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Love's Change of Heart

Chapter 16
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Chapter 16

It was the part-timer again. Neither of them said anything as they stared at each other.

Just as Louis was about to step forward again, Aidan's bodyguard appeared and quickly

subdued him.

Mia and the Patheon Club's manager rushed over just as the bodyguard was asking Aidan

on how to proceed with the situation.

Aidan did not seem to have the patience to further drag this on before coldly instructing,

"Call the police."

As such, the manager instantly rushed forward and pleaded, "President Pearson! President

Pearson, there must be some misunderstanding here. Louis doesn't usually do this. Hey,

Louis. Apologize to President Pearson now..."

Although Louis was restrained, he did not appear embarrassed; instead, he replied coldly,

"I won't apologize. He knew what he did."

"Well, you tell me. What did I do?"

Louis gave Mia a side-eye before looking at Aidan and scoffed, "Everyone knows about

your scandals. Do I have to spell it out for you?"

Mia's gaping mouth was hanging in the air just as she was about to refute, but she ended

up swallowing her words upon meeting with Aidan's indifferent gaze.

"President Pearson, when Miss Clark and... When she made a fuss at the entrance of

Patheon Club previously, many people witnessed it," the manager admitted in


Aidan returned his gaze to Louis before raising his hand to motion the bodyguards to take

him away.

"Hand me his information," Aidan said to the manager. With Louis' temper, he did not

seem like a righteous man playing a white knight in the eyes of Aidan.

As soon as the manager left, Mia hurriedly called out, "President Pearson, I..."

"Just take what I gave you while I'm still nice and don't even dream about other things by

coming at me with your pathetic ruses." With that, he went straight into the empty private

room next to him.

Biting her lower lip nervously, Mia was left standing alone and confused. How? How can

Leanna marry into the Pearson Family by worming her way in and when it comes to me, I

receive nothing?

Soon enough, the manager arrived at the private room with Louis' information. "President

Pearson, here's all the information you asked for."

Aidan cast a glance on the document and spit out two words, "Louis McKinney."

"Yes, President Pearson. He..."

"Does he have a sister?"

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"I don't know about that. I haven't heard him mention it," the manager was perplexed.

After that, Aidan set the document down and gave the manager a phone number. "Phone

this number and ask."

It was 11.00PM and Leanna was lying on her bed after taking a shower. She was about to

listen to music before going to bed when her phone rang.

"Hello. May I speak to Miss McKinney?" asked the person on the other end of the phone.

"Yes, speaking. May I know who this is?"

"I'm the manager of Patheon Club. Miss McKinney, is Louis your brother?"

The word 'Patheon Club' showered her a sense of discomfort, followed by her brother's

name which led her to be stunned and concerned. "Yes, he is. What happened?"

"Louis is a part-timer here, but he hit a guest while he was working earlier and I might

need you to come over, Miss McKinney," the manager explained politely.

As such, Leanna immediately lifted her sheets and answered, "I'll be right there!"

"Don't worry, Miss McKinney. Take your time."

For a moment, she was silent.

Leanna hurriedly changed her clothes after hanging up the phone. As soon as she walked

out of the bedroom, Zoe asked, "Nana, where are you going at this hour?"

"Louis has beaten someone, so I have to go over to the Patheon Club," she replied quickly.

"F*ck. Wait a minute, I'll get changed and drive you there." Zoe immediately became alert

and offered to accompany her friend.

Twenty minutes later, their car stopped at the entrance of Patheon Club.

Leanna and Zoe entered one after another, but one of them was stopped by the manager

when they arrived at the VIP room on the second floor. "Only Miss McKinney is needed."

A concerned Zoe wanted to say something before she was assured by her friend of her

safety. "Wait for me here, Zoe." After saying that, Leanna looked at the smiling manager

and had a gut feeling that something was sketchy. "Call the cops if I don't come out in ten

minutes," she told Zoe.

"Miss McKinney, please," the manager said as he pushed open the private room door.

The private room door was shut after she entered.

Looking at the closed door, Leanna clenched her phone nervously and slowly walked

further into the room. After only a few steps, she noticed a man with a lowered gaze

sitting alone on the couch.

At that sight, she could not be any more speechless.

"President Pearson," she addressed Aidan as she came to a halt.

However, he remained motionless as if he was asleep.

"If there is nothing much, I will leave first," she said after about thirty seconds of silence.

"Leanna McKinney."

"First, it was your father. Now, it's your brother. Why don't you just tell me what you

want?" Aidan opened his eyes calmly to look at her in an indifferent manner.

"I have no idea..."

"If you come clean to me now, I might consider fulfilling your pathetic wishes, but if you

haven't had enough of this game, don't blame me for being ruthless."

Leanna pursed her lips, unclear on what to say for a moment.

Judging from the way he acted and the sly attitude of the manager earlier, she thought

that Aidan deliberately planned this to trick her into coming here.

However, based on his words, that was clearly not the case.

She squinted in the dim light and saw that the corner of his mouth appeared to be bruised

with a red scab.

"Did Louis come to see you?" she asked after a brief silence.

"What do you think?" He stood up and approached her.

After being forced into the corner, she could finally see the wound on the corner of his

mouth and the bruise on his face much clearer.

"I'm sorry, I didn't know he'd come to look for you," she apologized.

"Do you think I'd buy this?" Aidan's eyes were half-squinted while his long fingers were

pinching her chin and raising it slightly.

"I can't do anything if you don't believe me. Louis knows I'm getting a divorce. Maybe he

thinks you did me wrong, so..." Meeting his cold gaze, Leanna tried to explain herself.

"Then, tell me. How did I do you wrong?"

She fell silent once again, but this time avoiding eye contact.

Don't you know what you have done? Do I have to spell it out?

Are you so proud of the things you've done to me, then?

Seeing that she was too embarrassed to respond, he spoke for her instead, "Your brother

believes that I have cheated on Mia and gotten her pregnant. Don't you think the same?"

After a moment, Leanna finally gave a patronizing smile. "Haha! President Pearson, it's a

joke. There's no such thing."

For someone like him, the act of cheating might even be justified as seeking for one's true

love. So, who was her to criticize him?

"Come on here," Aidan responded while turning and walking toward the couch.

She knew that she was in the wrong in this case, so she obediently followed suit.

Then, Aidan sat down on the couch with his slender legs crossed. While looking at the

medicine box on the table, he raised his chin to signal.

Upon receiving his signal, Leanna pouted and took the cotton swabs and iodine from the

medicine box. She then dutifully treated his wound while muttering, "If I had arrived later,

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your wound would have been healed."

He raised his gaze slowly and looked into her eyes. "Mia is not pregnant." Just like that, he

dropped the bomb.

"I hove no ideo..."

"If you come cleon to me now, I might consider fulfilling your pothetic wishes, but if you

hoven't hod enough of this gome, don't blome me for being ruthless."

Leonno pursed her lips, uncleor on whot to soy for o moment.

Judging from the woy he octed ond the sly ottitude of the monoger eorlier, she thought

thot Aidon deliberotely plonned this to trick her into coming here.

However, bosed on his words, thot wos cleorly not the cose.

She squinted in the dim light ond sow thot the corner of his mouth oppeored to be bruised

with o red scob.

"Did Louis come to see you?" she osked ofter o brief silence.

"Whot do you think?" He stood up ond opprooched her.

After being forced into the corner, she could finolly see the wound on the corner of his

mouth ond the bruise on his foce much cleorer.

"I'm sorry, I didn't know he'd come to look for you," she opologized.

"Do you think I'd buy this?" Aidon's eyes were holf-squinted while his long fingers were

pinching her chin ond roising it slightly.

"I con't do onything if you don't believe me. Louis knows I'm getting o divorce. Moybe he

thinks you did me wrong, so..." Meeting his cold goze, Leonno tried to exploin herself.

"Then, tell me. How did I do you wrong?"

She fell silent once ogoin, but this time ovoiding eye contoct.

Don't you know whot you hove done? Do I hove to spell it out?

Are you so proud of the things you've done to me, then?

Seeing thot she wos too emborrossed to respond, he spoke for her insteod, "Your brother

believes thot I hove cheoted on Mio ond gotten her pregnont. Don't you think the some?"

After o moment, Leonno finolly gove o potronizing smile. "Hoho! President Peorson, it's o

joke. There's no such thing."

For someone like him, the oct of cheoting might even be justified os seeking for one's true

love. So, who wos her to criticize him?

"Come on here," Aidon responded while turning ond wolking toword the couch.

She knew thot she wos in the wrong in this cose, so she obediently followed suit.

Then, Aidon sot down on the couch with his slender legs crossed. While looking ot the

medicine box on the toble, he roised his chin to signol.

Upon receiving his signol, Leonno pouted ond took the cotton swobs ond iodine from the

medicine box. She then dutifully treoted his wound while muttering, "If I hod orrived loter,

your wound would hove been heoled."

He roised his goze slowly ond looked into her eyes. "Mio is not pregnont." Just like thot, he

dropped the bomb.