there and cause some mayhem. The Elites and I will do our part."

He returned his attention to his puzzle, effectively ending the conversation, giving his student no chance to thank him.

" There is no door but close the flap on your way out " Jhonny said as he pointed towards the tents exit.

As Max got up to leave, Jhonny called out, "And do something about that hair, boy. At least tie it up."

Max rolled his eyes, a smile tugging at his lips as he said "I'll consider it, sir."

"Good," Jhonny said, his gaze never leaving his puzzle. "We'll be there, boy. Just keep your end of the bargain."

Max nodded and said " We will "

As Max walked out of the tent, a feeling of reassurance washed over him. Having Jhonny and the Elites on their side made him believe that they might just pull this off.

As he walked away, he couldn't help but touch his hair feeling that maybe a haircut wasn't such a bad idea after all.