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Love’s Cunning Ruse

Chapter 69
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Chapter 69

Julie couldn’t remember how she fell asleep last night. All she knew was that she was still sprawled on

Sansa’s hospital bed, when she woke up the next morning, her neck feeling a bit stiff.

She looked up at Sansa, who was, as usual, quietly lying on the bed, and then got up. After freshening

up, she headed to Dr Brice’s office.

Just as Dr. Brice arrived at his office, Julie knocked on the door.

“Back keeping Sansa company again?” Dr. Brice asked with a smile as he slipped on his lab coat.

Julie nodded and said, “Dr. Brice, I’m here today because I need a favor.”

“Anything you need, just say the word,” Dr. Brice replied.

Julie sat down across from him at his desk, nervously fidgeting with the hem of her shirt before finally

saying, as if making a big decision, “Do you have any connections with hospitals in other cities?

Preferably somewhere far”

“Why are you asking this all of a sudden?” Dr. Brice asked, taken aback.

I’ve decided to move to another city. And I want to take Sansa with me, Julie said. No matter what, she

couldn’t abandon Sansa.

Dr. Brice frowned slightly. “Sure, I know people at other hospitals. But why the sudden decision to

switch hospitals, and in another city no less?”

Dr. Brice knew about Julie’s situation and had always supported her over the years.

Julie managed a weak smile. “I just want a change of scenery. Thanks for everything you’ve done for

me over the years. If you know any hospitals in other cities, please make an introduction? I’d really

appreciate it!”

“How about Oakhurst? The head of Oakhurst Hospital is an old friend of mine. If you took Sansa there,

it would probably be easier all around. But the transfer fees to Oakhurst won’t be cheap.” Dr. Brice

looked at Julie hesitantly

Julie blinked in surprise, then said, “Didn’t someone donate money for Sansa’s treatment a while back?

Let’s use that.

“Alright,” Dr. Brice agreed. “I’ll get in contact with them. Let me know when you plan to go.”

“Sure. And there’s one more thing”

“Whatever it is, I’ll do my best, Dr. Brice replied generously.

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“I want you to keep it a secret that I’m taking Sansa to Oakhurst. If anyone asks about me in the future,

please don’t tell them.”

“Agreed” Dr. Brice knew that Julie had her reasons. He had known her for many years and knew her

character well.

Julie stood up, bowed in gratitude to Dr. Brice, and left the hospital.

However, leaving the city wasn’t going to be easy. The Accolade Law Firm had already contracted her

to represent them in a deal with Kieran. If she left, it would be a breach of contract.

So, on her way to Simpo Co., she arranged to have lunch with Porter to discuss the breach of contract


Kieran was very punctual when it came to work, so no one at Simpo Co. dared to be late.

But when Kieran arrived at the office, he didn’t see Julie.

“Where is she?” he asked, handing his coat to Karl.

Karl immediately knew who Kieran was asking about. He scanned the room and, seeing no sign of

Julie, told Kieran, I’ll go find her.”

“Just a minute,” Kieran called him back. “Any progress on the investigation into the person who

donated to Sansa?”

Karl shook his head. Tm still looking. Whoever it is, they’re keeping a low profile. But I’m sure it’s not


“Alright, you can go now

As soon as Karl left the office, he called Julie. She picked up quickly. “Ms. Abraham, it’s time for


“I’m in the CEO’s office, Julie replied.

Karl looked around, then said, “I don’t see you. Where in the CEO’s office are you?”

“Does Mr. Hernandez need me for something? If not, please find me when Mr. Hernandez is ready to

discuss the case with me, Julie said before hanging


Karl looked at his disconnected call, then at the office, and relayed Julie’s words to Kieran verbatim.

Kieran paused, pen in hand, and looked up at Karl. Tell her to come to my office. I want to discuss the

case with her.”

Karl called Julie again and relayed Kieran’s message. A few minutes later, Julie appeared in the CEO’s

office, proving she had been there.

“Mr. Hernandez, Julie greeted Kieran respectfully, then placed some documents in front of him.

“Defamation by the press occurs when the subject of a news report violates news regulations and other

legal norms, intentionally fabricates facts or negligently reports them, disseminates illegal or false news

to the public, thereby infringing on the rights of citizens, legal persons or other organizations, causing

illegal infringement. Creative Nexus Media’s news about your marriage.”

“Who taught you your legal knowledge? Kieran interrupted, putting down his pen and resting his long

fingers on the slightly yellowed pages.

Julie paused, then replied, “My teacher taught me

“Didn’t I teach you?” Kieran asked.

Julie was staring at his fingers, rhythmically tapping the table. Suddenly, she fell silent.

Make me a coffee, Kieran leaned back in his chair and said.

Julie turned and walked out of the office. Not half a minute later, she stood empty–handed in front of


“Where’s the coffee?” Kieran asked.

Julie shrugged casually and replied, “Tina knows your preferences better, and it’s her job anyway, so I

asked her to prepare it for you. She’ll probably bring It over any second now.”

Clearly, she was subtly rejecting his orders.

Nice move!

Soon enough, Tina walked in with two cups of coffee. Julie took them with a smile. Before she could

thank Tina, Kieran snatched the cup from her hand and told Tina, “Change hers to orange juice”

Tina hesitated for a second and quickly taking the cup meant for Julie from Kieran’s hand. As she was

about to turn and leave, she heard Julie say, “Never mind Thank you”

Tina left and closed the door behind her.

Julie looked at Kieran and said, “Mr. Hernandez, let’s continue our discussion. Once news infringement

occurs, the infringer should assume the corresponding legal responsibilities according to regulations.

The civil law stipulates ten ways for the infringer to assume civil responsibilities” “Come here,” Kieran

opened the documents prepared by Julie and stood up from his seat.

Then he gestured to Julie to come over and pointed to his chair, saying, “Sit down.”

Julie stood her ground and said, “Just say what you want.”

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“You come here and sit, or I come to you. You know the difference between you initiating and me

initiating. His voice turned chilly

In the end, Julie sat down in Kieran’s armchair. She knew very well the consequences of angering him

Kieran opened the documents she had prepared, one hand on the back of her chair, the other on the

table, and then he looked at her and asked, “Do you know why I chose you as the lawyer for this


Julie avoided eye contact with Kieran. She replied, “You didn’t choose me. You chose Accolade Law


Her straightforward answer left Kieran silent for a while.

Julie thought he would make a further move and had prepared a countermeasure, but she didn’t expect

Kieran to suddenly stand up straight and say to her casually. “You can leave now. Let Karl arrange the

relevant work for you.”

Kieran just let her leave without giving her a hard time.

This confused Julie a bit

A few minutes later, Kieran called Karl, “Check on Mrs. Hernandez’s recent activities.

Karl had just finished arranging work for Julie when he received Kieran’s call. The moment he heard

the title ‘Mrs. Hernandez, he had a bad feeling.

Karl immediately checked on Julie’s recent activities. He found out she had spent the night in the

hospital and had gone to Dr. Brice’s office first thing in the morning

Dr. Brice kept his promise and didn’t tell anyone about Sansa’s upcoming transfer. But if he were to

assist Sansa with the transfer, he would have to contact Oakhurst Hospital. Karl quickly discovered that

Dr. Brice had contacted the director of Oakhurst Hospital..

So, he reported to Mr. Hernandez, “Yesterday, Mrs. Hernandez spent the night in Miss Sansa’s hospital

room and went to Dr. Brice’s office early this morning. After Mrs. Hernandez left, Dr. Brice immediately

contacted the director of Oakhurst Hospital, saying he planned to transfer an unconscious patient from

Whispering Pines Hospital”

Karl had done a thorough investigation.

Did Julie want to transfer Sansa to Oakhurst?

Oakhurst and Whispering Pines, one in the south and one in the north.

Was Julie planning to run away with this decision?

Kieran’s eyes darkened at the thought. Karl took the initiative to propose, “Shall I go verify again?”

“No need,” Kieran abruptly stood up, grabbed his coat, and left the office.